Thursday 16 June 2016


Do you ever get frustration overload?   Today I had a long list of things I wanted to do:   Make an on-line  appointment at the doctors, arrange the farmer's birthday present and collect it while he wasn't around, print off my latest cryptic quiz sheet which I do periodically for Foxglove Covert L N R,  cook a proper lunch for the farmer (I left him a ready prepared one yesterday and it isn't the same), go to the hairdressers for my regular appointment, check my bank statement and balance my books (I am afraid I am one of those people who likes to know exactly how much there is in my bank account).

As usual I made a list of all these things so that I could tick them off as they were completed.   I get satisfaction from the ticking off and in any case if I don't write them down then I forget something.

Things began well - the on line appointment was at a convenient time and went off without a hitch.
The farmer's birthday present had to be collected from a friend's house (I will post a picture of it on Monday, his birthday) and I kept ringing her but she was out.I decided to leave printing the quiz until after I came back from the hairdressers.  Instead I cooked the lunch, while it was cooking balanced the books and then served up and ate the lunch (lamb leg steaks with garlic and onion gravy, with Lincolnshire potatoes, kale, peas and carrots.  (the farmer's sort of dinner, especially with mint sauce - and I must say it was good).

The hairdresser's appointment was not easy today.  My stylist has left and taken up a position in another salon.   She has done my hair for almost four years and I felt I had to go with her, but it did mean telling the owner that I wouldn#t be coming back.   I was not looking forward to it, but she was very nice about it, so that helped.

My friend was in and I called for the farmer's present (just in time to see England score the equalizer) and then went home to print off one hundred quiz sheets.   Everything that could go wrong went wrong.  First I couldn't find the master copy; when I found it and loaded the paper into the printer it got stuck and I had to almost dismantle the printer to get it out; then when I began to print the cover on the other side I did about a dozen before realising I was printing the reverse upside down.

I have given up, closed the printer down and will finish the job tomorrow.   Too many jobs one after the other are definitely not for me today.

Do you have days like this?


  1. Oh Yes !
    Almost everyday lately is like that for me.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  2. Yes and it is frustrating - especially if it has technology involved.

  3. All too often!
    Years ago a friend suggested changing my list from a "to-do" at the beginning of the day to a "all-done" at the end. Maybe it's time to take her suggestion. (and then you would be assured of checking EVERYTHING off!)

  4. I print like you do! Very frustrating, especially when you are trying to design posters and just end up waning to throw things around!

  5. Printers are the devil's spawn, we seldomly are able to print without having some sort of disaster. I think you got an amazing amount of stuff done

  6. My entire day is on a three by five card and get so frustrated when it is not full of tick marks at day's end.

  7. Oh yes. Luckily such days are few, but when they do arrive I'm like you, and just give up.

  8. That all seems like a pretty average day for me Pat. Must say that I rarely get any printer problems though.

  9. Well, to me it sounds like everything went swimmingly except for the printing. Your lunch sounds really, really good.
    Printers are temperamental things, aren't they! Mine keeps insisting on wanting yellow ink or else it can't print, in spite of me a) having replaced it only a few weeks ago (and not printing much at all) and b) telling it to print only black-and-white...

  10. I do think printers have minds of there own, they know when you need to get something done and set to making the task as hard and frustrating as possible :-)

  11. What a frustrating day, I don't own a printer but try (always unsuccessfully) to make LS's printer work from my computer, but they have minds of their own all this technical wizardry.

  12. I'm frustrated right now; I have a very long 'catch-up' list awaiting!
    Greetings Maria x

  13. No. I don't have days like that - probably because I don't make lists... but what I want to question is the Lincolnshire potatoes. I was in Lincolnshire last week and talked with a man who works at a potato packaging facility. He told me that the Boston potatoes have not yet appeared and they're currently processing Cornish potatoes.

  14. That sounds like a normal day! At least you got most of the jobs done, even if not as easily as you hoped. One of our daughters is a trained hairdresser and does my hair - I hate it if I have to go to someone else (which mercifully is rare). No-one ever seems to do it as well as she does.
    I always make myself a job list and it is a challenge to see how much I can achieve in one day though quite often it takes two or three!

  15. I'm reading this in Australia now after the news today of the MP being killed in Yorkshire, and I'm thinking that you will probably be wishing you could turn back to just an ordinarily frustrating day?

  16. Jayview, how I agree with you. The news does just not bear thinking about - such a lovely, committed young woman and leaving behind a loving husband and two tiny children.

    Thanks to you all for your comments. Today has been much less frenetic and I am now in a much more relaxed state.

  17. So many late goals I'm thinking I might not bother to turn on the TV until the last three minutes of each game. (Am resisting counting up the hours I've already used on this contest!

  18. It's funny how some days go like that and others just ease along.

  19. I love ticking things off a list. Great big bold ticks! I don't like having things 'pending'.

  20. The printer is the bane of my life, especially when I`m in a hurry!

  21. Absolutely ! Technology with a mind of it's own.

  22. Thanks everyone. It is a relief to know that the same things happen with everyone and their printers!

  23. Some days it is just a good idea to stop everything and sit and read a book and have a cup of tea - most things can wait for a better day tomorrow. My printer got so cranky I gave it away to someone who had more patience than I - and I went right out and bought a new one - it works like a charm every time (so far).
