Monday 1 April 2013

Small Panic

Are you any good at saying 'No' and meaning it?   Oh dear - if you are then lucky you, because I do find it awfully difficult to do so.   This morning friend E rang to tell me that her speaker for next Friday had called off at the last minute and would I step in.   For many years I have done a talk to local groups on water power in our village and the surrounding area.   After hesitating I agreed - after all, E is a friend and having been secretary of a society for a long time myself, I know how hard it is to find somebody at short notice.

 After ringing off I opened the drawer to look for my notes - they are missing, I suspect destroyed when I decided never to do the talk again.   I found the slides that accompanied the talk but as it is more than twenty years since I took them and they are faded (plus my handling of antiquated equipment is as far past its sell by date as the equipment itself).   'Never mind', I thought, 'I will re-do the research from the book I have on the subject.'   I can't find the book.

However, a wide network of friends has stepped in and a book belonging to a friend is on its way to me - so problem solved.   Well, not altogether - I still have to put together three quarters of an hour of talking to a group, many of whom will know at least as much as I do about my subject matter.   Luckily, I am never nervous in such circumstances - so this research and the final talk will do me a lot of good in the long run.

But this is just to say that normal service will be resumed here on my blog when I have done all the research - and also written a piece on Le Tour de France in Wensleydale for our Wednesday Writers' Group.   Did anyone ask if I am retired these days?


  1. I am quite certain that you will rise to the occasion, slight panic or not. Who knows, the more recent version of your talk might be even better than the original one. I hesitate to say 'Good Luck' as I'm sure you won't need it.
    As for being retired - I have worked harder and been more exhausted in the past month than I can remember!

  2. If your blog is anything to go by I am sure you could stand up and ad lib on something .

  3. I know the feeling.....and the asker knew you'd say 'yes'! Good luck with the talk. You'll 'knock 'em dead'!

  4. It's good to keep you hand in. And you mind, too.

  5. I know you will do a grand job of it. You are brave to take it on again, starting from scratch. Happy retirement :-) Keeps you out of mischief.

  6. I echo everyone's positive comments. I am currently researching one on Edward Thomas, which I am to give in a month's time, and just starting to panic . . .

  7. Are you stuck with the subject or can you choose something else, like blogging, for example. You could do 45 minutes on that easily!

  8. If you are never nervous in these conditions, then the battle is already won and your talk will be most enlightening I am sure, even if you have to punish them by making it boring.

  9. Over the years, I've become much better at saying 'No'. I'm sure you will rise to the occasion though. I hope you enjoy it :)

  10. I was going to say what @Ruby said, if this blog is anything to go by I an very sure you could just stand up and give a wonderful talk.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Just enjoy yourself. I know you'll be more than prepared

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
    > < } } ( ° >

  12. You'll be great but I do understand your panic. I'm a lot better at saying no now than I was when younger!

  13. Never mind the lost notes I'm sure once you start your water talk it'll all come pouring back.

  14. Well, I have finished the piece for the talk on Friday evening - and really enjoyed doing it too. Thanks
    for your encouraging remarks - they did help!

    I abandoned all thought of the piece for Writers - I am supposed to enjoy writing not be pressurised.

    Thanks for popping by.
