Tuesday 11 October 2016


It happens every year.   Suddenly there is a dramatic change.   For a few weeks it seems to get dark just a tiny bit earlier each night and then suddenly you look out of the window (as I did tonight) at six o'clock and it is almost dark.   Alright, to it was a cloudy, wet night, but had it been otherwise it would still have been dusk.

And the same goes for the weather.   Just three weeks into Autumn and  after several weeks of pleasant, sunny weather, suddenly it is cold - and I really do mean cold.   Today it has never got to what I would really call daylight and has just been gloomy.   Sitting in our usual Tuesday morning cafe relieved the gloom for a couple of hours but that was the coffee, the toasted tea cakes and the friends more than the weather outside the window.

And then there are the leaves on the trees.  Or rather there were the leaves on the trees, but over the last three or four days, as far as the ash trees are concerned, it is more the leaves off the trees.  I was hoping for a glorious, colourful Autumn - so come on weather - give us a change for the better.


  1. I know just what you mean...slowly and then all of a sudden. Frost overnight which gives a very chilly start to the day here in Ottawa area. The leaves are glorious right now; probably the best before a big wind will make them drop. Bundle up!

  2. Oh good, I thought this was only happening here but now I understand that we are not under some autumnish curse. Well, for a while there will still be colours and smells and apples to enjoy but then....If I only had a good gardener like Ray have, our garden is sadly neglected this autumn. Writing this I can hear the nauseating voices of the Hollywood wifes, swedish bimbos living in Hollywood, having arguments for wartime that is absolutely , oh, I lack words. Are they for real??? They can't be. How can people live like that, having no clue to any real life, or is it all a put-up??? I hope so. Please grow up girls, get rid of the botox scattered all over you and take a look at the world!!
    I for one thank you Weaver for all these solemn , entertaining and wise posts that you write. It's rather like reading mail from an older sister!!!

  3. Maybe Pat, some trees left will turn bright hues just for you. I don't like early dusks.

  4. We have had clear blue skies (sorry) but it is noticably colder first thing and in the evening and we are kicking the draught excluder up to the door and pulling the heavy curtain across. I'll be hanging the Winter curtains in the kitchen again soon too.

    The Ash trees round here (we have lots of them in Wales) have mostly lost all their leaves already, although the big Chestnut the other side of the valley beat them to it.

    Time to blow the dust off your Liberty Bodice now Pat!!

  5. North East Scotland. Woodburner on, curtains closed, as you say - suddenly.

  6. Toasted teacakes make up for all the winter's woes!

  7. The gloves are now on in the morning, and also starting to wonder where my winter hats are. Dreading the winter starts, the purple agonised hands

  8. Who cares about the weather when you've got coffee, toasted teacakes and friends!

  9. It's cold, no doubt about it.I think we can't hope for much improvement until next May.

  10. Same suddenly cold, dark after supper and leaves falling here! It's fall.

  11. It does sneak up on us, doesn't it? I was just thinking that when I looked outside and it was dark around 6:00. I LOVE Fall, but I'm not sure I'm ready for winter!

  12. I've been wondering this weekend if autumn always arrives rather suddenly without a transition to ease us in--maybe we forget from year to year!

  13. The dark mornings mean that I can't get out for my early walk with Bok until nearly 8 am at the earliest. This mucks up my day considerably.

  14. The leaves have been coming off the trees here in Kent for some time but due to the drought more than the time of year. We need some nice frosts to see good autumn colours on the trees and while it's turned much colder, it's also, fortunately, at last turned wetter here rather than frosty. In answer to your comment on my blog Pat, I'm only several hundred yards from the beach and then beyond, the Thames Estuary and North Sea, so cold winds from the North or East, like now, sweep across my garden quite icily.

  15. Yesterday, I wore boots and gloves (along with a padded winter coat) for the first time this season - and I really wasn't too warm with all that!
    Strangely enough, in spite of the cold nights we've been having (down to 3-4 Celsius), there are still green leaves on many trees around, including the cherry tree in front of my kitchen window and the mulberry tree in the back garden.
    Good for you to go out to meet your friends, no matter the weather! I have a tendency to retreat to cosy nights home after work, but then of course I can only get to places when I walk, and cold and darkness puts me off. Once I'm home from work, I shut my door behind me, crank up the heating and that's it!

  16. It made me smile to think that Fairtrader thinks of me as an 'older sister'! For years I had a sister like that - and I never took her advice, so that makes me realise I must not give advice on this blog!!

    Glad the same kind of weather affects us all, although i must say that this morning the sun is blazing forth as I write (9am)

  17. Leaves have started to fall from the trees down here, but the trees themselves still look quite green with just a suggestion of yellow here and there. It has got colder but if the sun shines it is still quite pleasant. What ever the weather does, meeting friends for coffee is always a good thing.

  18. I love fall, even though it means shorter days. It's a happy trade from the heat and humidity of summer.

  19. At least we don't get smogs anymore.

  20. It does happen suddenly...although, in reality it slow, but bam there it is!


  21. If there was a political party that promised to ban British Summertime and the related clock changing nonsense, I would probably support it. You think it's getting dark at night now, just wait till the evening of Sunday October 30th.

  22. I am worried , we needto sort out the cottage heating before winter x

  23. Our fall is very quiet. After our hot hot super hot summers the cooler evenings and still warm days (90+) makes for a wonderful time for us. .The days just start to feel lovely and smell like our fall.
    Our trees/leaves down here in the foothills and valley really do not change that much but several trees do lose there leaves.
    But fall in the desert does have it's changes.

    cheers, parsnip
