Friday 12 April 2013


Friend W and I, along with dog Sophie, have been over to the edge of The Lakes today to meet our friends P and D in Kirby Lonsdale.   What a transformation in temperature.   We left here at a quarter to eleven this morning in fog and slight drizzle and with a temperature of 2.5 Celsius.   We went over the top of the Pennines - Ingleborough (one of the three peaks in the Pennines and no stranger on this site) still had snow here and there and the top was covered in cloud, but already - as we went Westward - the temperature at ground level had risen to around 8.   By the time we reached Kirby Lonsdale the temperature was 11.5Celsius, the sun was shining, the daffodils were in full bloom and even the lilac bush we passed on our walk to the Italian Restaurant where we meet, was showing big, fat buds.

Kirby Lonsdale is a delightful little town and the restaurant, Avanti, has the most delicious Italian food.   We both wished we had such a restaurant here in our little town.   We had a mooch round the shops, called into Booth's supermarket to top up on weekend shopping and then returned via Sedbergh, which meant going up towards the Howgill Fells - in full sunlight and looking so elegant, as they always do- crossing the River Rawthey, immortalised by the poet Basil Bunting and then home, crossing the watershed of the Pennines and coming back into a misty,  rather dismal 4.5. here back in Wensleydale.   A lovely day out.


  1. A lovely day out for you Pat. Micro climates have great variety. At our house on Mt.Lofy, our spring came six weeks later and autumn six weeks earlier than in the city at a sea level. Even 300 feet downhill the weather was very different, they had bright sunny days while we were enveloped in grey cloud that could be so depressing when it was a fact of life for 6 months of the year.
    Take heart dear heart, your daffodils will soon be nodding too.

  2. Beautiful photos and the outing sounds lovely !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. At least we are heading the right way Pat.

  4. A lovely trip with friends and a touch of spring too.

  5. Lovely photos ! It is like that here in different areas not so far from each other . Our valley has different temps and weather then just 20 minuets away in town on higher ground ! Sounds like a lovely day had by all !

  6. Enjoyed that almost as much as you did!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  7. It is odd how conditions can be so different even a short distance away. So pleased your day out was not spoiled or prevented by bad weather. Your photos are very atmospheric if not quite springlike.

  8. Thanks for visiting - spring seems to have arrived in North Yorkshire this morning judging from looking out of the window.

  9. I really wish I had been there... my mouth is watering at the thought of having a delicious lunch at the Italian Restaurant.

  10. If the daffodils are blooming, there's no turning back and surely Spring has arrived!

  11. I know the area enough to appreciate its beauties even in memory, but as always it's the company that makes such a day. You bring it all to life brilliantly.
