Monday 19 December 2016

It draws near.

Providing one is well organised (or reasonably so) then I always think the last few days before Christmas are very frustrating.   The weather forecast for the UK suggests that the jet stream is going to be roaring across us throughout the holiday period and that we are in for almost everything it can throw at us.

I have an appointment every day of some kind or another regardless of the weather and as the farmer and I always spend Christmas day with just the two of us I am not overwhelmed with jobs.
Boxing Day there will only be five of us (1 of whom, my son, is vegetarian - but his meal is already in the freezer) plus my step great grand-daughter who is only ten months old so will not present much difficulty foodwise.

The freezer is packed solid, as is the store cupboard and the farmer always gets all my fruit and vegetables from our market on Friday morning when he goes down for our newspapers at half past six  (he doesn't have to queue!), so I
shall relax and take it easy over the whole period.

Shaking one or two of the wrapped presents which are already under the tree. I can tell we have some new jig saws.   We always spend Christmas afternoon and evening watching selected programmes on TV, playing Rummikub and doing a new jigsaw (and possibly having a warming drink and a mince pie along the way).  Can't come soon enough for me.   I hope you are all ready and not rushed off your feet.


  1. Shaking your presents? Wicked!

  2. I'm all sorted out, just need to wait for a delivery and I'm done. Feel very full of cold though, couhing terribly. I'm going to be a menace at work tomorrow.

  3. I just need to wait until 4pm Friday when I finish work. Then Christmas will officially begin for me.

  4. Sounds wonderful Pat and I had to laugh at you shaking the packages. If I were the farmer, I'd put a brick in there to throw you off.

  5. Wrapped presents under the tree already? You must be well organized!

  6. I've just checked our forecast. For Christmas Eve we're promised rain, and for Christmas Day it should be sunny. As I shall probably be spending most of both days indoors, it really doesn't bother me. Yes, all ready here too!

  7. I know I'm at odds with the rest of you but the best day of the whole holiday for me is New Years Day, that signals the fact that the whole palava is over with and we can get back to normal in so many ways. That said, I don't do Christmas in any way anyway and so it's not as though I get stressed out at all.

  8. I was amused at a letter in The Telegraph yesterday relating to Christmas and I quote, "we are constantly urged to stock up on extra food and drink for unexpected visitors. Are they exempt from stocking up their own larders, because they are paying unexpected visits to others and eating them out of house and home".

  9. Very late this year with our decorations but I am happy with them finally up.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. everything here is done and dusted,very low key affair just us and the dog, weather permitting we will head to the beach.

  11. I'm a lazy last minute Santa and the sack is practically empty.

  12. It will be very quiet here too for Christmas and I am ready. Glad you are well stocked in case the forecast is correct. We seem to miss the worst of any extreme weather and are blessed with several willing helpers to nip to the supermarket should it be necessary. I used to love a hectic Christmas but this year will be the quietest one ever for us - I shall relax and enjoy it.

  13. Like most married couples, you and the farmer seem to enjoy rummikub but rummikub during The Queen's Christmas Message seems somehow disrespectful.

  14. You do seem so very well organized!
    Wishing you both a lovely , peaceful and relaxing day!

  15. Your day with the farmer sounds nice and serene by comparison to most loud, chaotic gatherings. I'm late with so much of my buying and decorating and preparing, so am looking forward to being done work and relaxing. We were just talking about vegetarian options for Christmas at work yesterday. What did you prepare for your son? -Jenn

  16. Not stressful for me, either, although I will be working until late on Friday, and for us here in Germany, Christmas as such happens on the 24th.
    My parents host our family dinner, and on the 25th, I will be travelling to O.K.'s to join his family for the next two days.
    Presents are nearly all complete safe one or two minor things which I already know where to get. The tree will be at my parents', so nothing to do for me but wrap the prezzies I have bought for the family. My fridge looks like always - maybe 20 % full, which is more than enough for one single person.

  17. Thanks everyone. Decorations up this afternoon - not many because it is just too much trouble - just enough to make it look at bit cheerful. Two cakes iced and ready to go - one to my son and one to my own cake tin!

  18. I'm getting all my cooking done today and tomorrow. I will be glad when we get too the day so we can start to relax.

    Merry Christmas!


  19. Merry Christmas to everyone. I am already feeling festive.

  20. Confined to barracks on account of a cold I am missing some singing and service events but it gave me time to make two pair of mittens for great grand. Family here Christmas Eve for oyster stew and beef for those who can't abide oysters. A quiet Christmas dinner and then Boxing Day. Eight family birthdays before the 10th of January, including my 92nd, but then things should quieten down a bit. Love Christmas....
