Thursday 9 February 2017

The Farmer

For those of you who know, I can't thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers - it does help.   For anyone who has not yet heard = the farmer has a brain tumour.   He has not been well for some weeks and was undergoing tests.   It has now been confirmed that he has a brain tumour.

He has been in James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough, where they have looked after him wonderfully.   On Wednesday he came home, with masses of steroids, and we are both due to see the Specialist on Wednesday when we shall know more about what is happening.  

You can imagine we are both totally stunned by the news but are bearing up as well as we can.   I do sincerely thank you all for your group hugs, your thoughts and your prayers.   They are helping.


  1. sorry to hear this, thinking of you both and sending lots of virtual hugs

  2. Oh no! That's terrible news. What can I say - I'll be thinking of you both and praying treatment will be swift and effective.

  3. So sorry to hear this news Pat. x

  4. Pat, I didn't know as I have not been blogging much lately.

    My thoughts are with you this morning.

  5. Oh my goodness Pat, what horrible news. We send you our love and thoughts from Suffolk.

  6. So sorry to hear this horrid news. Obviously I thought something was not right as you normally post every day......hoped you just had a cold! Lots of love and good wishes to you and the Farmer. I hope he can get some quick and effective treatment . X

  7. You have friends across the world thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  8. Was worried when you did not appear, horrible shock, and I hope treatment will be helpful. My thoughts will be with you and wish you both the best. Love and hugs. xxx

  9. So very sorry to hear that. My friend's father, who is probably about the same age as The Farmer, had a brain tumour last year. In his case they were able to operate on it relatively easily, as it was "neatly" contained. I hope The Farmer's will turn out to be like that, too.
    All the best to you two.

  10. Sending positive thoughts and hugs.

  11. I've never commented before, but just had to say how sorry I am to read this, it must have been such a shock for you both. I hope the news next week is positive for you.

  12. So very sorry to hear this, our thoughts and best wishes, to you both, for good news.

  13. I am so sorry to hear this news. I'll be thinking of you, and sending virtual {{{{hugs}}}} to you and The Farmer.

  14. Just to say my prayers will be with you both.
    At the moment my particular prayer is that the time passes quickly till next Wednesday
    so that you can stop dreading what might be and begin to work with the reality.
    I'm sure time has already hung heavy as the various tests have been carried out.
    God bless you both and provide some friends and neighbours who can help you,
    both practically and by listening when you need to talk. Sue

  15. Sorry to read this Pat - we aren't far from the hospital - if there's anything we can do to help just let us know. 01287 644932 Dxxx

  16. Love and prayers for the Farmer, you,the doctors and a cure! Keep us posted as so many of us care about you both.

  17. So sorry to hear this Mrs Weaver but from what you have said in the past I guess that the farmer will face whatever is coming stoically, even bravely. It's good that he has you by his side. xxx

  18. Thinking of you Weave. I am sure the farmer will be business as usual as far as it can bexxx

  19. Oh dear Weaver. Sending hugs and healing vibes. xxx

  20. So sorry to hear that news Pat, all we can all do is hope that it is containable so that the Farmer can live his life to it's natural length. Best wishes.

  21. There is a whole lot of love flying around for you both pat
    Let that support the difficult times just a tiny bit

  22. Sorry to hear that my dear. Hope as Librarian says, it can be operated on. Sending much love to you both.

  23. I'm so sorry to hear this and sending good thoughts and prayers to you from Florida.

  24. Sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you both and hoping the Farmer is feeling better with the aid of this medication.

  25. So sorry for this news. lots of hugs and prayers to you and the farmer. Keep your chin up and know others are with you in this challenge.

  26. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.

  27. So sorry, all my best wishes to you both.

  28. Sending you both lots of love and good wishes from the other side of the pond. Please keep us updated as you're able.

  29. I'm sending you and the Farmer all my thoughts and love, Pat. I hope you have lots of support and people around you that you can turn to and let them help the both of you. -Jenn

  30. My husband was treated for a brain tumour at James Cook and the Friarage 14 years ago ,we both send you our thoughts and best wishes.
    Jill and Peter

  31. Haven't commented before, but I enjoy your blog very much. Sending love and prayers to you both xx

  32. I don't comment, but read your blog regularly. I was stunned to read this.......thinking of you both. Praying for best outcome.
    Life is so hard sometimes. And we just do the best we can.

  33. I do read you regularly but I just heard about this on John's blog, so I popped over to wish you and the Farmer well and add my ((hug)). Keeping my fingers and toes crossed and sending good thoughts and best wishes to you Pat. xx

  34. May all go well for the farmer in these coming weeks. Modern medicine CAN work miracles. Many people with health situations which are so scary when first diagnosed are so often cured and given a new lease on life. Both my husband and I are proof of this being cancer survivors ourselves. Be strong Pat and let your dear husband know he is in the thoughts and prayers of many people all around the world today - you are too of course my dear.

    Warm hugs - Mary

  35. Continuing prayers for you both.

  36. I'm sorry to hear that,it's like having the rug pulled from under you umm? My brother is at home recovering from having a tumour removed from his brain. I'll repeat that at home recovering. It's hard learning things over again when you are in your 60's but he is doing great. He sees improvement every day,it will be the same way with the farmer. He's a farmer after all, the toughest of all men, but they have the biggest hearts. Working the land does that to them, thank God. You and the farmer will always be in my heart and on my mind.Chin up,all will be fine. Sorry for the long comment.

  37. A big hug to you both. I've been worried about you. I like to be proactive in these situations. Duke University is the leader in brain tumors in the US and the techniques they are using now are state of the art. It might help to do a little research on the web about their latest techniques where they individualize tumor treatments. I'm sure he'll get the best of treatment there, but I always like to know the latest since there isn't much you can do, but to hold on for the ride. Much hope and love to you both.

  38. I did not know this. I thought perhaps you were on a cruise somewhere. I send prayers and good wishes for a good resolution to this. This is a tough time, but you will come through it. Hugs from Ohio.

  39. My thoughts are with you. I wish for nothing but the best for the farmer and you. Lots of love.

  40. Oh, the dear farmer! Wishing you both an easy journey through this new landscape.

  41. Be very strong, as I'm sure you will be! Hopefully the beautiful environment you are in will be a helpful factor.

  42. I am so sorry to hear this. Thinking about you both and hoping for all to go well in the coming weeks. Take care. xx

  43. I'm so sorry to read this. I wondered why you'd been quiet this week. Sending you both love x

  44. Dear Pat - I had hoped you were just away on a holiday. So very sorry to hear of the Farmer's health problems. I have two friends who have recovered quite nicely from brain tumours, and I hope that this will be the case with the Farmer. A life changing situation, but I know you are both strong, and I do wish you the very best. My heart is with you...

  45. Oh Weaver, how hard this must be for the two of you. I send my thoughts and prayers for you both.

  46. You and the Farmer are in my thoughts. Sure wish the internet could deliver something more tangible, but you do have a large group of virtual friends whose lives you have so gently and positively touched via your blog who are wishing the best. If possible, keep us posted as to developments. Take care.

  47. scarey it must be .. how life can turn on a dime... Its difficult to know what to say at a time like this... but what an outpouring of love you have here in your comments.. You and the Farmer will be in my thoughts.... sending you love and strength... deb

  48. I am so very sorry to hear this news. I love reading your blog and was worried when you were absent here. I know there are so many advanced treatments available... I will send you both my love and prayers for healing and peace.

  49. Oh Pat, what a shock to read this. I/m sending you and the Farmer lots of love and my best wishes. xo

  50. I always read your blog and do worry when there is none. I sincerely hope there is great comfort for you and the Farmer with all the love ,concern and kind wishes coming your way.

  51. So sorry to hear this, and hope that in the end, treatments will work and all will be well. Holding good thoughts.

  52. I'm so sorry to hear this. You're in my prayers.

  53. I am saddened to hear your news. I'm keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. God bless.

  54. I love reading your blog. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing the best for the two of you. Claudia from Israel.

  55. Very sorry to hear this. Wishing the best for both of you.

  56. I will light a candle for you and the Farmer.

    much love and hugs, gayle

  57. All good wishes and positive thoughts coming to you and the Farmer from New Zealand. I don't recall that I have commented before, but I have been reading your lovely blog, and John's, for some years. Good luck.

  58. Prayers to you, your family and the farmer from Detroit Michigan

  59. Sorry to read this Pat. Thinking of you both. Xx

  60. Stunned to hear about the Farmer. I hope things go as well as possible. All my love to you both.

  61. Thinking of you both at this difficult time.

  62. Love and prayers for you both. {HUG}
    Barbara x

  63. Dreadful news, try to be positive, both of you. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.

  64. I am very sorry to hear this and I am sending both of you good wishes.

  65. Ooh, I'm saddened to learn this Pat, the farmer and yourself will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending healing wishes your way dear friend.

  66. Your angels are circling. Love and hugs..milli,sister wendy and demon puss

  67. I send you positive and caring thoughts for the farmer and yourself. There are so many things they can do today in medicine and I pray that they will have have something to help your husband.

  68. Still being treated for cancer myself the word alone brings fear, but your farmer is a strong man. Treatment has improved so much now so pray that things will go your way soon. All our prayers are for you and your farmer dear Pat.

  69. Sorry to hear about your husband's tumor, Pat. Sooner or later, we all face these kinds of challenges, but that fact doesn't make the challenges any less daunting. All the best to both of you in the days ahead.

  70. Coming over from John's blog (and have add you to ours). Two men you don't know on the other side of the ocean are sending warm thoughts and healing energy to the farmer and yourself. Big hugs!!!

  71. Oh Pat, I am so sorry. I know this must be a frightening time for you both. Needless to say, you have moved straight up to the top of my prayer list and I will remember you often to God. Doctors can do remarkable things these days and I hope you both keep that in mind. And do know you have friends worldwide who will be rooting for you! Much Love, Pamela

  72. I am so sorry, Pat! My heart and mind and prayers are with you and your farmer. I lost your feed a while back and have had a hard time finding you again. The last three days I had the most pressing feeling I NEEDED to find your blog as I felt something bad was going on. Finally I made it here! For some reason I was kicked off the follow, but I'm back on now.

    Love you!
