Monday 28 November 2022

A Long Life


Barbara Anne said...

Did you have more to say, my friend? You have certainly had a wonderfully long life!


Debby said...

We should all be blessed!

gz said...

And you have seen many diverse and interesting things xx

Heather said...

Your post seems to have gone missing Pat. I do hope you can retrieve it for us.x

Susan said...

"A Long Life" is a fantastic topic. My favorite uncle lived to almost 100. He was retired for longer than he worked. He gardened throughout his life. He lived through the depression and this guided his frugal, yet, comfortable lifestyle. I love stories about "a long life."

Joy said...

Both my parents lived long and productive lives and blessed many people as they did so. xx

Cro Magnon said...

Just stay well away from the 'delete' button.

Mary said...

 Hello Blog Admin and anyone reading this , I was diagnosed of herpes and Hiv at the age of 24, and it runs my life until I came to know of Dr Itua herbal center- thankfully after drinking Dr itua herbal medicines for two weeks I'm completely cured which really helped me now I've had no limit how much I do massively. I had two jobs, one full time and one part time, have my horse to care for and would also help friends with their horses. Have since had to accept that I only have one job (to take care of my health) and still care for my horse with help... Dr Itua also cures all sorts of chronic illness and diseases like Herpes,Hiv/Aids,Cancer,Kidney Disease,Liver Diseases,Hepatitis,Lupus,HPV,Diabetes,COPD, And other health conditions anyone may have in their body. Dr Itua uses his herbal medicineTo cure those diseases.
Visit his herbal website or email This is an illness I wouldn't wish on my enemy

Bobby Matthews said...

Loved reeading this thanks