Tuesday 29 March 2016


A progress report on the farmer - he is up and dressed today and has eaten a little at each meal, after yesterday when all he had was dry toast.   I have to report that now he is getting visibly better he is a very bad patient.   He wants to be outside in the fields, doing all the jobs that are crying out to be done.   And because he feels too weak to do them it is making him irritable.

He has decided to get a contractor in with good equipment, much larger than we have on the farm, to spread the manure = this is the next job and needs doing urgently.

Our resprayed car has been returned to us today - the garage kindly returning it for us as the farmer didn't feel up to driving the thirty or so miles to collect it - and he no longer likes me to drive in that sort of traffic.   Friend W very kindly offered to drive me to the garage so that I could pick up the car and drive it back - but there would still be the problem of the courtesy car, which was sitting in our garage.   Any way it is all sorted out now and we are more or less back to normal.

Apparently there is a sickness bug doing the rounds here, so perhaps that was what he had, but as his ears are still hurting he is keeping the doctor's appointment on Thursday just to be sure.

How kind it was of everyone to send good wishes to him - I have passed them on.   As to the ironing - I apologise to all those who tell me to throw the iron away - but I actually love ironing under normal circumstances - and however hard I try I just can't abide wearing a white shirt blouse for example, which has not been ironed into some sort of crispness.

Many years ago we had a neighbour, George, long dead now.   He went into hospital and was told that he only had a short time to live, so he asked to come home in the ambulance so that he could spend the last few weeks/months with his wife Elsa.   My then husband went round when he saw the ambulance arrive, to assist George (in his dressing gown and pyjamas) into the house.   Elsa told him to sit in an armchair and she would make him a cup of tea.   He replied that he would get dressed first (into a suit and shirt with matching tie, a 'uniform' he always wore) - saying ' think of the standards darling.'   It became a joking saying in our household if anything was left undone (e.g. the washing up).   Maybe I should apply that philosophy to ironing.  (I am joking).

I have walked off most of yesterday's stiffness (fourteen times up the stairs for a start) and hopefully should be back to normal by tomorrow.   Hope the farmer is too.   And again so  many thanks for all your good wishes - he really did appreciate them.


  1. "I have to report that now he is getting visibly better he is a very bad patient" a good sign for sure and glad to hear that you are recovering nicely from up and down the stairs etc. Good idea to keep the Thursday doctor appointment.

  2. Great news that he is up and improving, good idea to bring in contractors to take some of the pressure off,

  3. I'm so glad he is feeling better!
    And, from personal experience...it's a very good sign that he's being a bad patient.
    I'm glad that you have escaped the bug.

  4. So happy to hear of the improvement.
    I also think he should keep the thursday appointment.
    The "bug" may have inflamed his ear.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. So pleased the farmer is beginning to feel better. Our husbands' illnesses have a silver lining - I too have had plenty of exercise playing nurse, which is just as well as I have had no time to do my usual exercises. I feel as if I have walked miles in the past week since he came home from hospital. It's always a good sign when they get crochety!

  6. 14 times up the stairs must set a record - one you don't want to better in a while!! So glad the Farmer is on the mend, and glad someone else is going to do the most immediate of the jobs - he will relax and recover better if he's not fretting. Now you've just got to hope you don't succumb to the bug! We have close friends who went down like ninepins over the Easter break with a very nasty gastric 'flu - and we're on the other side of the world! Take care of each other.

  7. That is a pretty ugly bug going round. I've seen it take down youngsters and oldsters. Glad the doctor visit remains on.

  8. Glad to hear your husband is feeling better. Hope you don't come down with it. Take good care of each other.

  9. Best news I've heard today. Keep up the ironing Pat. Though I haven't ironed a thing in years, I do love the feel of starched and ironed clothing and hey, it makes you happy. What more could one ask for?

  10. I don't have near the 'standards' that some people have however i do feel the need to get 'ready' every day... that means getting dressed.. fixing my hair..even if that is only back in a pony tail...at least some minimal make up...lipstick... It has been suggested (by hubby) some days that why bother getting dressed ... i don't work... so if i'm not going anywhere just 'relax'.... I just can't do it.... lol So glad the Farmer is doing better. Hugs! deb

  11. Glad you both are doing better. I like that about keeping up the standards. I iron a little, pillowcases and tea towels, but that's about it, so I may be letting them down a bit.

  12. Good; that sounds much better. I had a friend here who wouldn't be seen dead not wearing a three piece suit, shirt, tie, and monocle. He was an 'old colonial', and his standards never slipped. He used to despair of my dress sense.

  13. So glad to read that the farmer is imptoving, hopefully he will get a good diagnosis on Thursdat also. I am with you about ironing - I feel most uncomfortable in creased garments. What a lovely srory about your neighbour.

  14. What a relief to hear the Farmer is up and dressed and feels up to eating something at meal times! Still, the whole episode was/is very worrying, and I hope he won't overdo things now that he is up and about again. Also, I hope you won't have caught it (if it was indeed a bug).
    I understand very well about the ironing! Cleaning and ironing, having a shower and dressing properly makes such a difference to how I feel when I am or was a bit under the weather. Also, I really like ironing (I think we've been talking about that before, maybe in comments on Graham's or Neil's blogs?) and find it a rather soothing activity when I am upset.

  15. Complaining about this and that. Definitely on the mend then. Good that you've the contractor in. A couple more days at ease won't do him any harm. You'll have to keep him on a tight leash by the sound of it. If he goes out, grab your binoculars. I know these types. Just checking the weather and next news they are three fields away.

  16. It is good to hear that your beloved's health is improving. Shirley's father was a Lincolnshire farmer - it was a one man show - so getting ill was always very troublesome. He couldn't phone in saying he needed to take a couple of days off or send a sick note because he was the boss and the entire workforce! There was nobody else. Fortunately, until cancer knocked on his door, he was generally very healthy.

  17. Weaver, I am very glad to see this encouraging update on the Farmer's health. Hoping that the doctor will give you all a good report tomorrow, too.

    (I don't do much ironing anymore, but actually always rather enjoyed it. There was just something very relaxing about smoothing wrinkles away.)


  18. Just catching up, so sorry to her the Farmer is unwell and hope things are improving. Hope also that you are looking after yourself, standards are allowed to slip now and then, I am an expert.

  19. Sorry to hear your Farmer has been poorly, but sounds as though he is on the mend. My closest friend was very ill with a bug a few weeks ago -- first time I've ever known her to actually take to her bed -- and for three days! As for ironing -- I do like my shirts ironed -- and pillow cases and tea towels, too. And while I don't particularly mind that chore, I do seem to put it off as long as I can! In fact, right now there is a pile nagging at my psyche -- think I'll blog a while instead!!

  20. Thanks for all this encouragement - it is very uplifting. The flip side of all this running about after the farmer is that in the course of the last four days I have lost four pounds in weight!!! As I am trying to lose a little weight for my holidays and also for the sake of my arthritic ankle, which will therefore have to carry less weight around - that is good news.
