Thursday 13 October 2016

Put the flag out!

Earlier in the year, when I briefly went into hospital, I lost my watch.   The farmer had bought it for me for christmas quite a few years ago and I loved it.

At first I thought I had left it in hospital, but a call there could find no record of it being handed in.   I went through all the likely places at home and through all my pockets in the wardrobe in case I had slipped it in one of them.   But there was no trace anywhere.

I gave it up as lost, but the farmer insisted that one day I would come across it.

Because we have guests coming next week I have been doing a bit of straightening up and cleaning (nothing like someone coming to stay to make you look seriously at cobwebs).

On Monday my cleaner and I cleaned the utility room together and out from under the sideboard rolled a ball in the shape of Santa Clause which Tess had in her stocking a few years ago.   Since then Tess has played with it non-stop, bounding up and down and putting it at my feet in an effort to get me to throw it for her.

Her toys are kept in a tin between my chair and my cookery bookcase in the kitchen.   The tin is full to overflowing and last evening I decided (when she was not looking) to clean it out and throw some of the old, tatty ones away.

And what was in the bottom of the tin???   My watch.   How had it got there?   I can't begin to speculate.   Maybe it had slipped off my wrist - I do use those shelves a lot because the top shelf holds all my reference books for crosswords and the like.   But I shall never know.

Sufficient to say that I have welcomed it back like an old friend.   It has stopped working but I think that is probably the battery, so shall take it for a new one later today and hope that it works then.

So the farmer was right - sooner or later I did come across it; and in the last place I would have thought of looking.


  1. Loved your story! I often have that feeling...that if I just wait it out a bit, I might come across something that has gone missing. I have stopped telling my family when I lose something...because it is happening more frequently. For is between the car seat and under the car seat...amazing what can collect down there! Glad you found your watch! ;)

  2. Hooray!
    I'm so glad you found it.
    I hate when I lose things, but more often than not they do turn up. ...and almost always in an unexpected place.

  3. love it when the unexpected turns up again

  4. My wife lost her watch whilst trying to restrain our two dogs (at the time), she found it later having been run-over by a tractor a several cars (the watch); it was still going.

  5. You seem to have had a visitation from the Borrowers.

  6. I love it when I find things that I have lost!

  7. I once found my "lost" shoes in the fridge. I wish I could have the excuse that they walked in there on their own!
    Greetings Maria x

  8. As requested, I have put the flag out to celebrate the re-discovery of your watch...but you didn't say which flag so I just guessed - Switzerland. It's hanging out there now - limp in the mid-October drizzle.

  9. Whenever I go out, my youngest terrier looks for any small item of clothing such as a sock, or a shoe, and takes it to her basket but never, ever damages it.

  10. Wasn't there a watch found in a fish and it was still ticking away, or maybe it was just a fishermans tale.

    Tess knew where it was all along ;-)

  11. What luck. I once found my class ring in the garden after tilling it. My bet is on the Borrowers.

  12. When packing to move I found a small item in the bottom of my pencil jar. It went missing five years ago, and no one fessed up. It didn't fall in; I see that I absently mindlessly put it in the jar, and down it slipped.

  13. It's amazing how often that happens isn't it? Years later in some cases. I think the faeries pinch things and return them when they're done with them :o)

  14. Gosh its funny how things happen like that... When you stand around with your hands on your hips and say ' I've looked EVERYWHERE' Theres one place you haven't looked and thats where it will However i lost the diamond in my engagement ring while we were out in the field hauling hay.... i daresay we will never find a diamond in the hay...... Hugs! deb

  15. Glad you found your watch! Usually when we lose something the only way to find it is to buy a replacement.

  16. Yes, happy endings are to be celebrated! I'm also inclined to give some weight to the Borrowers theory. I've seen it apply a few times around my home.

    I'll bet the Farmer was also very pleased. xo

  17. Isn't it lovely when you finally find something that you thought was lost forever?

  18. I must say that it is like meeting up with an old friend again. Thanks for joining in my celebrations.

  19. I shall raise my glass (of tap water, sorry) to you and your long lost friend!

    There is a saying in Germany that "a house loses nothing". And it's true, isn't it.

  20. We had a red cutting tool. It was so handy. It had a retractable blade, as well as a nifty recessed blade that you could run along the edges of sealed up plastic packaging that was normally difficult to open. We used it for so many things. Then it went missing. I accused my husband of taking it out to the shop as he does many things, and then not being able to find it. I had given up hope and had actually forgotten about it. Then a couple of months ago, I was pulling out furniture and really doing a good cleaning of our bedroom. After hauling out the bed and a night stand, I found the red cutting tool jammed beside the wall! Lord only knows how it ended up there, but it was like finding an old friend. -Jenn
