Saturday 4 February 2017

Coffee morning.

Our Church Coffee Mornings have started up again into the new year.   I am not a church-goer but I always go (the first Saturday in the month) because as I live out of the village it is a good way of seeing one or two friends I might otherwise not see.

There were a lot of villagers there this morning and the usual buzz of conversation - a lovely atmosphere altogether.   A thermos of coffee on each table and a plate of biscuits.   A raffle table, a card stall, a jig saw and book stall - and most delightful of all - a home-made food stall with cakes, pies, marmalades and jams - and delight of delights Ann's Turkey Lasagnes.   She always saves me two which I freeze.   They are delicious and come in handy if I go away for the day and have to leave the farmer his lunch.

 Today I gave friend J a lift home afterwards - she suffers with a bad knee and a bad back - always worse in sharp weather like it is today.   Yesterday when we came home from the market it was ten degrees, today when I arrived home from the coffee morning the dashboard showed a temperature of one degree above freezing.   Quite a change.

Clear skies  - and my goodness how much lighter it is suddenly in the morning and how light it is in the evening - the rooks are not coming home to bed until after five now.   As so many have said in blogland this week - Spring can't be far away now.


  1. I know it is coming though nothing up from the soil yet. I think I need to water. We are in a state of drought.

  2. I think our winter might be over. I want more rain and snow
    It is already in the high 70's all this week.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I've only been in the UK for half the winter but it still feels like a long one. Meanwhile Sydney is experiencing one of its hottest summers ever, not pleasant apparently.

  4. Our weather has been kinder this week although I haven't noticed any signs of Spring yet. We had frost this morning and I am in two pairs of socks again tonight.

  5. Your Church Coffee Morning sounds delightful and like a mini-market. The temperature goes up and down sometimes during a morning. My hellebores are just showing colour and clumps of snowdrops are opening all around the garden. It's raining again so I prefer cold weather to stop the grass growing!

  6. Pat, I'm finally finding time to visit blogs this afternoon. What a busy week you have had! Hoping your heating improvement work at your cottage will soon be all sorted, so that your son and daughter-in-law will be warm. Still some winter to go! It's quite cold here today...mostly well below freezing, even though the sky was blue. xo

  7. Pat, my snowdrops have finally caught up with yours and are now in full flower. While the light in the evenings here is now stretching out to just after 5pm, it still seems to be struggling to get light much earlier in the mornings, still almost 7 before it starts getting light. Looking at the weather for this coming week you might need to revise your idea at how close Spring is, it's looking to be very cold by the end of the week with snow showers.

  8. Your coffee morning sounds lovely, will get LS to look at it, as he is on our Village Events.
    Weather improving, though it does rain a lot, but lovely to see the light returning.

  9. I think that church attendance would improve greatly if they just had coffee mornings, gym sessions, whist drives, concerts and bring and buy sales - doing away with all that religious claptrap. And yes, I agree, it's clear now that the days are lengthening

  10. A little further south, my aconites here have beaten yours to the punch. Looking out for coltsfoot now

  11. The coffee morning sounds charming. Snowdrops here in drifts and the rooks are checking out their summer roost again.

  12. We saw the first snowdrops and aconites here yesterday during a stroll in the palace grounds. It was cold (and is getting colder this week) after a mild spell last week, but it is still only February, after all.
    Your coffee mornings sound good. I don't know whether they would be enough to make me get up, dress and leave the house early on a Sunday morning, though; I much prefer sleeping a little longer and then, if I feel so inclined and the weather fits, go for a run or a walk after breakfast.

  13. I am worried that your haven't posted in a few days.
    I hope you are alright !

    xo, gayle

  14. John,from Going Gently,has said you need a hug,I'm offering you that. I'm hoping that everything is okay with you and your family.I read your blog often,though I'm here in Alberta,Canada I grew up on a farm,I find your blog something I can relate to and your blog makes me appreciate my up-bringing even more.You and your farmer all your family are in my thoughts.Hoping all is well,or getting better.

  15. Thanks to John at Going Gently i just realized i haven't seen a post from you in a while.. John said you needed a hug and i did join the group hug but i thought i'd pop over here so you'd know i was thinking about you... I will keep you close Pat and hope that everthing is fine or will be fine soon....... Hugs! Big Hugs! deb

  16. Pat, my thoughts are with you and the Farmer and, like so many of your followers, I'm praying all is well and that you can share positive news with us soon.
    Know that we miss you. You are special to me for your always lovely notes on the English countryside which I miss so much
    Hugs Mary -

  17. Oh Pat I do hope that all is well, no posts for a few days and now the group hug from John. Feeling worried.

  18. Clearly one or two of her close blogger friends are aware of what has happened but for the rest of us, who have become worried by the silence, it's a matter of waiting until Pat is able to tell us, and I feel for her.
