Saturday 20 February 2010

Saturday walk.

Tess, the black cat and I have just been for a walk down the pasture. The sun is quite warm on our backs, the rabbits are frisking about in the fields and have dug a large hole under the barn. The black cat is seriously interested - he is adept at catching (and scoffing) tiny rabbits fresh from the nest (sorry), The farmer is busy spreading effluent on the fields (sorry again) and when he has done that he will concentrate on collecting all the heaps of nature's prunings which lie about waiting to go on a bonfire. Dare I say that there is a modicum of spring in the air today. (that is probably reason enough for a snowy downfall overnight.) Have a good weekend.


  1. Lovely walk (and view via photos) on what is certainly a more spring-like day there than here. We still have nearly a foot of snow on the ground after days of settling and compacting; it's now so hard that Moon the dog, 60 pounds, can walk atop the crust as if on solid ice…which it is, more or less. Still pretty, though.

  2. Enjoyed the walk with you today. But, Spring is a long way off, in my little corner of the world. Like "Grizzled" we still have quite a bit of snow, and the weatherman is forecasting 4 inches more this week-end. So have a lovely week-end and enjoy your spring-like weather.

  3. I enjoyed your walk Pat but haven't dared set out myself as there is still a lot of snow and ice on footpaths here. We are due more snow on Monday apparently but I shan't mind if it forgets us! It's a glorious day but I can't do any gardening as it is still covered. The snowdrops are just peeping over the top.

  4. I also sniff an early spring coming..wishful smelling??
    My indoor cat has walked with me this kitchen, mostly!! Spotted chow on shelf...better feed him now!

  5. For me as well, your post brought up memories of the scents of spring. Thawing earth. Fertilizer from the barnyard. Warm breezes bringing in a hint of blossoms. And your walking companion, Tess, looks like she is a good friend and earns her keep.

  6. The view and sky are wonderful in your first photo. I hope the cat doesn't catch too many of the rabbits, though I guess the farmer sees them as pests.

  7. What a lovely walk and view. Shame about the rabbits but that is just a cat being instinctive. Don't the rabbit burrows under the barn put it at risk?

  8. I think one reason why our cat lived to a pretty ripe old age is because she caught and ate so many baby rabbits that she didn't need to eat very much man-made food. We had a lovely day here for a walk as well. Birds singing! Winter is not done with us of course, but it is a nice breather.

  9. What beautiful landscape! Enjoyed "walking" with you and your kitty.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  10. weaver - i love the outdoor mousers!! they live life large!!! tough for the little bunnies though . . . . have a lovely evening in the dale. steven

  11. There are actually 3 things we can be sure of : Death, SHITE and taxes.Only the third was missing in your post but I'm sure there's a windowed envelope somewhere in the farmhouse.

  12. Scribe - after the lovely day yesterday, today we have several inches of snow and a grey sky.

  13. Grammaann - obviously I spoke too soon - snow again.

  14. Heather - I have just watched the country file forecast for the week and as the warm air meets the cold air we are all in for a last burst of snow.

  15. Leenie - my poor grammar in today's piece suggested that the cat was called Tess. Tess in our Border Terrier and the cat is called Blackie - they are bosom pals.

  16. Juliet - yes you are quite right, the farmer does view them as pests. I am afraid the two cats do rather thin out the rabbit population, although we are still inundated with them.

  17. Maggi - that particular barn is not used any more and is falling into disrepair anyway. The floor inside is riddled with rabbit holes.

  18. LL Winter is in full swing here again today. Still it can't last for much longer, can it.

  19. A modicum of spring in the air? Crocuses on the move down here so maybe, just maybe...

  20. Things are greening up there quite beautifully, Weaver!

  21. What a lovely walk. Super photo at the top. We had one day like that but it's all gone down hill since! This morning we have a dusting of snow on the ground.
