Tuesday 8 November 2016

Busy(ish) day

This morning it was an early delivery from Tesco of my groceries ordered on-line.   It was an especially long list of things as I have friends P and D  coming for the week-end.   As they live in Windermere in the Lake District, I am hoping that the weather, which is very cold, does not take a turn for the worse.   Whichever way they come they have to come over the high Pennines.   The farmer has just passed me and says the forecast is for snow overnight and then 'not a bad day tomorrow' - so we shall have to wait and see (or to use the farmer's usual expression regarding the weather 'we shall just have to take what comes'.)


Today a large skip was delivered to the farm as the farmer has decided to really begin a major clear up.   By this evening the skip is full, so the company are collecting it tomorrow and delivering another empty one.   At last!


Friend W and I have been into Northallerton this afternoon to the new Marks and Spencer's Food Outlet.   It was very good - lovely fresh food and nice wide aisles so that it was easy to negotiate regardless of how many people were there.   As it happens  it was not too busy.


I even bought my Christmas turkey (that makes Christmas seem very near) and have put it into the freezer, so that is one thing off my mind.   If you are interested - there are actually thirty three shopping days to go (I am not counting Saturdays and Sundays because anyone who voluntarily joins the mad Christmas rush at the week-ends unless they positively can't avoid it has my full sympathy).


Next job is to go and empty the dishwasher and put the contents away.   See you tomorrow - it is back to Exercise class again after a three week gap, so there will be some aches and pains by Thursday I guess. 






  1. What full days you have dear Pat. Our temperatures have just dropped into the sixties and we had rain. Now that is winter on its way here. I have to get a Thanksgiving turkey and I don't think we'll have many guests this year so I'm dropping hints about eating out for Thanksgiving. With two whole days of cooking, I'm tired already.

  2. Very curious to know what I'll be cycling to work in tomorrow! Eeeep! We might miss the snow, but we'll get rain

  3. A full skip! Hooray. We call them dumpsters, here. Dumpty dump dump.

  4. Good luck with your exercise class - hope there are not too many aches and pains. I also hope your friends arrive without the weather causing any disruptions to their journey. I haven't even thought about Christmas yet as we shall be very quiet this year, though I have bought my Christmas cards. How lovely to have two skips to fill! My husband loves to keep almost anything 'in case someone wants it or it comes in useful'.

  5. I've been doing Christmas shopping also! I have to get it all out of the way before I have to start buying food for the meals and all the company.


  6. I'll bet that feels good, to get rid of some farm clutter! Well done getting your Christmas turkey already, but your shopping days countdown gives me anxiety !! -Jenn

  7. I always buy two Turkeys. One I buy as soon as they hit the butcher's, and I put it into the freezer. The other one I hope to buy a couple of days later (on about Dec 23rd), and if successful would be the one we eat on Christmas day. Otherwise the frozen one comes out. Nothing happens in this house before about Dec 20th.

  8. Gawd, here we go again, bloody Christmas talk and everybody trying to outdo each other with how organised they are. I detest Christmas, all the excessive spending that goes with it and the fact that it always has to be turkey. One of the great joys of living on my own is that I don't have to get involved in all that nonsense and resent the fact that I'm treated as some kind of oddball because of it - "what, you don't like Christmas, everybody likes Christmas".
    Am I the only one on here that thinks that way?

  9. It must be so good to have groceries delivered to your door! The major supermarkets or groceries stores here in Germany don't really do that; there have been a few half-hearted attempts, but it has not (yet?) really taken off here.
    The image of skips full of clutter being shipped off the farm is good, and it is nice to know you'll have friends staying the weekend. I hope their drive goes well.

    No snow here yet, but we're expecting some every day now; not that it will stay on the ground (I hope!).

  10. Turkey for us too. Nice to be able to have a turkey sandwich for tea. Raining here in the east as I go to work but nothing to be miserable about. Have a lovely day in the Dales. I like the bold print in this post by the way.
