Monday 28 March 2016

Short of time.

No time for a post today as the farmer is not well.  It came on quite suddenly last evening when he began to sweat heavily and to feel sick and very dizzy.   He went to bed but feels no better today if he tries to get out of bed.   He tried to eat scrambled egg on toast, but was immediately sick after a couple of forkfuls.

So long as he lies still he is quite chatty and I must say he looks a lot better today than he did last night.   I have managed to get him an appointment with the doctor on Thursday afternoon.   In the meantime I am making sure he drinks plenty.

I have been doing various farm jobs and am sad to say I am finding them quite difficult.   Things that I found easy and enjoyed doing a few years ago are suddenly very hard going.

The friends whose cattle we keep for winter came and fed up and bedded down this morning.   I dealt with the hens, feeding, watering and letting out into the fields.   I fed and watered the farm cats and fed the wild birds.   Then I took Tess for a morning walk.   During all this it was pouring with rain so I can't say I enjoyed it much.   Now I have one last load of ironing to do and things will be back to normal.

I am hoping that the farmer will be too by tomorrow.   He does have problems with shoulders, neck and ears and is awaiting an X ray and CT scan at the hospital, so I suspect this is somehow connected.   He looked dreadful last night - pale and wet with sweat.   Today he is back to his normal colour and as long as he lays in bed he says he feels fine - so we shall see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Very worrying for you both. Having to take on my own husband's chores for a month while his injured shoulder healed I had moments of panic--realizing that our chosen country lifestyle depends in large measure on his continued physical strength. Hoping a quiet day will put things right.

  2. wonder if it is inner ear trouble, I know massively how debilitating that is. Hope he's up and about soon!

  3. I wonder whether the Farmer has picked up the Norovirus which hopefully will only last two or three days. It seems to be very prevalent this Winter. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. I had the same thought as poster Simon Douglas Thompson. If it is inner ear trouble this may be BPPV. The main theory is the movement of small calcium crystals called Otoconia within a part of the inner ear called the semicircular canal. When you tip or move your head in certain positions, the crystals move and stimulate the sensory areas in the semicircular canals to cause vertigo. When the Farmer gets up he should do so very slowly and cautiously.

    You must be very tired doing all those chores in what sounds like frightful conditions.I would let the ironing wait! Take care of yourself so that you in turn can take care of the Farmer - going up and down those stairs many times must be tiring.

  5. Now I'm sending good wishes to you and the farmer. I hope he recovers very rapidly as that sounds nasty. Don't do too much and get yourself worn out

  6. I am sure he will be better by Thursday and you will be cancelling the doctors appointment.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear the Farmer is ailing!
    Sending good wishes your way. Take care of yourself.

  8. Pat, the iron can go to the tip. You're not still starching the shirt collars are you? I haven't ironed or had anything ironed in 20 years. This ironing business can really get out of hand. I once heard of a woman who ironed her husband's socks. Not only that but the iron needs tons of electricity. A whole power station nearly. Anyway, what's a few creases between friends, I say!

    Hope he's better soon. Better to take an extra day than to rush back.

  9. Well I agree with Gwil, sod the bloody ironing and who does it these days anyway, I certainly don't. Just concentrate on the Farmer.
    I guess in some ways, it's made you realise that you're both at an age now whereby it wouldn't take much for things to quickly become unmanageable, which is sad and a worry. Good wishes to you wash.

  10. and wash should of course be both

  11. Oh my goodness Pat i hope the Farmer feels better! Perhaps it is inner ear problems.. crazy how that can affect you so much. Be thinking about you! Hugs! deb

  12. Every time I am very ill and get a doctor's appointment I start feeling better.
    I hope this is a quick flu (?) that will go away fast.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. All the best to the farmer. Take care of both yourselves. It's not easy resuming chores you've had no practice at for some time. I hope you have the farmer up and about soon!

  14. I hope your poor Farmer is all better very soon, and that you have enough energy for all those chores.

  15. Hope your poor husband gets well soon. Nothing is more unsettling than an illness with no discernable cause. Take care of yourself too, and try not to get overtired. A useless admonition, I know, for anyone on a working farm! xoxox

  16. Thursday must seem awfully far away! And do throw away the iron. Just smooth things as you fold them. I actually find ironing therapeutic, but gave it up when we went solar. Wishing you and the Farmer the best.

  17. Thursday seems far off when your Farmer is so unwell. Perhaps you will be lucky and a get a call due to a cancellation. In the meantime, don't overdo things yourself!

  18. You did a lot of work today Pat. Do not overdo. Wishing the farmer a quick recovery. Greetings Maria x

  19. So sorry to hear that the farmer is unwell and I wish him a speedy recovery. There are so many nasty viruses going round at the moment, I hope this one will be short lived. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well.

  20. That is very worrying. I do hope he comes right fast. There are so many jobs that simply must be done on a farm you will be run ragged. I do hope he is feeling more comfortable soon.

  21. I hope Farmer is back on his feet soon and its nothing lingering, nice to hear you have a little help with the cattle.

  22. How scary, hope he's better soon.

  23. Hope the Farmer feels better soon and it is nothing too serious. Take care of yourself, too.

  24. Dear Weaver, I hope that the Farmer will feel much better after a good rest. And. That you won't overdo any physical stuff while you try to fill in for his absence from those duties.

    Thursday is a bit closer now, but still some days away. Can you all not call the doctor's office and let them know of the Farmer's symptoms, in cast that might move you up the queue?


  25. Best wishes to the farmer; he sounds awful. Being ill, especially at spring time, is such a nuisance. Everywhere I go at the moment, people are ill.

  26. This must be very scary for both of you. I hope the Farmer is much better now! Like Frances, I think this is worrying enough to warrant a doctor's visit right away, not waiting until Thursday.

  27. Best wishes to the farmer, and take care of yourself. xxx

  28. Do hope the farmer is better soon and you take care!! Sheila

  29. Thanks to all of you - I have passed on your good wishes to the farmer.

  30. Oh dear - I do hope he is much better soon. I find ironing to be relaxing and it would calm me down in such a situation as you are having right now. I like the smell of freshly ironed clothes on a rainy day - or a bright sunny day.

  31. I do hope the farmer is back doing the thing he loves most, being outdoors. I am housebound for four to six weeks recovering from cancer surgery, watching my gardens being maintained for me. That is the hardest part seeing the things done that I long to do myself. A quick recovery farmer summer approaches.
