Friday 16 December 2016


Well, I must say it has been slightly lighter today - all relative of course but at least the fog cleared for part of the day although it looks to be in danger of returning to some extent this evening.

This morning was my usual meeting with friends for coffee (and toasted teacakes for some), then a wander round our lovely market (already looking very Christmassy) then home for lunch.   After lunch the farmer and I drove down to our feed merchants - another job done for the christmas break - well stocked up with cat food, dog food, bird food and hen food 

I must say that there is something I love about the almost colourless scene of this time of year.   (if you look closely then there is colour to be seen) and on the return journey I took a few photographs.    Please bear in mind that the farmer never slows down for photographs, so they were taken at speed.   But they do show that for a while at least the fog had all but disappeared.
This pretty cottage stands at the entrance to the Jervaulx estate.   I like the smoke rising from the chimey - telling us that somebody is in and that they are snug and warm.
Passing the bottom of the village of East Witton - which has one of the largest village greens in the country.   This was once an estate village, but over the years the cottages have been sold off.   The Blue Lion - a very upmarket restaurant-is at the bottom of the green - in fact we were passing it when I took the photograph.
Crossing over the River Ure by Ulshaw bridge - one of my favourites in the whole area.   The river is not high - there has been little rain lately.
Driving up 'our' lane - almost home!

Finally - I make four Christmas cakes each year - three as presents and one for ourselves.   I have just finished decorating the first one for friend G.   I thought you might like to see it.



  1. Gorgeous cake and lovely Christmassy colours.
    It has been gloomy,damp and misty most of the day today. I've had the light on all afternoon.
    Thank you for saying the hat looked OK, I'm still not sure!

  2. Wonderful cake Pat. Sure the recipients look forward to it.

  3. I have another week of work. I like this time of year. Bleak. Time for the cello.

  4. What a fabulous looking cake. They look like jewels on the top.

  5. Lovely cake. The photos are lovely.

  6. Your friends must me thrilled with their Christmas cakes - they are a feast for the eyes! We finally have some summer days here in New Zeland, but our weather has been patchy, to say the least, so far this summer. We're hoping for a sunny Christmas day. Barbecues and salads are the order of the day for a NZ christmas - so different from yours!

  7. Your cake is lovely. If left alone with one of those, I would eat it, one slice at a time. Possibly over two days, but maybe not.

  8. Super cake the fruits look like jewels! Nearly home such a nice feeling.

  9. Lovely cake, lucky friend. I too find beauty in the sparseness of winter.

  10. I'm sure I could manage one piece of that cake - maybe even two pieces.


  11. A beautifully decorated cake - just the thing for a gloomy day.

  12. That's SOME cake. Ours simply has marzipan on it, with a few Robins etc. It's traditional here to give presents of dried fruits, nuts, etc, in a basket; your cake reminds me of that.

  13. Yes the cake does look delicious and so pretty on top. The darkness will soon be rolling away, and then, of course if the weather follows the old patterns we shall have ice and snow in those two cold months, January and February. Our river is still low, perhaps we should be grateful for less rain and flooding though.

  14. Your cake looks wonderful. I don't like much icing and to have glazed fruit and nuts instead would be a real treat.
    Beautiful photos - even at speed! Yorkshire has some lovely villages. I love the look of winter trees, especially when they seem to be 'layered' one behind the other. They look almost lacey.
    I am about to do an online Christmas shop and then I'll be just about ready.

  15. Fantastic cake - it looks so beautiful - what a shame to cut it. But there again, I wouldn't refuse a piece !
    I'm trying to imagine the outdoor photos in bright sunshine and with the trees in leaf... so different from these miserable days of deep winter.

  16. What a great cake, perfect for a present! A bit gloomy here, too, but we've had a few hours of sunshine yesterday and the day before.
    The cottage looks nice and homely, I am spinning a story in ny head about the people living there.

  17. Lovely photos - we can see everything exactly -even though you didn't have time to compose them.
    Yes, I love this dark times of year -snowing here this morning.
    Christmas cake looks splendid!

  18. I love seeing the pictures from your part of the world! The hedges, the cottages, it's all so beautiful. Your cake is so pretty and shiny. That is a lovely tradition that you keep. -Jenn
