Thursday 11 April 2013

A Veritable Feast.

I have bought myself a book of Poetry from Amazon (what's new, I hear you ask - I seem to be buying a book from Amazon most weeks and am in urgent need of another bookcase).  The book is 'Raining Quinces' by Robert Wilkinson.   Robert is my nephew by marriage and blogs under the name of Solitary Walker (see my side bar).

I love it!   There is something on every page - I hardly know which ones to mention.   In the poem from which the book takes its title, he has some superb similes and metaphors - apples like rosy pink lanterns; pumpkins like pregnant farmgirls; grapes are purple chandeliers and (my favourite) figs so wickedly feminine they seem barely legal.   There is plenty of imagery throughout the book.

There is pain too, particularly in the Section Blue Fruit, where Robert speaks of members of his family in a most moving way.

And there are poems which paint wonderful pictures of Spain - one of my favourites being Vie de la Plata.  And there is humour.  I am sure Robert will not mind me giving you one example of his humour in one of three limericks:

A winter Camino pilgrim
Abandoned the trail on a whim.
He boarded a train
And was not seen again
So his chance of redemption is slim.

There really is something for everyone in this volume.  I find it quite delightful and urge you to put in on your Birthday list or something.

The price is £6.26 plus postage.   


  1. Raining Quinces is a wonderful title for a poetry collection!

  2. I adore the word Quince and the fruit,
    what a fabulous name for a book !
    So clever and I love the limerick. The last line is perfect.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. That book sounds lovely. I popped over to visit from Anne's MorningAJ's blog.

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

  4. Sounds like a good read ! Thanks for sharing . Have a lovely day !

  5. Pat, I'm so delighted you like my poetry book! Thanks for your enthusiasm. I appreciate it so much.

  6. I shall have to find a copy of that book - it sounds as if it has something for everyone.
    I keep forgetting to say how beautiful your new header picture is. I love hellebores and have some very similar ones in my garden.

  7. That was a lovely taste of what seems like a little treasure.

  8. I love getting new poetry books...the latest Poetry Review has been just great. I'm reading to the potter every night!! I saw Robert's book on another site...will try to get it myself. Thankyou for the recommendation Pat.

  9. I am still enjoying it and finding new poems each time I read it. Thanks for replying.

  10. This sure sounds delightful. Methinks I might follow your recommendation. Thanks.
