Thursday 18 December 2014

Well, it looks as though Blogger has changed its mind again because now you don't have to put robot numbers in - you seem to have a choice.   The wonders of computers sail right over my head.  I still can't do links - can anyone tell me in easy language how to do them - it would save me having to write 'on my side bar' every time I wanted my readers to refer to a particular blog.

A week today and it is Christmas day.   Barring my on line grocery order (booked for Tuesday morning - I had to book it on November 23rd in order to get a spot, that's how manic people get) - and a spot of 'goody' shopping with friend W on Saturday morning I have finished everything.

I sometimes wonder if the women didn't do things, would it get done.  (outrage expected in my comments from the few men who 'do' Christmas).

I personally love it and get pleasure from all the preparations.   And as for those who say it is a time when families get together to fall out - well all I can say is that I have never found it so, but maybe I am just lucky.

Christmas Day - just the farmer and I - will be spent on a new giant jig saw puzzle we have bought, interspersed with games of Rummikub and a bit of television when there is something we want to watch.  Boxing Day the family and friends come for lunch and buffet in the evening.
Last evening there was a television programme where Giles Coren and  his brother in law discussed the twelve wines of Christmas.   The programme was interesting in that we visited various places at home and abroad, where liquor was produced.  But all I can say is that if we all approached Christmas intending to drink all the liquers, egg-nogs, wines, spirits and mulls they recommended we would be so 'blotto' Christmas would pass in a haze.   Maybe for those who end up falling out with their families, this would be a good idea.  Just don't get behind the wheel of a car though!


  1. linking on blogger Pat; should be easy, top of the blogger page has 'link', soooooo highlight the words you want linked, r/h clicks turns word blue, 'copy' then go to link, paste in url line and you can then check if it is right, then OK it. simples...
    Someone much cleverer than me will probably reduce all that!

  2. The wise men and the shepherds were all men and all managed to get presents for Jesus. OK, they may have been a bit late and their choice of gifts was a bit random but even so....
    And what about Santa - nobody goes to as much trouble as he does!

  3. When you've done your post go to the control labelled 'links' and highlight the word in your post you want to link to by dragging the mouse over it with the finger pressed down on the rt. side of the mouse. This will turn the word blue. Then simply type in the address of the link.

  4. We are visiting Aldi on Tuesday for some fresh stuff and that's it.
    We're having my Mum and my Inlaws over for Christmas Day, really looking forward to it. My lovely Father in Law was just out of hospital last Christmas after breaking his hip, so it will lovely to have everyone around the table this year.

  5. Oh, I just had to respond to your statement about would it get done if not for women. I have always thought that women make Christmas happen. I just wrote a post about frazzled women at Christmas. We aren't responsible for making everyone's Christmas happy.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  6. Both Thelma and Gwil are right, but far better to get someone to show you how it's done. And WRITE IT DOWN.

  7. I only speak computer by rote, not by comprehension.

  8. You can google "add link to blogger" or something similar and they will give you a tutorial - I like it when I get pictures along with words to help me learn something new. Sometimes I have to go at it several times but eventually I learn.

  9. We never have fights at Christmas, I'm always so glad to have my family together.
    Haven't done my Christmas food shop yet, waiting til Monday.
    Now that my back is better I'm trying to get caught up on everything.

  10. Rummikub! We used to play it for hours. Buying nephew a cribbage board for Christmas. I wonder how hard that is to learn?
    :) m & jb

  11. I wonder how many robots there are with blogs?! I can't do links either, nor can I 'copy and paste', but I know someone who does, so should the need arise I will call upon their expertise.
    I am just about ready for the big day and hope not to have to do any more shopping until after Christmas. It will be just the two of us on Christmas Day, then the family come for a buffet supper on Boxing Day.

  12. I want to type 'I - am - not - a -robot, I - am - not - a - robot ....' in a gargly Dalek voice!!

  13. I'm going to have a go at the blog linky thing later.
    Not ready for Christmas yet, but it will all span out I am sure. Just a sunday tea with a few more folks. it's the cards and presents that get me down and I have still not finished the presents yet. As for Christmas happening if left to men. Not in this house! Very little would happen if I didn't do it.

  14. I am still working so Christmas seems a long way off.

  15. I think in our house if it was all left to the man it would happen - but it would be very different. We go to the local curry house for Christmas lunch. That's different!

  16. Seems some men are very handy in the kitchen. But maybe some men would be happy for Christmas not to happen at all - so perhaps we can't altogether blame them. It is nice to lay the blame on someone though, isn'#t it?

  17. Hi Pat, when pasting your link don't include the http://
    So when adding the link for
    just paste
