Monday 10 August 2015

Teething Problems.

Our old landline was beginning to be faint on the sound even when fully turned up.   It was time to invest in a new telephone.   Friend W went with me to choose one and we chose a BT 8500, which seemed relatively easy to use.

Oh dear.   Teething problems have caused severe frustration over the last few days.   I must point out that these problems have absolutely nothing to do with BT8500 and everything to do with my lack of technical ability/tendency not to read instructions carefully.

After a lot of careful reading (finally) I have my list of phone numbers plumbed in and the various modes set.   It is lovely to be able to hear people properly again (I am quite deaf).   I have still to set up the answer phone which is incorporated in the device and I still have to set up a caller display (one of the reasons I wanted this model).   Then I should be up and running smoothly (fingers crossed).

My poor son has had to come round several times to sort me out after I have pressed the wrong button.  I must say he has remained calm throughout.

A friend tells me that her husband bought a new mobile at the week end, put it in his pocket and while doing various jobs accidentally dialled 999 - first he knew was when a squad car arrived.  Glad it is not just me.

Farmer is haymaking in earnest.   He has just gone up the lane to shake up the crop laying in the field; he has been followed up the lane by a big, black cloud.


  1. I spent a pleasant Sunny period on Sunday afternoon watching a combine in one of the local fields. Hop you weather hold out for farmer.

    Phone problems - was out walking the dog one day when I heard a voice from my shirt pocket where I carry my mobile phone. Somehow it had dialled a friend who was trying to tell me.

  2. You've had a summer as rough as getting the new landline up to snuff. We used to rely on my brother to cure phone problems, but now my only hope is the phone outlive me.

  3. Our phone has a mind of its own. Like the Italian railways it only works when it wants to.

  4. Glad to learn that you are now getting much better acquainted with your new phone. I do think that many written instructions (for all sorts of appliances and procedures) are not all that well written. Sometimes it can be an interesting exercise...once you do realize what the instructions actually meant to tell you, to have a try at writing your own version of said instructions. Sometimes I've done this, complete with my own diagrams when necessary.

    I'm also glad that the haymaking is going forweard. Hoping the Farmer stayed ahead of that cloud.

    Best wishes.

  5. I buy the simplest phone I can get away with, we have to have a landline because cell phones don'ts work well where we live. The landline has caller ID and an answering machine, it has many other features, but I ignore them.
    I have a I-phone and hardly use it, mainly when we travel. I'm just too old for new tricks.

  6. Every time a piece of equipment needs renewing the replacement model seems to be so much more complicated than it's predecessor. Everything seems to be computerised and offering umpteen functions, most of which are not required. Thank Heaven for children and grandchildren!!
    We have had torrential showers today - do hope they haven't come your way.

  7. Well that big black cloud wandered over here and emptied the skies with torrential rain just after LS had cut the lawn, and there I was thinking doesn't the uncut wheat look good this morning, hope it is still standing....I don't like phones they set my nerves a-jangling, especially the fax machine that comes through every so often half a dozen times a day..

  8. We use our cell phones exclusively. Husband has to have one for his job, and I feel more secure when I travel out and about if I have one. (Once the car decided to not let me out of the seat belt and I had to call Ray from the front parking lot about 300 feet away to have him come rescue me.)
    But, anyway, my cell is designed so that if my cheek accidentally touches the touch screen (and whose cheek doesn't do that?) it either hits the MUTE button or the OFF button. This happens A Lot. Sigh.
    :) m & jb who, being a cat, remains blissfully unaware of such problems

  9. Hay making happening here too, but rain is forecast in the latter half of the week... Hope the phone settles down for you :o)

  10. The constant background noise of the hay making machines do my head in.......a constant until evening time

  11. technology! I do hope the hay gets in.

  12. Several years ago my phone rang and I could hear a muffled conversation between a friend of mine back in the UK, and one of her colleagues, whilst they were out for lunch together. I have no idea how long the call lasted (I wasn't that indiscreet) but it probably cost her a fortune.

  13. What a relief to find that everyone seems to have teething problems with their phones. My caller display and my answer phone are 'supposed' to cut in at midnight tonight according to BT. If that happens then I am up and running, although I still have to think carefully how I want to do things. Thanks for the support! Shows I am not a complete dunderhead.
