Saturday 28 February 2015

Coffee Morning

On a nice, bright, breezy late winter's day, what was nicer than to go out at ten o'clock and meet friends at a Coffee Morning in the Village Hall.   There is always one on the first Saturday in the month for Church funds, but this was an extra one put in for a Primary School in an African village.   A husband and wife in the village give this school a lot of support and go out often to see how they are getting along - and to take extras they have collected.

There were a lot of African artefacts there, books, cakes, marmalade,  guess the square, and of course coffee and biscuits.  We sat chatting for an hour before coming home.   I hope they made a good amount of money for such a worthy cause.   I know just how much these African children value their education as a way out of the poverty trap.

I always think that when education first became compulsory in the UK the children would feel much the same - and what a long way we have come since then.

My two photographs today show our little village church which is directly opposite the other photograph which is of the village Memorial Hall where the coffee morning was held.


  1. What a lovely church. And I love coffee mornings - they are always good for a chat, some home-baking, and it's nice to think they are raising money for a good cause too.

  2. A worthwhile meeting for a very worthwhile cause!
    Claudia is camping with friends in the Kruger National Park as I write. Lots of elephant photos!
    Have a peaceful weekend.
    Needless to say, still snow on the ground here!

  3. How wonderful that you can support a worthy cause AND have a nice time doing it.
    I love the photos of the church. But what struck me about them was the grass. It is GREEN! We haven't seen the grass in quite some time here. And, it wasn't such a lovely shade of green, either.

  4. Children in this country do not value education, it's a shame.

  5. You do get around Weaver. You make me feel like a right stick-in-the-mud.

  6. It's always good to support a worthy cause, and what a lovely building to have your coffee mornings in. The church looks very impressive for a village church. The blue sky looks good too!

  7. What a beautiful church you have in the village.
    Your friends charity sounds very worthwhile.
    Plus a Saturday coffee every months sounds so nice.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Oh how I envy you those lovely old stone buildings - so few of them over here. One time we almost rented on in Wisconsin - it was grand and glorious and I can't recall now why we didn't rent it - it certainly would have been an adventure.

  9. Sounds like a great way to raise funds for a worthy cause. My son's school is raising funds for Book Aid Internatinal to provide children overseas with reading material. He and his friends have been busy sorting out their books from home that they have outgrown,pricing them up and will sell them on Friday. It's good to see them helping out other children.

  10. Thank you for the photographs, giving us a visual glimpse of your village to go along with your well written descriptions.

    Back to lamb and mutton. I was chatting on the phone with my brother who is a great fan of lamb, and of mutton (if it's cooked patiently for a while.) He's a fine cook, and was actually making a lamb stew while we talked about many matters. I encouraged him to have a look at your fabulous site.

    Best wishes.

  11. Beautiful buidings Pat - great to have coffee with friends and even better when it's for such a worthy cause.

  12. Thanks for the comments and the interest they generate among us all.
