Wednesday 17 December 2014


Today was our last Poetry meeting of 2014, when ten of us met for an afternoon of Poetry in friend W's conservatory.  We had company this afternoon in the shape of an all playing (saxophone), all dancing bear which W had bought and which sat on the table in the centre of the room, giving us a burst of his playing now and again when one or the other of us pressed the right button.

Everyone had searched for Christmas=themed poetry and it was surprising what we had all found.  Highlight of course had to go to friend S, who is a Lancashire lass through and through, who read an  'Albert' (of horses head handle fame) poem about Christmas in her wonderful Lancashire accent.   J, who loves Betjamen, read his Christmas - also a favourite with us all.

Our January meeting date was fixed.   I know that we all feel the same about these meetings once a month - there is nothing to equal them - lovely poetry, good friends and a lovely room to hold the meeting in thanks to W 's hospitality.

Christmas is creeping up on us - come tomorrow morning there will only be a week left to go.   I really don't know why we get in such a state about it as really Christmas dinner is quite an easy one to cook once the turkey is in the oven, and so much of it (cranberry sauce, stuffings, red cabbage) can easily be prepared the day before and warmed up on the right day.

All my menus are prepared and shopping lists done - if I forget anything then just too bad, I have enough in the freezer to feed an army in any case.



  1. Hi Pat!
    Are you having guests coming for Christmas dinner? We are going to my brother's in Virginia -about 75 minutes away. Then up the Interstate the next day for three hours to visit best friends and grandkids for a few days. Working my little hoofies to the quick trying to finish a l a r g e crochet blanket for brother and s-i-l. Whew!

  2. Your poetry afternoons always sound so lovely. I am just about ready for Christmas and would be quite happy if I did all the last minute shopping tomorrow and didn't have to go out again until the 27th.

  3. If some readers are not familiar with the poem you mentioned there are some nice videos of it being read. It's under "The Lion and Albert" on YouTube

  4. It certainly slipped up on my. I must wrap soon or never.

  5. Your poetry meetings sound lovely. Albert and the Lion used to be my Dad's party piece when I was young, he always recited his poetry without notes, usually with actions too, very funny. A lovley childhood memory.

  6. Oh, I remember Albert and the Lion! :)

  7. Daughter asked if we could do something super simple. We had a nice dinner for Thanksgiving just a few weeks ago.
    There will only be four so we will
    with a few of us just getting over being very ill.
    We are thinking a Japanese Hot Pot for Christmas Eve and as we have a nice brunch for Christmas Day.... we still thinking about an easy dinner.
    Your poetry meetings sound so lovely.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. I shall buy one Turkey tomorrow, which I shall freeze. I shall then try to find another one on Tuesday for Christmas. If none is available I shall defrost the first one. If one is available the frozen one will be eaten at Easter.

  9. Good idea Cro. The trouble is that I really don't like turkey all that much, so only eat it to appease the farmer, who can't imagine Christmas Day without it.

  10. Good idea Cro. The trouble is that I really don't like turkey all that much, so only eat it to appease the farmer, who can't imagine Christmas Day without it.
