Wednesday 3 August 2016


Hello again folks.   Thanks for all those commiserations.   At least my brain is more or less in gear today, which it has not been for the past ten days or so.

I find the trouble with these infections is that they always seem to disturb my thinking too, so it is a relief to have conquered another hill today.

Now all I have to conquer is the walking bit - arthritis in my ankle is very bad indeed, making me virtually unable to walk.

Weather-wise I seem to be missing absolutely nothing up here - one minute there is bright sunshine, the next it is raining.   At present the farmer is walking with Tess on her evening walk - he left in sunshine, but you don't need me to tell you what it is like outside now.

Two fields of winter barley opposite have been cut.  They didn't look anything like ripe to me, but the farmer says it is for forage and therefore can be cut ahead of time.

I shall sign off now - my brain has gone down into second gear and is getting tired, so best to stop while I am in charge.   Take care - hope to be back tomorrow.


  1. You're inching in the right direction Pat, take it slowly, which is probably all you can do given your arthritis. So happy that you are on the way back, have missed swapping E-Mails with you.
    After the first proper rain for several weeks yesterday, today has seen near gale force winds and hot sunshine which has sucked every last drop of moisture up again. Combining is going on full swing here.

  2. Good to have a back up dog walker!
    Sp glad you are doing a bit better!

  3. Thank goodness your brain is back in gear. My sister got a brace for her foot/ankle a few months ago, which allows her to walk. Of course, that may not be appropriate for you, but your ankle problem made me think of the brace idea.

  4. So glad you are finding third gear ... and knowing when to change down! Young people only know about automatics, so they'll be in real trouble when they get older, won't they! Take it easy. Tomorrow will be even better.

  5. Sorry to hear how bad the arthritis is just now. It must be very frustrating. But at least you are easing yourself back into the blogosphere...

  6. Oh, nice to have you back!!! Sorry about the pain still remaining, I hope you will be rid of it soon. Mine grows in bad weather and bad weather it is, at least uncertain. The farmers over here are concerned about their crops, they are not working out well and forage, well, if that is all there is to do.. I hope you will soon be back on all gears, Weaver, its so comforting to read your reports from a world so unknown to me!! Blessings!!!

  7. I hope you'll soon be in a lot less pain and be able to walk again, it must really be so very frustrating when you are used to doing things yourself and at your own pace.
    Glad to know you are on the mend!
    I am currently in Yorkshire (second half of my two-week stay in Ripon), and the weather really has been most unpredictable today. At least it's been warm!

  8. Get some rest, there's a decent looking weekend ahead of us to enjoy!

  9. So glad you are on the mend Weave. X.

  10. Happy to hear you are feeling better.
    Arthritis is awful ! I have it everywhere and it is plain terrible.
    thehamish sends wuffs !

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Hope the arthritis lets you start moving again.

  12. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better!
    Hope that the farmer and Tess make it back without getting too wet. ;)

  13. Ten days Pat? How horrible. Does a hot epsom salt foot bath help? They tell you moving is good for arthritis, but easier said than done. Glad to hear from you.

  14. Hang in there dear Pat, I join the queue in wishing you better days ahead.
    Know Tess will want you walking with her again as soon as possible.
    I know what they mean now when they say aging isn't for sissies!

  15. Take as long as you need; we'll be waiting on you.

  16. I sympathise with you over the pain in your ankle and really hope you can get back to walking outside again soon. Exercise is the best way to get eventual relief I have found.
    Lovely to know that you are really getting over your bug however. Cheers

  17. I look forward to more normal times again for you x

  18. Poor Pat. Sounds like it's going to be a painful time for you to get that ankle moving again. Hope you feel stronger soon but I expect it will take time.

  19. Glad to see you back, your fans don't half worry when you disappear ;) Take it easy though xxx

  20. I hope your ankle will feel better soon - take it easy, "a step at a time"
    Greetings Maria x

  21. I like Maria's comment. One step at a time is also a motto of a friend of mine, an Ethiopian now living in Austria and earning his living as an international athlete. One step at a time, or step by step, can take a person a long way forward. I'm being extremely careful about what I put in my mouth these days after reading Natural Cures they don't want you to know about, a book by Kevin Trudeau. You wouldn't believe the rubbish these food scientists lace our food with. The basic rule is look at the ingredients and never eat anything you can't pronounce. That's the starting point. Get healthy step by step.

  22. Happy you're getting better...but still sounds a tho you need more improvement here's my best thoughts for you!

  23. Look after yourself Pat - make haste slowly! The weather here is the same as yours. I said to Dick only today that we have hardly sat in the garden at all this year, apart from taking a breather from gardening. Perhaps we will have an Indian summer.

  24. Do hope you will be completely better soon. Have you tried Flexiseq which you can get from Boots? It's quite a new product and lubricates arthritic joints and could help you get on the move again. Take care!

  25. Weaver, you are so kind to let us have this bulletin.

    I do like your employing "gears" to describe your recovery.

    Hoping you will continue to make steady progress towards your usual weekly activities...and also hope some steady sun begins to shine. xo

  26. Sorry to hear you haven't been well but glad to hear you are getting better. Thank you for the tip about putting chicken wire round the fat ball feeder, its starlings I have a problem with, they bombard the feeders and leave very little for the smaller birds, so I will definitely try that. Best wishes, Polly
