Saturday 10 December 2016

Thank you.

Thank-you so much for all your congratulations - not that any are due to me really; all I have done is worry the last few weeks and say I would be glad when it was all over.

My first parcel will be on its way on Monday morning.   I have knitted two cardigans in first size and hearing Ula'a weight and seeing her photograph makes me wonder whether they will fit.  So I need to get them there quickly.   I have also crocheted the pram blanket behind the jackets in the photograph.   The squares are pure Wensleydale Longwool.   The only thing is that it will not go in the washing machine other than on a cold wash, so it is that or hand wash, which is a nuisance with babies.   Still, I have enjoyed making it and am rather pleased with the finished article.   The three other cardigans I have knitted are all in six month size, so it is not so urgent to get them there.

I understand that mother and baby were going home this morning (they live in Glasgow) - one thing is for sure - from today their lives will be changed for ever.

Here us a little story about babies which will make you laugh.   A friend was telling me the other day how she was at tea with friends where mother and father were both doctors.   They had four children - two plus twins.   During tea one of the children explained to the table in general that she had heard that day at school how babies got into their mummies tummies, but when she explained, she had got it all wrong.   Father carefully explained the truth in quite explicit language at which she said in horror, "Did you and mummy actually do that four times?"   Her twin sister replied, "Don't be silly, it would only be three times because we are twins!"   Oh the innocence of little children - and how quickly it goes these days.


  1. Such a lucky baby. I wonder how many grandmas still knit.

  2. Love the story Pat. Your knitted items are so sweet and remind me of a parcel of lovely items an aunt of mine knitted for our first baby daughter. They were beautiful but sadly didn't last long as my husband stuffed them in the washing machine along with everything else and they came out like cardboard. Needless to say I never told her.

  3. Oh what a beautiful job you did. I think I would put those up for keepsakes, probably in a frame.

  4. Well done with knitting such gifts with love as well as wool . . . I am sure they will be well received and treated with care. I still have some smocked rompers and a little dress made by a dear friend of mine for my wee ones.

    Had to smile at the innocence of the Drs' children . . . how soon that goes these days.

  5. So gorgeous and soft looking; you have quite some talent in those hands of yours, Pat!

  6. I remember when my sister was born there was a lot of knitting being done, I was about 8 at the time I think. Mum did some, granny did some. I didn't.

  7. Pat, there is something so sweet to read about what you have been creating for that beautiful new baby girl. I'm sure they will be treasured. xo

  8. The Wensleydale pram blanket is beautiful and the story about the children hilarious; one aghast twin and one quick-witted twin.


  9. Pretty cardigans, you have been busy and the blanket looks warm as well, Wensleydale I haven't knitted with.

  10. So pretty! Amazing knitting. And that adorable blankie....

  11. Those are so sweet. I can't quite see the buttons, are they "fancy" ? I remember a neighbour lady made a yellow cardigan for our oldest when she was just tiny and it had little buttons with, I think, rabbits on them. My daughter wore that so often! What a lucky granddaughter! -Jenn

  12. Thanks everyone. Coffee - I hadn't sewn the buttons on - that is why you can't see them. I have just sewn the on today. Each has a little panda on and they are on a white background - parents said please not pink or blue!
