Friday 27 February 2015


One of the problems with doing things at the same time each week is that it makes the weeks go by so quickly - and they go quickly enough as one gets older without any help from  that.

Coffee day in Penley's Bistro with 'the gang' (only six of us this morning so less noise than usual), was followed by a quick look round the market.  What I love about the market is the way it reflects the seasons.   This is particularly true of the greengrocery stall - Carricks - which is an absolutely glorious array even in the depths of Winter.   Gradually more and more produce emerges as the days lengthen.   Forced rhubarb (a bit of an acquired taste which the farmer doesn't care for) has appeared and I think looks rather tasty.   I have bought some today and intend to serve it for tea this afternoon -warm with custard.

That reminds me instantly of rhubarb and custard lollipops - the lollipops of my childhood.   They were like giant humbugs on sticks - transparent red 'boiled sweet' on one side and creamy yellow 'custard on the other.   Do you remember them?

And sucker and dabs, a bag of yellow lemonade powder and a 'dab' on a stick - a flat toffee for dipping in the powder.   And 'tobacco' a bag of toasted coconut which tasted absolutely delicious.   I could go on - there were so many to choose from - and no thought of what they were doing to our teeth.   But back to the greengrocery stall.

The new season's broccoli, tiny stems fastened together with elastic bands, steamed in under five minutes and eaten at lunch time today with fried potatoes and a hot pork and apple pie.   Rather than go on at length I have just thought - next Friday I will endeavour to take a photograph of the stall, weather permitting.

Sufficient to say that the said broccoli was absolutely delicious and I am pretty sure the rhubarb will be too.   Now I am just eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first asparagus - then it will be out with the thin bread and plenty of butter.

What about you, dear readers - do you have favourite Spring foods after the rather boring casseroles and soups of Winter?   If so, please do share them with us.


  1. I was merely drooling until I reached asparagus. Now I want a plane ticket to the Dales.

  2. do you have a recipe for the pork and apple pie that you'd share?

  3. Today attended a wedding of two friends, both OAP's. I found myself sitting next to a psychiatrist at the meal. Especially enjoyed the spinach and sheep's cheese strudel.

  4. Fortunately I love hearty homemade soups and casseroles, but I also love asparagus, strawberries, runner beans and purple sprouting broccoli - but only when in season. My rhubarb is already growing in the garden and I am looking forward to growing tomatoes and runner beans again this year.
    That pork and apple pie sounds delicious.

  5. Fresh peas - eaten raw - asparagus, thinner than a pencil and rhubarb - ohhh hurry spring.

  6. I have one memory of rhubarb seared into my brain from childhood....

    My grandparents always planted a huge garden including rhubarb.... I mush have been 5 yrs old or younger when i grabbed or was given? a stalk of rhubarb out of the garden and i took a big bite of it ....SOUR!! lock your jaw sour!!! I have never had it any other way.... Hugs! deb

  7. Goodness our winter has been so mild again,that I would love a casserole.
    We are hoping for rain on Sunday and Monday so I will make one then.
    Adore rhubarb and we usually have asparagus at the posh market. But I look forward to spring and the asparagus at every market.
    What I am enjoying are the pears.
    The hard one sliced with a dash of salt or ripe ones baked in the oven.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. The pork and apple pie was bought from our very good deli in our little town. I wouldn't attempt to make one sadly. It is an open pie of pork with a thick layer of apple on the top. Delicious. I like the idea of parsnip#s hard pear with a dash of salt (and of the ripe one baked in the oven come to that).
    Thanks for calling.

  9. Dont book yet Joanne, we have three months before asparagus arrives. I think we are getting carried away here.

  10. We still buy the rhubarb and custard sweets. A bit of a favourite here.
    I noticed the pink round shiny startings of my pot rhubarb were just showing today (that in the ground is not to be seen yet)

  11. Your post with its tender broccoli, rhubarb and even a promise of asparagus is so welcome.

    All is still very cold here, with thick icy remnants of our last snowfall providing unwelcome sidewalk edging. I smiled as I read the finish to your post, since I am so, so glad to have made yet another batch of hearty lentil soup today.

    I recognize what you wrote about a regularity of weekly events contributing to our perception of time moving quickly. Perhaps I should be glad that my randomly scheduled three work days per week do keep me slightly "off balance."

    Best wishes!

  12. Regarding childhood sweets, have a look at the you tube video of Pam Ayres "I wish I'd looked after my teeth".

  13. How strange; I've just been writing about favourite sweets.

    My broccoli is being hesitant.... another 2 weeks maybe!

  14. Considering that it is snowing and icing tonight and I supposedly live where it doesn't do that, I'm not thinking spring food just yet. Putting another pot of chili on the stove for tomorrow. But, your lunch sounds delicious.

    As for rhubarb, I love it. Always make my husband a rhubarb pie on his birthday in June as that is when it was ready where I grew up in the northern US. Can't grow it where I live now and have to buy limp stalks at the grocery to make that pie. Just not the same.

    Yes, please share the pork and apple pie recipe.

  15. Oops, Just saw your reply to the recipe. going to have to try that.

  16. Asperagus, I love the first asparagus of the the spring/winter. You can get it year round but I don't I want local so I wait and as the others have said I drool.

  17. Just made vegetarian chili. Never made it before/new recipe. Very good, all it needs is pork sausage. (I'm not a vegan).
