Saturday 13 July 2024


 Dear Blog friends far and near,

After goodness knows how many years of doing this blog I have finally decided to call it a day.   As you know I am on 'End of Life' care for cancer.   I am still doing alright but even with carers I  manage to fill my day with various little jobs.   I read my e mails and deal with them every morning and do the Mind Games in The Times and that more or less fills my day.

I often got my ideas for a post from reading my daily paper (without which I would be totally lost) but now find I have lost the impetus needed to convert my thinking into words on the page.   I still read your posts and occasionally comment but as my faculties begin to fail this gets harder and is in danger of becoming a chore.

Sorry Dylan (Thomas) but I am happy to go 'gently into that goodnight'.   There is no rage - ninety years is a good innings (and I have lived to see the election of a Labour Goverment!).   My eyesight is poor, sometimes I find it difficult to keep my mind on the subject and even if I do, transferring my thoughts into words on the page is not easy with my trembly fingers.

I shall miss you all.    You have been good, faithful followers and you have taught me such a lot.   I don't want to mention anyone in particular because you have all given me hours of pleasure with your chat about where you live, what you are doing, where you have been - and taken wonderful photographs to prove it.

So a final good-bye.    To the several who I know are in a similar position to me healthwise - I say - be of good cheer.   We walk the road together.   And to you all - sincere thanks for many happy hours in your company.   We never have managed to all get together in one room and 'chew the fat' with a drink in our hands.   But you know what they say - it is better to travel than to arrive.

Thank you all.   And good-bye.


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Anonymous said...

You are one of life’s special people, Pat and will be missed by us all. Thank you from one who never comments, but felt moved to today. With much love. Stay strong, sis.

Anonymous said...

Thank you I have thoroughly loved you're posts. Xx

Mary said...

You were such a special blog friend dear Pat and will definitely be missed by so many of us who loved all you shared. We learned so much from you, and in such a lovely way. You were a force to be reckoned with, but in such a delightful, calming way.

Your love of education, the landscape of England, farming and your lovely farmer, your flowers in the garden, your neighborhood, your family and friends, your journeys far and near, even your caregiver (who must be the best in the world!) - all brought interest, happiness, and a little scare now and then when you fell, to our visits here to your blog.

I will miss you Pat - especially now while struggling with my Bob's cancer diagnosis and upcoming surgery - you were a given here for so long when I needed a pick-me-up!

Just know you are loved by many and we wish you gentle days ahead on the journey of life.
Love Mary & Bob in North Carolina xx

wvhiker said...

I found your blog earlier (after getting back to my blog, and had much enjoyment in reading your posts. Sorry to see you go but I do understand. Thank You

Donna Schoonover said...

Thank you Weaver. You have been an inspiration to me for a while. I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

And yet Pat, older women are so wise. I wish you would speak up til you final day. Your life has been so unusual and magical really.. I’m 71 and I so hope you’ll continue us to speak. Also wish I could have met your farmer …. He rocks

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat, thank you for all the joy and lovely, heartwarming stories. I'm not a big poster of comments but you will be dearly missed. Wishing you all the best. Viv (Country Cottage). X

anonymous said...

It's so nice to see how many people come here as a way of expressing love for you Pat.For those readers that don't know
if you read the blogs listed
on the side bar we can find Weaver's comments somewhere almost every day,-Mary

Terra said...

Dear Weaver, I have followed your blog and wise words for many a year, and am never disappointed in hearing your insights. It is sad for me you are no longer going to post but your decision makes sense I am sure. You must do self care as we all must do. Your country insights and your poetry reading group were always a welcome spot in my day.God bless you dear.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed Pat, more than words can describe. I find myself coming here to check on your latest opinion on something, or memory or reflection, only to remember there are no more. My warmest wishes are that your friends and family surround you with love, knowing that there is this whole other community here that are sending their love and strength also ❤️

Gerry Snape said...

Dear dear weaver of words as well as you have encouraged me in life and kept me sane in the bad times...I can never thank you enough for your encouragement and helpful blogs....much much love to you ... go softly on with all of our thanks and love...Geraldine x

Harriet John said...

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TotalfeckinEejit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Totalfeckineejit said...

Dear Pat, thank you so much for your friendship, thank you for all your wonderful words, thoughts, ideas, reflections, on life on nature, on all things. Your blog is a national treasure, a treasure trove of sharp intelligence and warmth and wit. It should be made into a book and put onto the school curriculum and into every library in the world. All about you is an inspiration right up to and including your incredible philosophical (perhaps even cheery?!) acceptance of your last days, something most people dread and fear, especially me! You and your words will be very much missed in this house, but what a glorious legacy you will be leaving behind. And if we need you, we can always revisit old posts.
Safe travel to the cosmos, dear Pat, see you later!
Love from Peadar

Michaela said...

Thank you so much for sharing your life and stories with the world. You have made the world a more beautiful place.

Jacque from Colorado said...

Dear WoG, What can I say that hasn't already been said, and so eloquently, by so many others? I am glad I found you again from your comments on the wonderful From the House of Edward blog (I'm sure you remember it). I delighted in every new post from you, each one a gift, and the topic always an interesting surprise. How I shall miss them. (I hope your blog will remain up; I would still like very much to "drop by" and visit...) You are leaving on your terms; I would expect nothing less. You have squeezed every bit you could out of life and inspired us to do the same. Thank you for sharing your world with us. We are better people for having known you. Farewell...

John Going Gently said...

I’ve posted a brief update today. The updates will be vague ( unless clarified by pat)
But I hope they will be useful

Anonymous said...

Have you lived your life to the fullest?
Then don’t look back.

Are you proud of your achievements?
Then have no regrets.

Is your conscience truly clear?
Then put right your wrongs.

Can you hold your head up high and look him in the eye?
Then you are ready.

Have you said your farewell?
Then you are lucky.

We only see what we want to see.
He sees everything.
The Good.
The Bad.
The Love.
The Betrayal.
The Saint.
The Sinner.

Anonymous said...

Much love to you and thank you for the most entertaining blog. My thoughts are very much with you. B xxx

Anonymous said...

Ah Weaver, I’m so sad to read this. I’ve followed you for many years and will miss your wise words, and your zest for life and all that it holds. I’ve learnt so much from you. Take good care of yourself, and know you are loved. Julie

Maudie said...

I will miss you and your blog. I am grateful to have been given insight into your world and life.

Anonymous said...

Cool and I have a dandy supply: kitchen cabinet renovation

Nance said...

💚 God Speed!

Karen Noonan said...

Fare the well Pat, may the sun always shine on you, just as you have brought sunshine into our lives with your cheery blog posts.💋

Anonymous said...

Go in peace, dear lady. I'm 72 and you've shown me the way forward. Your light shines far.
Anon from Australia

Colette said...

Thank you for a beautiful blog.

Mike O'Brien said...

Dear Weaver - you are a bright spot in the universe. Thank you so much for your years of sharing Yorkshire life with us all. Godspeed! Chris from Boise

Sheila said...

Thank you for all your wonderful posts over the years. I have enjoyed reading them so much. Wishing you all the love and comfort of all your family and friends.

Daisy Debs said...


Anonymous said...

I have loved reading your blog - what a wonderful gift it has been reading your insightful thoughts and astute observations

Anonymous said...

Weave. Good on you for living such a robust life. Your last poem moved me. I’m much younger and yet never would have posed nude for an art class. Would have lov d to be married to someone like your farmer. (But am blessed to be with my engineer). Feel we are/were simpatico of n that. You seem so full of life and yet nearing the end. I wish you could find the strength to share what that feels like. Wishing you a fond farewell, to this dimension, and a welcome to the next. Please keep us updated on this new h so personal journey

JaneB said...

Thank you for all the times you have shared, and for your lovely perspective on the world. Wishing you a calm and easy journey

Joanne Noragon said...

Farewell, good friend.

Anonymous said...

Can’t sleep. It’s 2:05 am I. San Francisco. Hope you can read this as I’m thinking of you on the farm.

Winters End Rambler said...

Thank you for the many times you’ve entertained us with your tales. Here’s to whatever lies ahead, for all of us in the end. X

Anonymous said...

Weaver — the last poem you revealed here was really good. Extraordinary really. I posted a comment to Rachel “who I thoroughly enjoy” to John’s blog. I believe he posted it to her blog. Not sure but he think so. Anyway it caused a kerfluffle. Thought you would enjoy that. Just as I’ve enjoyed your blog. And goodness sakes k owing you posed nude for your first husbands art classes makes me rethink Rachel — who was hasten to add — is joy reader Gn very much. But that was all trivial - please know my greatest wish is for you to soldier on in the very best British fashion peace out dear friend

Fairtrader said...

I started here in 2016 but haven't been active for quite a while. You, dear Pat, were one of the people I cherished a lot. Over the years the conversations we had were so nice and we shared thoughts and experience. Your pictures and lunch excursions to God knows how many villages, the everyday life , such a treasure for a swede like me! Thank you dear friend, God bless.

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