Thursday 18 September 2014

Hide and seek.

The painters are here this morning starting to paint the outside of our farmhouse.   As I write this there are scraping and rubbing noises from the bay windows at the front of the house.   Getting showered (keep the blinds drawn) and getting dressed was a matter of darting from room to room, hoping I had chosen the right room to avoid detection.   Believe me, at my age, my body is not a pretty sight.  (the days when I would happily take my clothes off and pose for someone to draw me are long gone - although I do believe some painters like painting old women).

Age takes it toll, doesn;t it?   I was at a Preview of an Art Exhibition last night with friend W.   I met and chatted to an old friend who I have not seen for twenty-odd years - how she had aged and become infirm.   It struck me forcibly that she was probably thinking exactly the same about me.   When we look in the mirror we see the same person we have seen since the day we were born.   Others only see the person as he/she is today - that's the big difference.   None of us can avoid old age - the best thing to do is to embrace it, grit one's teeth and jolly well keep going.   After all, as someone once said, the alternative to old age is worse.

Well, it's the big day today.   I was about to write that after today it will all die down, but of course it will be at least a week before things on the news get back to 'normal' - then there will be some conflict somewhere which will be designed to catch our attention.   Meanwhile thousands, if not millions, languish in appalling refugee camps around the area with no prospect of return.   Whole generations of children  will grow up without allegiance to a country and with a hatred of the people who have driven them out.   It makes the business of an independent Scotland seem very small fry doesn't it?


  1. Bare all and be proud, Pat! You know painters like strippers.

  2. I'm sure common sense will prevail, but I shall laugh if it doesn't.

  3. Recently I admitted it's an old woman I see in the mirror. But, that's the only place I see her.

  4. I see a skinny women when I look in the mirror - until I turn sideways. Will be interesting to see how today turns out for the Scots.

  5. All you say is so true about the aging of our bods - we can only hope to keep going, accept the process and whatever it brings regarding changes in physical beauty, and hope the aches and pains can be treated gently and with as few chemicals as possible! Being so distanced from my English family (now so few remaining sadly), and school friends, I do see such huge changes when we are lucky enough to meet up when I come over the water. Of course we always hug, kiss, say each of us looks great, but we do see such differences if time has elapsed - but keep those impressions to ourselves-----after all we were all brought up to be polite Brits!!

    Will be awaiting the news later. This world has become such an unfriendly planet.

    Mary -

    P.S. Please, please, please show us a pic of your freshly painted farmhouse - I would love to see it!

  6. I have been thinking the very same thing. I daresay we will all survive whatever the outcome of the voting. If I catch sight of myself in the bathroom mirror I stand up straight and hold my stomach in - then I feel better, get dressed and don't worry about it! I suppose I might have looked good naked once, but it was a very long time ago. Dodging the painters will help keep you in trim.

  7. You have some of the best comments !

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Enjoy life and make the most of it and share a cup of tea with someone.

  9. Our Senior's choir sang at Orchard Haven yesterday, - a home for those who can no longer look after themselves. It pained me to see so many familiar faces that I was young with... loved the witty comment about painters and strippers!

  10. Yes at 43 I'm already dreading more wrinkles but what can you do right?

  11. So, Scotland made the decision, and by a ten percent margin too. What a surprise - and i am personally pleased they are staying in the Union.
    Thanks for calling in - and yes, I managed to flit from room to room without encountering the painters (of the outside window kind Robert.)
