Saturday 8 August 2015

A New Experience.

I am of the opinion that one is never too old to have a new experience; in fact constant new things is really important in the process of keeping the brain active.

So this morning friend W and I tried out a new experience.   We went to a Car Boot Sale.   Now before you all gasp and say, "you've never been to a car boot sale??" let me point out that some of us have lead sheltered lives (in some areas but not in others).

We arrived there along with several hundred others (this is a popular local cbs which occurs every saturday morning.   We walked round for about half an hour and came to the same conclusion: we shall not repeat the experience.   It was our first car boot sale.   It will also be our last car boot sale.   It was absolutely awful.   Every stall was full of rubbish stuff (apart from the stalls selling tools for men (why is it that these stalls everywhere are always full of really good, interesting stuff (if you are a man))?

We came out, crossed the road and went into a cafe for our usual Saturday morning coffee and scone (cherry and almond).  Even that, although enjoyable, was not in the same class as the ones at our usual Saturday morning hang out.

On the way there we had noticed various orange signs stuck in the sides of the road, each sign bearing a large white arrow.   On our return to the lane we found out what they were.   There was a huge cycle tour going on which took in our lane.   There were cyclists as we returned and W had to dawdle behind them the last couple of miles to home (gave us plenty of time to view rather interesting lycra clad buttocks of young, middle aged and elderly men).   Cyclists were still passing our farm an hour later, so there must have been hundreds in the tour.   Good healthy hobby I always think.

Delicious produce from the garden for lunch.   Broad beans and peas, and fresh raspberries for pud.  Nothing tastes quite as good as vegetables straight from the plot.

Enjoy your week-end.   I keep wondering how John's Trelawnydd Flower and Produce Show is going.   I hope it is as good a day as it is here and that all those Photographs of rather rude vegetables are creating a few laughs.


  1. The name of that sale alone would put me off. I think those cyclists must have lots of gumption and stamina. Want to hear all about the garden show too. My garden club used to be called The Venus Fly Traps. Then most all moved away.

  2. Here the big thing is garage sales. My sister is addicted to them and they bore me silly. When she came to visit I had to take her all over to them. To each their own said the old lady as she kissed the pig.

  3. I can't wait to hear if John won a sliver cup with his fruitcake !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I need to take you to one of our local Boot Sales.... you MIGHT change your mind.

  5. I have also never been to a car boot sale and never want to. They are known around here as outlets for all stolen goods from everyone's garden shed for miles around. (The larger stuff from the farmers' sheds goes further afield of course).

  6. Only ever been once, got a headache from all the tat, the point is do we need 'stuff'?

  7. Some car boots are better than others. It takes time to explore the big ones and sort the occasional wheat from the chaff. I have found the occasional bargain. Sometimes you can find 'hobby' artists. I once got a beautiful hand painted metal jug - like the ones you see on traditional canal boats. You have to treat them like an adventure and treasure hunt.

  8. I went to a car boot sale purely because it was within walking distance of our house, and like yours I found it to be full of rubbish. Very disappointing as I believe the well-organised large boot sales can be quite rewarding. Quite a few treasures from them have found their way onto The Antiques Roadshow but I don't have the patience to trudge round in the hope of finding one myself.
    Your lunch makes my mouth water - eating homegrown produce makes all the hard work involved worthwhile.

  9. Now I know why I don't do cycling.

  10. I know quite a few people who have made good sums from selling their unwanted items at car boot sales. I guess one man's rubbish is another man's treasure - and vice versa!

  11. We went to one in Wales when we visited my cousin and her husband who live quite close to John of Going Gently fame. Lots of junk as far as I could tell. Not for me either, I have plenty of my own junk at home !

  12. never been to one myself. far too early on a sunday!
