Tuesday 8 March 2022


 Yes I think I can say that Spring has been in the air today - the sun has shone all day and somehow it seems to have made everyone I have spoken to feel a little more positive about things.

I have got back into my stride.   I needed to catch the morning post so  I got dressed straight after my wash , made the  bed, put the breakfast pots into soak and got Priscilla read for our morning walk (it is the day when when my carer doesn't come).

My first chat of the morning was with H, my neighbour, already out in her front garden making a mental note of jobs that needed doing when her gardener arrived.  Then it was over the road to the Post Box (it is my son's birthday on Thursday) and round the block as briskly as I could go.   I walked up the alley as quickly as I could to keep up with a lady with her dog and we had a nice chat.   Then, almost as soon as I turned back into the top of my road I met G, the electrician, who crossed the road for a chat (he is semi-retired).   So by half past ten I had had three long chats and I had only been home half an hour when school friend J rang for a chat so I haven't done so badly today.

I will be back tomorrow dear blog friends.

   Until then.....


gz said...

A very good day!

Melinda from Ontario said...

That sounds like a perfect sort of day. Sunshine is so cheering after a long winter. On a walk to my neighbour's this morning, I noticed sparrows staking their claim on the various birdhouses on my street. It made me happy to think someone has decided spring is on he way.

Bonnie said...

A lovely start to your day! I'm sure that walk in the sun was wonderful. Enjoy these early Spring days. It will be a while for us to have Spring as we have more snow moving in this week. I love hearing about your Spring days!

Debby said...

Having a friendly chat is cheering. Having four of them one after another? A very happy morning indeed!

Rachel Phillips said...

It was a beautiful blue sky today but extremely cold here.

Ellen D. said...

Chilly but sunny here so I got out for a walk too!
My grandson, Michael, has his birthday on Thursday too! He is turning 4 this week. Do you remember when your son turned 4? Don't the years fly by!!

Minigranny said...

Glad that Spring has sprung a little bit where you are and how lovely to get out and have a chat with people! Still been a bit chilly down here in Somerset!

Susan said...

It was sunny and windy here at about 40 degrees. Nearly all the snow is gone; unfortunately 1-2 inches are predicted for tomorrow. The white carpet will be back again. Your day and the weather sounds pretty near perfect. I'm thinking Spring but mother nature keeps spreading snow.

Librarian said...

Sunny but cold here, too, but finally the icy wind has abated, which makes for much nicer walking. Spring is definitely here, not round the corner anymore - no matter where I look, flowers like primroses and crocus are out in full force, and the hedgerows are full of buds and soon will be covered in the white froth of tiny blossoms.
I know I keep saying this, but you have more chats in a day than I! I don't count work meetings as chats, as I don't count the "hello" and "thank you" at the supermarket checkout. On many days, the only real chats I have are with O.K. on the phone and my sister when we meet for an after-work walk.

Tom Stephenson said...

It can't come soon enough eh?

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

A comment on yesterdays post really. Concentrating on the beauty around us is better than reading about things we cannot influence. What we send energy to, helps it to grow. Or that is what I believe.
Sunny day here so far.

Tasker Dunham said...

Out and about and busy. Let it long last.

Jules said...

It is bright and breezy here today. I'm happy to see my washing is blowing on the line. X

The Weaver of Grass said...

Windy but quite a lot warmer today - let's all enjoy the beauty around us rather than the terrible ugliness over which we have no control.

Crafty Green Poet said...

It's always nice to have a chat (or three!). It's feeling more like Spring up here now too