Friday 13 May 2016

Our cruise


  1. A great vacation...but it's always nice to get home and all things put back in order. The tulips are lovely of my favorites! It's good to have you back.

  2. Those tulips are very regimented! Gloriously colourful too.

  3. Glad you had a good trip, I was beginning to get worried about you. I understand your reaction to Arnheim, I was physically ill after we visited Verdun.

  4. What a wonderful sight those tulips are. Just a few in a small garden are beautiful, but planted en masse they are stunning.

  5. So happy you had a delightful adventure. My understanding of the pebbles on the headstones is a sign of respect. When ever someone visits the grave, they leave a pebble. We just did this last month, out of state, for our friends parents. It means a lot to the family, as we received thank you messages.

  6. One of my favorite things is to tour gardens... That one looks wonderful! Enjoy your luncheon season!!

  7. Sounds as though you had a grand cruising holiday.
