Wednesday 17 September 2014


Today (and tomorrow too) has been a busy day - but also an enjoyable one.This morning friend S came for coffee and a chat.
Last night I had made a Moroccan Tagine for lunch today so I could sit and chat  to her until lunch time.   I should have served cous-cous with the tagine but I forgot to get any - the farmer was delighted by this and jumped for joy at the idea of mashed potato instead!

After lunch it was down to the Feed Merchants in Masham - a really lovely little market village/town with a very French feel to it.
On the journey down (it is only about ten miles from home) we pass this lovely little Roman Catholic Church, which I always feel has a French feel to it to.  At last I managed to get a photograph of it, albeit not a very good one.

After tea I went with friend W to a Preview of an Art Exhibition in our local Arts Centre.   It was lovely to see such a lot of people there and there was quite a buzz to the evening.

Now I am home and just about to watch 'Bake Off' - I wonder who will go out tonight after they have made their quite impossible creations.


  1. Jumping for Joy over mashed potatoes gave me quite a smile. In my house, rice does it.

  2. My husband would agree with yours over couscous and has developed an allergy to Mary Berry so we don't watch Bake Off! That church is so pretty. Thankyou for the lovely comments you leave on my blog.

  3. I love cous-cous and I adore that the farmer was jumping for joy over mashed potatoes.

    The church is very lovely. You live in a most beautiful place.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. That is an interesting old chapel

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3

  5. It has to be couscous here, which we also eat as Taboulé.

  6. Allergy to Mary Berry Heather? Oh dear - I think she is lovely and I adore her clothes- particularly her jackets.

  7. I love how you get out and about - and share your interesting trips with us - thank you.
    That church design is certainly an eye catcher in your area of England!

    Mary -
