Friday 29 March 2013

All Mod Cons.

Today several things happened which set me thinking about all the 'modern' things we take forgranted.

Let us start with communications by telephone.    Most of us round here still have a landline - in fact nobody of my acquaintance relies totally on the mobile phone.   The farmer and I both have one - I know his number and it is stored in my mobile in case I need to contact him.   I don't know my own number by heart and never have my phone switched on anyway - I use the phone purely in an emergency if I wish to get hold of somebody when I am out somewhere.   But most of my friends - and  I - am with a phone company which is having problems at the moment because of the heavy snow North of here.   The mast is out of action and none of us is getting a signal.   Suddenly we are all missing the fact that we haven't got instant contact with folk and it is causing consternation.   Friend, S, this morning had arrangements with her partner which broke down because of lack of contact phone lines - and both had to use an initiative which they probably found a bit rusty.   Of course, it worked out in the end - but it made me wonder how very used we have become to this 'easy' contact method. 

But, another fairly modern invention was put to good use this morning.   Friend J fell over the step as she came into the Golden Lion.  (as she later pointed out - she was coming in, not going out).
She fell really heavily and quite badly injured her face.   The pub instantly telephoned the Paramedic (on their landline) and within a couple of minutes he was there (he is based at our local Medical Practice, which is only just down the road luckily).   J got a thorough going over - the Paramedic was marvellous, treating her injuries, calming her down (and some of us) and generally making her feel that all was well.   After an hour of thorough checks he left her - and us - to our coffee and later on to a carvery lunch, by which time J had more or less recovered (with a very black eye) - thanks in large part to the calming and professional influence of the Paramedic.

Our market was all there today - it is Good Friday and the racing stables in Middleham are open, which means there are plenty of people around in our little town.   Walking up the market place between the stalls and seeing long lines of colourful primulas in full blossom and (for the first time in a week) seeing the sun shining, there was at last a feeling of Spring in the air, even if the temperature was only 4 degrees Celsius. 

Toasted hot cross buns for tea.  


  1. The trouble with mod.cons is that we get used to them and then become totally reliant on them. When they break down we are lost.
    I do hope J will not be too uncomfortable after her fall. Our Paramedics are wonderful, aren't they?
    I pity the market traders this winter - they must be a hardy lot. You paint a vivid picture with your words Pat. So often I feel as if I am right beside you.

  2. I am pleased to hear that you have seen the sun. It is still absent without leave down here and the wind chill is bitter.

    I hope that your friend makes a speedy recovery. She must have been quite shaken up by that nasty fall. What a good thing that the paramedic was near at hand and so kind and efficient.

  3. I love mod.cons - absolutely. When someone moves you don't have to get their new phone number, when you are on vacation you don't have to pass out hotel room phone numbers (a lot of hotel and motel rooms in the US don't even have phones in them anymore,they rely on you to bring your cell phone), when you are out and about you can still contact and be contacted by friends and family. Sometimes I wonder how we managed with just phone booths when traveling.

    I remember searching for a phone booth with an intact phone book - sometimes a hopeless search. I do love cell phones,and keep mine on all the time, especially when I'm going someplace. To me there is almost nothing as frustrating as trying to contact someone by cell phone and they have it turned off.

    But I do realize the problems that can come up if cell phone service is out - I suppose people felt the same way when home phones were first new and their service failed and they had to walk to a distant neighbor's house - or send someone on a horse or a very slow car for the doctor.

    And sun and primroses are very nice. indeed.

  4. I do like my mobile for quick messages but I do like to have a good old chin wag on the land line.Hope your friends face soon heals.Love Jill xx

  5. We have a land line and each a phone but our phones are the Mic phones we can talk to each other like a walkie talkie or call like a cell phone and our family can as well cause they have them to ! Oh I hope your friend will heal quickly Ouch that sounds painful ! Spring has sprung here for us finally no snow left warmer temps but still a little chill in the breeze sunny with blue sky's , we were able to get out today and do some yard work ! Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend !

  6. That sounds like an awful fall.

    I used to talk a lot on the phone. I've become less communicative as I've got older and prefer emails. Very anti-social.

  7. I found my mobile phone in a hen house..been there for 2 weeks......
    Shows you just how much I use it

  8. I can still remember when we got our landline phone at home because my sister was going away to college. Before that we had to go down to the box on the corner with fourpence change to make a call!

  9. I found it quite shocking that cell-phones are not the norm. Here in the states they are considered almost manditory, You may even be considered not normal if you don't have one. And Texting??? do I dare ask. Hope your friend recovers, enjoy the spring.

  10. Gracious, what a drama!
    I'm so happy your friend is alright... well, apart from a black eye. Those paramedics are angels, aren't they?

    As for the mod cons... we have dreadful mobile service here at the house... too many tall trees surrounding us. But... truth be told... I'd rather take medicine than talk on the phone, so I'm not complaining. But I would protest loudly if someone tried to take away my Dyson vacuum!!
    Happy Easter to you and your handsome farmer!

  11. Happy Easter to you both, and thanks for your lovely photos and thought-provoking blog entries.

    I agree that being in easy communication via cell phones does change the way we interact, but I appreciate its 'safety net' too. Knowing I can call for help, and that I am available for family (particularly the elderly) is very useful.

    I do hope J isn't too black and blue tomorrow, and recovers fast.

  12. I hope J recovers well and quickly. Paramedics are great, though, very helpful

  13. I could not live without my mobile. Now it is a computer in my hand, not just a phone. It is never turned off but sometimes put on silent. I do not use my landline anymore, it is permanently unplugged - I did this several years ago when I got fed up with the double-glazing salesmen etc.

    I hope your friend is all right. Tripping over is not nice at any age.

  14. We both have celllular phones, but keep a landline in the house for when the power goes out - the house phone always seems to go on working. We've become so accustomed to the instant communication that the computer makes possible - I love it!

  15. I feel lost without my mobile now, especially after my awful accident. I might not be here if I'd been without it that day but, even ten years ago, I found it an annoyance in my bag that I never used. Things change so fast. Enjoy your buns!

  16. A very cold weekend and snow still lying on the ground - one day with sun but now the sun has gone and it is grey again.
    Thanks for calling. Keep warming.
