Sunday 30 August 2015

Wensleydale Show 2.

I love the bantams - I used to keep them and in those days they were not part of the Show so I never got to enter any.

Runner beans are particularly good I think.   Ours should begin to be ready by Monday as they have really grown well over the last week, but they for sure will not be as straight as the ones in the shot.

Thanks to the farmer for taking the trouble to give everyone (including me) a taste of the Show.


  1. What wonderful memories of country shows of my childhood. I really love all the produce, the runner beans look magnificent. Thanks to the farmer for takingbthe photos.

  2. We love fair chickens this wear due to an illness of some kind going around. The flowers are beautiful!

  3. Yes, thanks to the farmer for the lovely views. The produce looks scrumptious.

  4. I really enjoyed all the photographs and thank the Farmer very much for bringing them back from the Show. The atmosphere reminds me a bit of visiting the Virginia State Fair many years ago. I remember it taking place just after we would return to school in September, and we all were given a day off from school to visit the Fair.

  5. Feeling very very hungry now! Wish I knew what to do with that food though.

  6. Love those country fairs. Hope they continue on with the younger generations.

  7. We just got home from England and I'm trying to get caught up on blog reading. Love the pictures of the farm show. It was fairly rainy while we were there, but some actually hot days too. Such a beautiful country.

  8. I feel as if I have walked right round the produce tent. Many thanks to the farmer for taking the photos for us to enjoy. Love the hens - my father kept some when I was a schoolgirl and he grew wonderful vegs - runner beans are a favourite of mine. He'd have the hen run on one side of the garden and veg plot on the other, then the following year would swap them over so the new plot was ready fertilised and ready for digging.

  9. Hello Pat, am tempted to say know your onions :) [ I have ] great variety of eggs on display, as well as flowers and beans.
    It is our local show next weekend we will have all that you have plus of course
    some samples of the greenest grass and straightest block of turf, not forgetting a sheaf of wheat - for despite a drop of rain the harvest is all safely gathered.

    Congrats to The Farmer on his photography skills.

  10. I always wonder how thy judge these shows as the straightest might not be the tasty one, the people who enter put a lot of time into growing perfect looking produce, it can be very competitive as well not for me though, but lovely to see, I went to a Dahlia show once and they were fusing with petals like there lives depended on it :-)

  11. Thank you Farmer! The photos are lovely.

  12. Goodness, Judging would be so hard everything looks wonderful.
    Thank You again to the Farmer.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Excellent photos from the Farmer, and those bantams look good as well, pretty little things.

  14. Thanks for ythr comments. They have been passed on to the farmer. I do agree with Dawn that there is really too much fuss made over exhibits and that the straightest beans may indeed not be the tastiest. I had a dear old friend (now dead) who one year made eight swiss rolls before she felt one was good enough to put in the show!

  15. Oh! This was fun! Thank you for taking us there!


  16. Love the eggs best of all. Apologies- I deleted your comment on my blog instead of publishing it! Am v glad it helped with the quiz :o)

  17. The eggs look so good!
    Everything looks so good!
    But didn't the farmer find any Wensleydale cheese?

    We have to wait for the North Carolina State Fair in October and, as I will just be back from Europe, I hope I can make it this year - always a lot of fun.

    Mary -

  18. Sorry Gilly - he obviously didn't take any. If you see him around Leyburn, tell him off.

  19. The photos are Lovely. You and the Farmer have taken us on an arm-chair tour of a Yorkshire Farm Show.Thank You.

  20. I missed this post. I love the shows where one gets to enter their produce and flowers. I used to do that with my mother at the county fair in our small town. Flower arranging, actually. Loved seeing this.
