Wednesday 9 November 2016

What a day!

In all senses of the word.   I switched on the television to see how the American election was doing - but switched it off again.   At the moment it is all too depressing.

Then looking out of the window, we have had four inches of wet snow overnight and it is snowing still.  I hardly expect there will be an exercise class this afternoon as our tutor comes from about twelve miles away - all uphill - and the roads are very slippery according to the farmer, who has been into town for the papers (which were absolutely on time, so they can't be bad everywhere).

The wood burner is lit, I have unearthed a heavy, long cardigan, and if the class is cancelled I shall spend the afternoon sewing together my crochet squares to form a blanket for the new baby's buggy (when it comes in three weeks time) and doing the Times crossword.

I shall try not to think of the election results, about which I can do absolutely nothing anyway.


  1. I haven't dared to find out what is happening in America. As you say, there is nothing we can do about it.
    Your crocheted squares will make a lovely cosy buggy blanket, perfect for the time of year. The snow looks so beautiful but does make life difficult for everyone. Hope you don't have too much disruption. Keep warm.
    Sewing the squares together will keep your knees cosy!

  2. Lovely snowy pictures Pat.
    Here in North Kent we've had 12 hours continuous and fairly heavy rain and it's still raining at the moment and so our four month drought is well and truly over.

    I'm surprised at how many people from this country are getting so involved, uptight even, with the American elections. Let's face it it the Americans are so childish that they'd vote in Mickey Mouse if they thought it was different.
    Me, I'm currently enjoying the Test Match from India.

  3. What lovely snow! I honestly can't believe I'm saying that...but, it is so pretty when it sticks to everything like that. I hope that you and the farmer stay warm and safe today.

    Working on a crochet project is the perfect thing for such a day. That baby will be lucky to have such a present!

    Words fail me on the entire election and its outcome. But, I must agree with the comment above that said "Americans are so childish..." and I AM American.

  4. Yes the Americans have spoken like they have a right to do, just like we had our chance to speak earlier this year.
    Your snowy scenes look lovely perfect day to spend by the fire stay warm :-)

  5. Good Morning Pat, I have to say, the America Presidential election results were quite a shock, but the people have voted and now we will have to await the outcome.
    I live in Newcastle and we were given a weather warning yesterday. It was freezing cold, but the snow missed us and made it's way down to you. I don't mind the snow, but when we can't get out and about because of it, then I get a little frustrated.
    I have picked up my crochet hook after many years and I am enjoying myself. I love the design on your crochet squares.... it will certainly be a lovely baby blanket.
    Stay cosy and warm.
    Best Wishes

  6. Quick! Photograph it! Christmas cards solved! Oh, silly me - you already have.

  7. Pouring with rain in Sydney right now. I like those snowy photos, I don't really belong in Oz.

  8. I am surprised winter has arrived so early. Here it is very wet but no snow. Nothing to worry about otherwise. Enjoy your day.

  9. Dear Pat
    loved your Christmassy scenes.
    I'm in tears.
    It's so awful

    let's just think of the kiddies
    love your charming blanket
    I'm back to knitting little hats to raise money for refugees....
    much love

    ps it isn't my fault. I voted for Hillary.

  10. Good move Pat...I'm editing pics from my visit to the family in Belfast last week...that will cheer me up in this vacuum of a day!!

  11. No comment on elections, just lets sit and knit and crochet, the baby blanket will look lovely when finished. And yes we did have a dusting of snow but it is all turning to rain at the moment.

  12. The snow does look pretty. That baby blanket will be lovely when it is all done! -Jenn

  13. Please - let us not call each other generalized hurtful names - there is far too much of that going on in the world. We all have to make the best of what and/or where we are - let's pull together and help each other up when we can.

    Your snow is beautiful - though I'm glad it is at your house and not mine. We have lots of rain in NW Washington state - winter is mostly very green here - with wonderful long hours to crochet and have a friendly cup of tea.

  14. A new snowfall always looks pretty ---- from indoors.

  15. Our eldest daughter has spoken of snow in Sheffield, but it's not laying on the pavements/roads yet. I hope she's got her Liberty Bodice on!

    That is such a pretty baby blanket you've been making. It will keep the new winter baby snug and warm, that's for sure.

  16. On a day with so much terrible news it is wonderful to see a snowy scene and to imagine you sewing together your beautiful squares for your new grandchild.

  17. Wonderful snow scenes, but it can make life outside hazardous, so take care, Pat, you and the Farmer,
    Margaret P

  18. Yes we Americans have spoken........for better or worse... But we had the freedom of choice to do so... I think so many of us wanted change... not the status quo with Hillary... Was Trump the best option... no ... was he our only option..yes.. I think there was a huge silent majority who didn't want to say they were voting for him but then did in the end... here we go........Hugs! deb

  19. It is a dark day indeed Pat. And many dark days to come. I am heartsick. Just remember half of us Americans are heartbroken. Your quilt squares are wonderful with such pretty colors. Do show us the finished quilt.

  20. Horrible day, in all senses.I cycled in through a cold wind blowing colder rain into my face. Luckily my new waterproof trousers worked a treat. Looking forward to having some dry winter adventures in them.

  21. The pictures are beautiful and even more from the comfort of our sunny days here. I like snow, but only for a day or so, then I wish it goes away.

    Re; the Boston soup, Pat. It was delicious, thank you, and it's also so easy to make; I'm determined to do it quite often, seeing husband had double servings. :)
    Greetings Maria x

  22. Thank you for the photos of the snow scenes and your pretty crocheting. I am doing laundry. Tired after a sleepless night.


  23. What beautiful photos of the snow . It is much cooler here in Tucson. Lots of sunshine and blue ski, only a high of 80 but it is windy.
    The new baby blanket is lovely and will be much needed.

    cheers, parsnip

  24. I love your snowy photos, no snow here just lots and lots of rain :-(

    It was a shock to see the news on the television this morning, I just had to turn it on for a peek .... I should have stayed not knowing for a little while longer ... the world has officially gone mad!!

    The crochet is so neat, absolutely beautiful and a very good way to spend a snowy day.

  25. Your squares brightened a sad and depressing day

  26. Nice to hear from you Daphne. I have tried to leave a comments on your blog but can't see how to do so. The squares I have crotcheted are in Wensleydale Wool.
    Elizabeth - let's just hope that things are not as bad as they seem today.

    Thanks to everyone for joining in.

  27. Trump gets elected and the first snow comes down in Bellerby. Is there a link? Perhaps it's a message from The Almighty.

  28. It's the wind of change Pat. It's been blowing for some time. And I don't mean the snow. It'll all be OK. You'll see. The end of the cold war that we see clearly from here is thankfully in sight. The EU top brass who thought they were going to get a slice of Ukraine are now squirming like a basket of snakes.

    Merkel recently told the Germans to sing Christmas songs and learn to play the flute to cheer themselves up. Apropos all these people drowning one of her ministers said the ones fortunate to be rescued should be dumped in Tunisia and Egypt.

  29. The welcome mat is packed away.

  30. Lovely snowy photos, I love your crochet squares,they look so warm.

  31. I'm still in shock. Devastated. After the grace and elegance of the Obamas, the contrast is jarring. I don't even want to LOOK at Trump right now and we have four long years ahead of us. We have survived this and more but, like you, I worry because this man is so callous and unfeeling toward others, and does not seem very bright.

    Thank you for the lovely pictures. They helped.

  32. Lovely photos of the snow and your quilt.

    A sunny day in Toronto with brisk, cold winds: just a reminder that we too could have snow any day now.

    American politics -- it may be interesting to find out what Mr. Trump will not be able to do. The previous President had his difficulties as Congress seems to have the final say.

  33. Thanks everyone. I must say that I like the spirit of optimism that is beginning to
    creep in. Long may it continue.
    Gwil - I still can't get on to your site to leave a reply. Can you - or anyone else - please tell me how to do so?

  34. Thanks for the sympathy. We are going to need it. I have a feeling half of the country is going to wake up to a Brexit moment soon, thinking "what have we done?"
