Sunday 28 August 2016

What a difference a day makes.

I'm glad you all seem to have enjoyed the farmer's photographs of the Wensleydale Show - I gave him your thanks.

They were so lucky with the weather - it was a lovely day until about half past five (the Show closed at five).  After that it began to rain.   Then at six o'clock this morning there was a violent thunderstorm.   I slept through it and never heard a thing but when the farmer looked in our rain gauge later on we had had 21mm (25mm is an inch of rain) of rain in a very short time.   So today the show field will be a boggy mess.   The fields opposite, still standing with straw which was shaken up again only yesterday, are now all soggy again and it is beginning to look as though it will be past it before it can be gathered in.   The rooks are loving it and they are making the fields black over with their cawing bodies as they search through for grubs.

Today we celebrated our twenty third Wedding Anniversary by going out to lunch.   Our date was actually last Sunday but it was a walking day and I was already out to lunch with my girl friends so we deferred it for a week.   

We went to the Queen's Head at Finghall and it was delicious.  (Soup and then roast beef for the farmer; crayfish and apple cocktail and sea trout for me) and returned home at around two o'clock replete and ready for a sleep.   Next Sunday the farmer is walking and I am not going out with friends as they are all busy doing something - it will be the first Sunday lunch I have been on my own for a long time - I shall have jacket potatoes and butter (my favourite but not the farmer's) and am looking  forward to it already.


  1. Well congrats. on your wedding anniversary but for me, even more congrats on getting the rain. We've had a cloudy day today but tomorrow suggests more sun and Tuesday is forecast to be sunny and 26 degrees and all week sunny and dry, so our drought goes on. Sunday will seem strange for you, not out to lunch!

  2. Your lunch sounds delicious, I like the sound of crayfish and apple.

  3. Dear Weaver, You walked right past my table at the Queen's Head before I could get up to say hello. It is one of my favourite places to eat whenever we are staying in Coverdale. We had a lovely time at yesterday's show - LOVED the Bedale hunt hounds! sharemygarden

  4. Pat, the seasons come and go; I remember the show last year and it is comforting to see how one lives. I like the way you and the farmer continue on with your traditions.

  5. Happy anniversary a bit late - but always wished. Your celebration sounds nice - we are going away to Lopez Island (only about an hour total travel time - and 40 minutes on a ferry) off the coast of Washington State for our 52nd anniversary next month - celebrations are such fun.

  6. Happy Anniversary dear Pat and Farmer -here's to many,many more!

    Mary -

  7. I missed your yesterday's posting; I loved the heavy horses, all decorated for the show. Wonderful.

  8. Shame about all that rain again; perhaps today will be dry.

  9. we never even got a rumble of thunder and they were saying we would be hit with storms, a quick shower that was all, Happy Anniversary

  10. Unknown - I do wish you had spoken to me.

    Thanks for calling in everyone.

  11. So pleased that the weather held off for the show, but what a shame about all that straw.
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - your lunch sounds delicious. Enjoy your solitary jacket potato next week.

  12. There was a thunderstorm with some rain early Sunday morning here, too, but like you, I never heard a thing and was not even aware of O.K. getting up to shut the attic windows!
    It was very little rain, though; by the time we sat on the balcony for breakfast, everything was dry again. We had several days of above 30 Celsius, which made for a lovely summer's weekend with a refreshing swim in a lake.
    Your meals sound always so lovely! I'm not keen on crabs but trout is my favourite fish.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. John - They always have this starter on the menu and I always have it - a layer of shredded lettuce and then a mixture of crayfish and apple pieces in a light sauce. It is delicious. I have never seen crayfish for sale - I can only assume that they buy them in frozen. They are delicious.

    Lovely day here. Thanks for calling everyone.
