Thursday 12 May 2016

Home again.

Home again.   Yes, we have been on a cruise.   When we arrived home we had no telephone connection and no broadband so I have been totally unable to communicate until about an hour ago.

Thank you all for your concern, I do appreciate it. When I get sorted I will put one or two photographs on - we cruised from Amsterdam through to Antwerp - a river cruise.   The whole holiday was a delight - the ship, the crew, the friends we made, the food.   Can't think of a single thing which was not one hundred percent.

But, of course, it is nice to be home, especially now I have communications back.   And Tess is delighted to be home after her spell in the kennels.


  1. So glad you were on vacation and are back now....

  2. So glad you are well! There were lots of blog-friends getting quite worried! What a lovely holiday for you both. I recall you saying trips were now more limited because of mobility issues - a cruise is the perfect answer.

    How did little Tess cope? I'm sure the farmer had the other livestock all sorted but she would have missed you terribly.

    Glad you're back!

  3. So glad you had a good time and all is well. x

  4. Relief Pat! glad you had such a great were missed!

  5. Hello Weave. I hope you had a good time. I'm looking forward to the photos! They keep offering me cruises too, but I keep refusing. Maybe you can change my mind.

  6. Oh my goodness Pat. I'm so glad you had such a fabulous time. I cannot wait to hear all about it! Hugs! deb

  7. Glad that everything is o.k. and looking forward to hearing all the details and photos of your cruise holiday.

  8. I remember you talking about a cruise but I wasn't sure when.
    So happy to see blog pop up today.

    cheers, parsni

  9. Oh, well, that's a relief! Can't wait to hear about it. -Jenn

  10. So glad you are back, we are a worrisome lot and all thought the unthinkable. Please don't do that again. Group hug is in order.

  11. Welcome home. People were very worried about your absence. The cruise sounds great.

  12. Welcome back Pat, nothing like being back home. The weather has been really nice while you've been away and I bet the farmer has noticed how much the grass has grown and desperate to catch up with this and that.

  13. welcome home looking forward to hearing about your cruise, we took a cruise as our last big holiday it was brilliant :-)

  14. Hello Weave. I look forward to seeing some of your photos as and when.

  15. The cruise sounds super. I expect Tess gave you a lovely welcome home.

  16. Whew, that's a relief Pat! Was really concerned something serious had happened, kept coming here hoping to see you back delighting us with stories from the farm and such. Now I know all is well I can enjoy my days here in Ireland - yes, arrived in Dublin yesterday and will be touring the length and breadth of this fair 'Emerald Isle' for a few weeks!

    The river cruises are delightful - I did two last year in Europe. Glad you enjoyed yourselves - now back to reality which isn't so bad either! Tess must be happy to see you again.

    Hugs - Mary

  17. Welcome back. We missed you :)

  18. Phew…..glad that you are OK and have been having a great time while we all worried. I do understand that bloggers don't advertise that they will be away from their homes though!
    We did our first river cruise a couple of years ago from Amsterdam to Nuremburg. It was an excellent holiday in all respects. We enjoyed it so much that we also went on another last year from Lyons to Avignon, which was equally enjoyable.

  19. Everyone wondered where you were so I'm so glad you were away for a happy reason and not something awful.
    Look forward to photos - it sounds as if everything was wonderful

  20. Welcome back, Weave, I have missed you. Happy to hear you had a lovely cruise.
    Tess, I guess, must have been very excited (if not sulking) to be back home with you and the Farmer.
    Greetings Maria x

  21. Welcome back....east or west home is best.

  22. So glad that you had a wonderful holiday Pat. You know that you were missed, for we all look forward to your blogposts.

  23. Welcome back. Is it a blessing that there was no Internet connection on your trip?

  24. Good to know all is well and that you enjoyed your cruise.

  25. Welcome home!
    So glad to hear all is well. A river cruise sounds lovely.
    We missed you and will be looking forward to your posts.

  26. The river cruise sounds wonderful - so glad you both enjoyed it. I guessed you were on holiday and look forward to seeing some photos. Tess will be pleased to have you back again.

  27. So glad you are home and had a lovely time.

  28. Next time you go on your hols please leave a note for your many fans. Disappearing like that caused widespread anxiety. Apart from that, it is nice to hear you had a smashing time on "the continent".

  29. So good to hear from you! Glad you're home and that you had a good time!

  30. What a wonderful trip and so happy you are home safe and sound with a bag full of sweet memories. I've enjoyed catching up on all your past posts. Take care now.

  31. We only have intermittent broadband so I am trying to get a new post on my blog before we lose our connection again. BT are coming to look at things on Tuesday afternoon.

  32. Weaver, your cruise itinerary sounds very tempting. That is a lovely part of the world, and it would be fun to travel around there by water.

    I do hope that BT gets the broadband sorted out in one visit next Tuesday. Meanwhile, happy weekend.. xo

  33. Your holiday sounds wonderful. Welcome home!

  34. I recalled that last Spring you didn't warn us of your pending absence because of
    security concerns that you would be notifying the blogosphere that your house was
    You must have been amused to see your 'missing person' photo on John G.'s post.
    Looking forward to hearing about the trip and what's going on at the farm. Who
    feeds the menagerie while you're gone?

  35. Good to know all is well with you, and that you had such a good time away! I am on a holiday right now, returning home tomorrow, hopefully finding everything there in full working order!

  36. Welcome back - so good to hear that you had a good time. I look forward to reading about the cruise.

  37. Oh joy!!!
    I was so pleased to see a new post that I almost forgot to read it!! A cruise, fancy that!! I've popped in here every day to see if you where back, you've seen the worried comments!!! The weather has been very nice and I am glad you enjoyed the boattrip.
    I get seasick but I suppose a rivercruise is different. Pictures will be nice!!! So now its back to the plough with new spirits?!

  38. Ah great stuff! Glad you enjoyed your trip. Would love to do something like that.

  39. Welcome home, we were all worried but did remember the cruise trip, glad you enjoyed it.

  40. Welcome Home! I am thrilled to read you have been on a cruise!
