Friday 26 August 2016

The Build up gets faster

In spite of the fact that many places seem to have had a lovely sunny day yesterday (John and his wife on the beach in Wales), it was awful here in North Yorkshire.   It was dark and foggy all day with that awful missly rain falling.

All the marquees are up for the Wensleydale Show tomorrow - it is just at the top of our lane - but yesterday they all looked wet and dejected.   Everything about the Showground spelled misery and gloom.

What a difference a day makes.   Today there is a stiff breeze and bright sunshine.  All the tents and marquees have dried out and are looking spruce.   The sheep pens are up ready for the sheep first thing in the morning; the cattle tents are all ready for the show cattle; the main ring is all fenced off and ready to go and all round on the walls and gates there are notices telling visitors which area is which - where to take the produce, where to park their cars and such like.

The forecast is more or less the same for tomorrow, so it should be a good day.   The farmer has agreed to take the camera, so hopefully there will be some photographs for tomorrow.

I see that the Wensleydale Railway is putting on special trains  from Leeming Bar to Leyburn.   The cost is to be £10 per adult and £1 per child.   I am sure the railway need the money, as does the Show, but it does make it rather an expensive day out for a family of Mum and Dad and two children - £22 in transport costs before they pay for entry to the Show itself.   Maybe I am out of date but really things do seem to cost a lot these days don't they?


  1. I think that you are quite a bit out of date with costs Pat, I think that £22 for starters is cheap, try going to a concert in London or a football match. I know that there is a huge difference between your show and those other venues but it's still cheap, it'll be interesting to see what others think.

  2. Well I hope that the show goes well and that the weather stays fine. It was so overcast nd drizzly in Sheffield yesterday that I thought the autumn had arrived.

  3. OH! HOW I WISH I COULD BE THERE! I hope the weather stay clear and warm. With just the perfect slight breeze.


  4. Actually Derek - that £22 is before you get into theShow - that is just the train fare to get to the town if you live outside. I don't know how much it will cost to get into the Show. I am not complaining - I know how much these things cost to put on - it is just that for people who live in the area and have young families it does rather put them off attending. Wages are still very low up here for a lot of workers. And attendance at the Show coincides with the week when new school uniforms have to be bought too.

  5. It doesn't do to have a good memory for the price of things! So pleased the weather is looking good for the show. It makes such a difference for everyone's enjoyment, not to mention all the hard work that goes into organising the event, and the cost of staging it. Bad weather means financial losses. Looking forward to seeing the farmer's photos.
    We have had a glorious day today after yesterday's murk and rain. Hope we get some more so I can sit in the garden instead of working in it!

  6. Yes, I had realised that Pat but I'm happy to stand corrected over what people can afford there. Just had yet another roasting day of 28 degrees here, let's hope you get similar for the show.

  7. I think all these things are over priced, when I went to the NEC earlier in the month it was £12 to park and £14 to get in, £26 just to get in the door to spend money, I hope the weather holds and they have a good event looking forward to the photos

  8. Things are expensive Pat.... And that is often how i pick and choose what i go to... I will not go to an event that charges me to simply get in the door especially if they want me to spend money inside too... They can have it one way or another but no both... so as you can imagine i'm pretty restricted with what i'm will to go to.. Now i agree i'm a bit of a penny pincher... But i can remember a year in our Texas town that the annual craft show tried to charge an entrance fee just to walk in the door so you could spend more money at the booths... well they only tried that the next year it was free again...I don't know what that train fee works out to in USD but i know when my children were little we found a lot of free stuff to do around town.. Hugs! deb

  9. How fun to have a fair! I drove through town tonight and an art fair is being set up on one of the very "New England" greens. I used to exhibit there. How I miss the fairs, the comrades, the crowd, the customers, the heat and dust, the rain.

  10. I hope the weather is staying good for the Fair. We had a similar day here in Mackay yesterday, thoroughly miserable , but today is brilliant sunshine, though with a cool breeze. The annual horse racing event on the beach is being staged today, expecting thousands to attend and I can;t imagine what it would have been like on an exposed beach in bleak, rainy weather!
    I hope the farmer takes some good photos.

  11. Glorious morning. The farmer has gone off to do his judging at the West Witton village show. Then he will be back for coffee and piece of cake before walking up to the Wensleydale Show (taking camera I hope) - there he will wander round, chat to folk, have his lunch at our feed merchants, who put on lunch for their customers - and then come back home, pretty footsore I would imagine.

  12. I would love to be there !

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish
