Wednesday 21 December 2016


Today we had our monthly Poetry gathering.   Yes, in the run-up to Christmas we decided that none of us would be too busy and that a relaxed afternoon would do us all good.   And we were right.

Most of the poems chosen had either a Christmas theme or a Solstice theme, today being the shortest day.   We always have the meeting in frend W's conservatory and the sky above was blue all afternoon although it was a cold day too.

Afterwards we had a cup of tea, as we always do, and a selection of 'goodies' to start off the Christmas season.   What a pleasure it is to meet with a group of friends who all love poetry and to spend what is my favourite afternoon of the month in their company.

It is all downhill for me now as I have so little left to do and can literally sit back and enjoy the next few days.


  1. That's the way it should be Pat. I'm at the computer, putting off making a messy batch of candy that the kids always want. But, off I am to make it.

  2. And I'm going to make a solstice punch. Cheers!

  3. Thank you for my christmas card! It arrived today...gave a lovely christmas xxxx

  4. I lovely way to start the Christmas festivities. I am just about ready and hate leaving things till the last minute.

  5. Did you read out the poem that Sue posted? I thought it was lovely.
    Hope you and the farmer have a wonderful Christmas.

  6. I am a new follower via John Gray. Have a lovely time.

  7. Such a lovely afternoon spent with friends.
    Here's hoping you have a most lovely holiday with The Farmer and family.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. I've just finished supper and sat down to read blogs and digest before I start another round of Christmas baking. Of course I had to stop in and read what you have been up to. I think you must have a very nice group of friends to get together regularly the way you do. Happy Solstice! -Jenn

  9. I'm pretty much done now too. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that I can find a really nice Turkey on Friday morning; they are more common than they used to be, as the French tend to eat Capons!

  10. It was like a poetic observatory
    When they gathered in the conservatory
    Though Carol Ann Duffy was purgatory
    Wordsworth and Hughes were affirmatory...


  11. Two full working days left, today and tomorrow, and then all I need to do is wrap up all the presents and bring the ones to my family on Christmas Eve and the ones for O.K. and his family which I will be taking to them on Christmas Day.
    Your poetry afternoons always sound so nice! I am not much of a poetry person, but I think I could get into it if it was with such a nice group of friends.

  12. It sounds a very civilised way to spend time. How lovely. Have a great Christmas if I don't 'see' you before :o) and thanks for all your posts this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them and have appreciated their calming influence x

  13. No wonder you look forward to your poetry group's get togethers. Friendship along with poetry, a great gathering place and tea and treats, as well...fantastic! No wonder everyone wanted to take time from somewhat frantic schedules to celebrate December. xo

  14. Good for you!
    Now we all envy you - but things here are pretty much under control.
    Saw kiddies yesterday. Daughter arrives tonight. Tree decorated.
    Cookies in oven for a a friend this afternoon.
    Have a lovely peaceful Christmas.
