Wednesday 19 October 2016

32 weeks and counting.

I am shortly to become a great-grandmother again - in about a month.   Today my grand-daughter sent me a photograph of her thirty two week scan, showing the baby sucking its fist.  (they do not want to know the sex beforehand).

It took me back fifty-eight years ago, when I was expecting my son.   Then you went to the doctor when you suspected you might be pregnant, he sent you to a clinic attached to the maternity unit where you had chosen to have the baby and you went there once a month.   That was it really.

Now there are so many 'photographs', blood tests and the like - progress is staggering really.   I suppose it is the same in all areas of
health, but they certainly keep their eye on you, which is good.  

So I shall keep you informed of progress from now on.   Looks like only four more weeks to go.   She is still teaching as I write this and is feeling very well, so I hope now that all goes well for her.


  1. Happy days are here again. If you knit a pink and blue hat you can't go wrong!

  2. How wonderful that will be - a new great grandchild in the family (I nearly wrote great grand daughter there). I have yet to have even a whisper of a grandchild (only one of my offspring is in a relationship). I hope it all goes smoothly, and congratulations.

  3. How very exciting!
    It's amazing how many pictures of the baby you get to see before the baby ever arrives. Times have certainly changed since I was an expectant mother.
    Best wishes to all!

  4. Do they live near Pat? Better finish all that sewing and knitting.

  5. How exciting for you! Is the knitting finished? I was impressed with the available maternity care - including pre-conception medication that close to eliminates the possibility of spina bifida. I still think it's high time someone invented a zip though - labour is still hard work and pretty dangerous; definitely not for the fainthearted!

    Good luck to them.

  6. awwwww this is so wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Congratulations, I know you must be busy knitting away. I remember my pregnancy too, they put me on diet pills the last month so I wouldn't gain too much weight. I ended up putting on only 9lbs and our daughter weighed 5lbs14oz. How scary is that.

  8. Dear Pat, thank you for sharing this good news with us. It looks as if you might be keeping your knitting needles busy. xo

  9. That's wonderful news! Yes, there are many more ultrasound scans these days. The three-dimensional ones are pretty amazing. It's like being able to meet your baby before it is born. Hope all goes well. -Jenn

  10. All the best to the new mother and baby in your family!
    My friend who goes running with me once a week did so until maybe 6 or 7 weeks before the birth of her first child. Little Claire was born in April, and although birth was REALLY tough on my friend (and finally she had to agree to a cesarean), her pregnancy wasn't, and she recovered greatly, having kept up her Yoga routine all the time.

  11. I agree, this modern maternity world is very different to my experience of it many years ago. I too am awaiting the birth of a first grandchild! due in 3 weeks time and I am so very excited...boy or girl it matters not.

  12. Congratulations Great-grandmama, and to your grand-daughter. I hope all goes well for her. It is lovely having a new baby in the family, and I preferred not to know whether it's a boy or a girl until it arrives.

  13. Such thrilling news!
    so glad all is going well.
    I sort of think it was better before they tested everything every five minutes -
    and made everyone even more sick with nerves!

  14. Even in the eighties when my offspring magically appeared, new mothers spent a couple of nights in the maternity hospital. Now they are ushered out almost as soon as the umbilical cord is cut. Though there's been progress - it's not all for the better. I hope all goes well with the birth. Lovely news.

  15. How very exciting for you! And what a lucky child, too...

  16. Thanks everyone. I for one shall be pleased when it is all over. This is not my first great grandchild as my step grandson has a little girl almost a year old (Darcy). As to where they live - they live well up into Scotland, so not very near - but we are in constant touch.
    Thanks everyone - I shall continue the knitting.

  17. 58 years
    You are my hero pat
    And I mean that X

  18. Very exciting, as the generations unfold, keep knitting and go for lemon when you are not sure.

  19. So nice to hear, Pat! This will be an early christmas gift, what better than to greet a child?? I have these odd pictures of both our girls but I can remember the first, we both looked at that blurred ultrasoundpicture and wondered why we were having a frog, when it was suppose to be a baby. However the frog kind of waved to us, and we could return home, happy and reassured.
    I hope all is well there in the kingdom, great worries are being handled about Brexit and the outcomes and consequenses but lets not talk about that right now, the decision is made, we have to deal with it. We start by making yet another visit next summer
    Until then we have to cope with the 6 degrees celcius and incessant rain we are having right now.
    Yes, do keep knitting, Pat, and enjoy this time of waiting. I am glad she can still work, teaching can be rather exhausting really. Blessings!!

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