Saturday 29 August 2015

The Wensleydale Show.

One of the most important agricultural shows in the County of Yorkshire, it was the Wensleydale Show today - and it kept fine apart from one short, sharp shower.

I no long go as I can't walk round without really holding the farmer up.   So he goes on his own, but he takes my camera - here is a taste of the show from his photographs.   Hope you enjoy them. 

The top picture shows the champion beef bull.   Although he is a black and white chap he is, in fact, a Belgian Blue.  The second picture is of Pedigree Limousins and the one below of Pedigreen Holstein milking cows.   The two trotting horses were very smartly turned out.   The brown horse won the class.   Then after various breeds of sheep there is one photograph of the Bedale Hunt just after they entered the ring.

More photographs tomorrow of the produce tent.


  1. Thanks dear farmer for taking these great show pix -I'm loving them, and seeing the blue skies peeking through the clouds make me happy for all who took part - people and their handsome animals. Mules? Really, in England. I suppose with all the mares (horses) and jacks (donkeys) there just might be a lot of mules born! Are they used on farms in Yorkshire? Know they're very strong, can carry quite a weight, and travel far.

    How was the Wensleydale cheese this year? I always think of Wallace & Gromit when I hear the name Wensleydale, and that lovely character Wendolene Ramsbottom who didn't like cheese, "makes me break out in a rash" LOL!!!

    Happy day - Mary

  2. Gosh,Mary's comment covers everything I wanted to ask/say.
    Thank You again to the Farmer. Wonderful photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. The champion bull is a magnificent animal. Seems to me he
    has an amazingly long torso. And aren't the chestnut colored
    sheep lovely with their white heads. Many thanks to the Farmer.
    Looking forward to tomorrow.

  4. Many thanks to the farmer for his excellent photos of those wonderful animals. What a lot of care and grooming goes into getting them ready for a show. Glad the weather was reasonably kind and I'm sure it was a great day for all concerned. I used to love going to agricultural shows myself.

  5. Thank you to The Farmer for the photos. Well done!
    We have seen PBS specials about this particular show and it's one that we would love to visit. If, of course, it wasn't for that pesky trans-Atlantic travel. I admit, I prefer travelling from my recliner and big screen.
    And, thank you for including the info about that first picture. When I saw it, I immediately thought of the Belgian Blue, since I have never seen such extreme muscling. The black and white coloration threw me for a minute.
    Can't wait to see the produce pictures!

  6. I absolutely love Agricultural shows. We went to the Ashover show a couple of weeks ago and little changes.
    Some great beasts there Weave.

  7. Oh be sure to thank the Farmer for me Pat. I loved seeing those photos! I wish you could still go. :( We had a sprinkle last night and more promised this evening. We could use the rain. Fingers crossed! Hugs! deb

  8. Even though my people were not farmers, we never missed the annual shows. Wonderful.

  9. I can see that these are "Farmer photos", not concentrating on the faces of the beasts on show but on the profitable end. Thank him for me, though I'm sure the thought of his neighbours keeping "mules" is reward enough for him.

  10. I do like a good show and seeing all the livestock and talking to breeders its always a good day out, shame you can no longer make it round the show :-)

  11. For the benefit of those who don't know - mules are cross breed sheep and have nothing to do with donkeys. Up here in the Dales they have some very odd names for sheep!
    Thanks for the kind comments, which I shall pass on to the farmer. More photographs on my blog today.

  12. Romsey show is on here soon. It's that time of year, isn't it? We don't usually go- too many people, although Alresford has a lovely one which is smaller and they show some amazing livestock and produce. Looks like a good day was had.

  13. That Belgian Blue bull is in great shape, good to see straight backs in cattle.
    Thank you for sharing Pat.

  14. Wht kind of sheep are those brownish/cream ones?
