Saturday 20 February 2010

The watercourse has burst its banks!

More names for watercourses arrived in my inbox overnight - so here they are to add to yesterday's list:-

From South Africa - spruit, umfula, umfulana
From Norway - lok, sig, sik, sikle, bekk and elv, groft and renne.

Also on one comment (I think it is Bovey Belle, but am in a hurry and have not got time to look now) there is a wonderful word I have never heard, which I presume is a colloquial word for 'daft' - the word is 'blardy'. I feel another meme coming on!

On the subject of watercourses - isn't it interesting how there are suffixes - e.g. bach and bachlein (for a smaller version) and here, above, umfula and umfulana (zulu words). Have a nice weekend. I shall, hopefully, post later in the day after morning coffee with friends.


  1. Blardy: Ahem, here I must confess it is a friend's polite word for bloody!!!

  2. Umfulana is a wonderful word Pat and I find it interesting to note the similarities among European countries' words, e.g. bekk from Norway. Enjoy your coffee.

  3. You have been deluged with water words!!

  4. Don't think I'd want to paddle in a sik...

  5. woohoo! a blog about words!

    I'll be here from now on, if that's OK.

  6. I hope the coffee morning was good. umfulana is a great word!! You've a torrent of words now.
