Saturday 13 July 2024


 Dear Blog friends far and near,

After goodness knows how many years of doing this blog I have finally decided to call it a day.   As you know I am on 'End of Life' care for cancer.   I am still doing alright but even with carers I  manage to fill my day with various little jobs.   I read my e mails and deal with them every morning and do the Mind Games in The Times and that more or less fills my day.

I often got my ideas for a post from reading my daily paper (without which I would be totally lost) but now find I have lost the impetus needed to convert my thinking into words on the page.   I still read your posts and occasionally comment but as my faculties begin to fail this gets harder and is in danger of becoming a chore.

Sorry Dylan (Thomas) but I am happy to go 'gently into that goodnight'.   There is no rage - ninety years is a good innings (and I have lived to see the election of a Labour Goverment!).   My eyesight is poor, sometimes I find it difficult to keep my mind on the subject and even if I do, transferring my thoughts into words on the page is not easy with my trembly fingers.

I shall miss you all.    You have been good, faithful followers and you have taught me such a lot.   I don't want to mention anyone in particular because you have all given me hours of pleasure with your chat about where you live, what you are doing, where you have been - and taken wonderful photographs to prove it.

So a final good-bye.    To the several who I know are in a similar position to me healthwise - I say - be of good cheer.   We walk the road together.   And to you all - sincere thanks for many happy hours in your company.   We never have managed to all get together in one room and 'chew the fat' with a drink in our hands.   But you know what they say - it is better to travel than to arrive.

Thank you all.   And good-bye.


  1. So Sad to hear this - will miss you so much.

  2. Farewell Weaver. You have inspired many of us and I have loved reading your posts. Can I please add... how I wish my mother could have been more like you.

  3. Dear Pat,
    As you suspect and with your permission ,
    I will walk alongside you a little while longer


  4. I'm sending you lots of love, and my gratitude for showing us how to age with grace, dignity, compassion, and acceptance. I will never forget you and all the things I've learned from you. Thank you, dear Pat. You are a beautiful soul and your light shines bright. xx

  5. What an exceptional lady you are dear Weaver and your well written blog will be very missed.
    I'm glad John will be in touch with you for a while longer .
    Alison in Wales x

  6. I'm going to miss you Pat as is so many others who have come to know you through your blog. Please drop in once in awhile to say hello and let us know how you are doing. Blog land is losing a very very special Lady. Barb in Canada

  7. Dear lady, thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us all these years. XXXXX

  8. Thank you for being a good blog friend for nearly 20 years. I will miss your posts and comments. I will stay in touch as ever. Rachel X

  9. Thank you so much for the wise and kind thoughts you've expressed in your blog over the years. Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read and always one of the first I clicked on whenever it popped up in my reading list. I never did get that book together, did I? but so many of the photos were taken, knowing that you'd enjoy them. Take care, my friend.

  10. I have never commented before . I feel now is the time to say thank you . I have spent many a happy hour reading your wonderful blog . Take care , much love x

  11. Thank you for everything you have so graciously shared over the years. Your blog will be missed by so many blog friends. Sending loving thoughts

  12. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. xxx

  13. Oh Weave, I will miss your uplifting posts so much, but I really understand how writing them could turn into a chore. Hopefully we can exchange a few emails soon, but I don't want to add to your chore list! All my love, XXX

  14. I've never commented before, but I wanted to say thank you very much for the joy you have brought me with your blog - I have enjoyed reading it for many years. Take care and know that you will be missed.

    1. I feel exactly the same.

  15. Dearest Pat. I found you through Rachel and have enjoyed reading you so very much. Peace

  16. Good that you are looking after yourself Pat. Will miss you of course, and will think of you often with loving thoughts.
    You are also a touch of England that I miss.
    You have been inspiring and wise and such a joy to read.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful posts, and my goodness, you have such a wonderful history of posts spanning the years. Congratulations on a mighty effort and a lovely following of people.
    Take care, and the warmest of hugs to you. Giving you a big wave from across the seas lovely lady - from Pam, Aust.

  17. So typically thoughtful of you to let us know. Thank you and God bless you. May you find joy in the next part of your journey. If anybody can, it is you.

  18. Well, this brought tears but you know what is best for you. We will all miss you very much. You brought a special richness into our lives with your thoughtful posts and gentle humor. Godspeed, dear Pat.

  19. Dear Weaver
    I have never commented but I have read and enjoyed your blog for many years. Thank you for sharing the stories of your life and for giving us the chance to wish you well - on your journey, may the road rise up to meet you.

  20. Thank you for sharibg your thoughts and observation on the world around you and all your memories. My thoughts are with you and i will miss your wonderful words. MaryAnn from Phoenix Arizona

  21. Your enjoyment of life has been an example to us all, and you will be sorely missed. You have many wonderful memories to see you on your way. No raging required.

  22. I will miss you, Pat. Thank you for your beautiful words and kind thoughts throughout the years - the stories of your past and your lovely garden. You were always the first blog I would check in the morning. Wishing you peace and love. xxoo

  23. Pat yours was a favourite blog of mine, so much wisdom and common sense i shant eat a kit kat without thinking of you
    Thank you and peace be with you x

  24. Thank you for all your wonderful blog posts. Regards Sue H

  25. Oh Pat ,

    I'm so sorry to hear the time has come for you to step away from your blog. You will be so very missed.. I have so enjoyed being your blog friend. Once i found you (back when you were with the Farmer) i never missed a post. Sent you many a Christmas card and letters.. Even made you a picture of thistles to go with your last name.. lol Take care dear friend. Love, Debs from Texas.

  26. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I have typed many sentences for my reply here and keep deleting and revising so I will keep it simple and say it has been a pleasure to read your blog and to email with you over the years. - Jackie in Georgia USA

    1. I forgot to add: “Ride On”. - I will always remember you when I listen to that song. Jackie

  27. You have added beauty to this world with every
    post you wrote,I daily hope the best for you and will continue to.Thank you for everything,Mary

    1. P.S. You have blogged since 2008, you opened today's post with After
      goodness knows how many years, knowing it's been 16 plus years should make you proud of yourself and hopefully make you smile,Mary

  28. May your passing be peaceful and pain free. I will miss reading your writing, I am a latecomer to your writing. I am almost 62 years old and just recently retired, entering the third act of my own life. You have shown me that every act is important and interesting, that age does not slow down curiosity and learning. You inspired me and for that I am thankful. Take care Pat.

  29. Such sad news but so typical of you Pat to remember others. Your blog has been an inspiration too many of us, I remember years ago when you started talking to me and when I look back through my blog, your name always pops up. Your courage is without fault and our hearts will be with you on the journey you are taking. Gosh we are going to miss you. All my love, Thelma xxx

  30. We are truly sorry to read this. We will miss your blog so much. Enjoy reading your favourite blogs Pat and we hope to see your name in their comments. Bye for now xx
    Wendy (Wales)

  31. I've enjoyed following your blog for so many years now but understand that you feel it's time to wrap it up and be at ease with the choice. I've admired your intelligence, insight, and most importantly of all, patience with all of your very differing followers of this blog. Wishing you peace, love and a comfortable journey Weave. X

  32. I can only echo what everyone else has said! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and have you share your life and memories with all of us! May your passing be as simple as going to sleep! 🥱
    Marcia in S. Colorado

  33. Your blog posts seem to have had a profound effect on many of your readers. As for myself, your inspiring thoughts about life-changing events helped me to face the aftermath of losing my husband to cancer about five years ago. I wish you and your family strength and serenity going forward. Thank you for everything, Pat.

  34. I will miss your posts. You have been a great inspiration and role model for aging with grace and dignity. I suspected, when I saw your previous post title, that you might be working up to this post, and I hoped it wasn't so even as I understand why it is so. Blessings upon you.

  35. Thank you for your lovely blog. I have been reading it for years and I know I will miss it. Take care and enjoy your life. You have been an inspiration to lots of us and I know when you have been ill or in hospital how followers of the blog have banded together to comment on how you are and why no comments. You are a wonderful star. God Bless You and keep you in His care.

    Love Andie M xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  36. You will be deeply missed. Your wise words, gentle advise and stories of life experiences never fail to amaze me. As always, you know what is best. Thank you for being a wonderful blog friend. Sending love, Susan, Massachusetts, USA.

  37. Sad, but completely understandable.

    I have enjoyed reading your take on things for some years now, and whilst I have never commentated before I have loved seeing the proof of cause and effect - of how your positivity and love create the love and positivity you receive.. And this doesn't mean not having opinions or criticisms, but that your efforts to find goodness means you always find it in some way, shape or form.

    I have been moved by your great humanity and how you find it in small corners.

    And also amused by your cleaning and tidying, which I identify with on some days of the week, but not all!

    May the time you have left be full of love and peace.

    Love Caroline

  38. I can only echo others in saying I will miss you, and how much I have enjoyed your posts, so much that I have from time to time looked back to see what you have previously written through the years. The story of your husband's last few weeks is close to home for me. Your posts about Lincolnshire long ago fascinated me because some of my own ancestors came from Sutterton Fen. So many other things too, and especially how you posted inspiring and thought provoking things every day, seemingly with effortless ease. A true talent. Thank you also for reading and commenting on my own blog. I hope you can hang on a little longer, but I know it does not get any easier.

  39. Sue had a poster on ther blog which said the happiest people are the givers not the takers. You have given so much of yourself and so much wisdom to so many people you have never met over the years.Thank you.

  40. I join in the Thank Yous, from Brittany.
    I hope you still feel comfortable and enjoy the little things, which I trust you do, judging by your blog post !
    Your blog was such a great provider of food for thought, reflection, humour and witt.
    Thank you thank you.

  41. Thank you so much for you wonderful blog, your insight and humour and grace has shone through. Wishing you a gentle journey knowing in spirit that many of us are thinking warmly of you

  42. Thank you so much for sharing your life and thoughts with us for so many years. You will not be forgotten and I will look back from time to time to read your posts. Many have taught me how to live without fear and now to pass away with grace. God bless the remainder of your days.

  43. Oh dear Pat, so many people on here have had their lives and thoughts changed by your wisdom and humility and you have inspired us all in the process. The road ahead may be getting shorter each day but I feel sure that you will travel it happy from the memories of a long and good life. There could also be two people waiting at the gates to greet you again.

    Goodbye xxx

  44. Good journey to you Dear Weaver. Know that you are loved ,respected and truly treasured by so many. You have been a bright spot of wisdom, humor and plain good sense in an often muddled and incomprehensible world. I will miss you.

  45. Thank you so much.You are going to be sorely missed.Enjoy each hour from now on.
    Much love

  46. Thank you for showing us all how to live Pat. I have loved your take on life and have thought of you often, your wisdom and humour undimmed by the journey you face. You will be so missed.

  47. I have loved reading your blog. From your wonderful descriptions of life on the farm to your intelligent observations about so many aspects of life and recollections of childhood. Thank you X

  48. You have been such an inspiration over the many years and will continue to be so as we each remember you, now and in the future.
    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself here, and encouraging us all to think, consider, appreciate that which surrounds us.
    I am most thankful to have found your blog.
    You are loved and will be missed by many.

  49. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, memories and life with all of us readers for many years. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog immensely. You will truly be missed. Thank you again .

  50. Inspiring, witty, hear-felt wisdom, intelligent conversation for it has been a most enchanting, conversation dear Weaver, these many years. I have only commented a few times but have never missed reading a post. You have taught us to hold our heads up high, push on, know that the best treasures are the simple ones before our eyes, often, right outside our door. Go easy for you have eased the way for so many of us by your example, by the thoughtful sharing of your life. by showing us that the elder years can be filled with humor, insight and the quiet joy of simply, just going about life to the best of our ability. Know that you will always be remembered. A kit kat salute to you dear Weaver of Grass, with appreciation.

  51. Thankyou for sharing over the years, Weave..I wish that I had found your blog a little sooner.
    I will miss your writing, but thankyou also for letting us know how things are. I hope you will be enjoying the writings of those of us who still blog, while you may xx

  52. Thank you for your excellent blog. I am very impressed with your literacy skills at such an advanced age. You must have been a wonderful teacher. Please take comfort from the fact that so many of us from all over the world will miss you and will remember you. Adieu....Rall

  53. You will be missed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.


  54. Thank you Pat, for everything.
    I will miss you, and your wise words and positivity, enormously.
    Travel well.

    - Kate

  55. I will miss you Pat. I have read your blog for many years and I always looked forward to my day and to find out how you were doing. I know you are going on as long as you can and I hope that your days will be peaceful. Your blog has given me a wonderful view of life in your eyes. I live in the USA as they say, Across the Pond but I feel that we have been lifelong friends. I am 85 yrs old and can identify with many of your thoughts. My prayers are with you for comfort and peace. Carry on my friend. I will miss you.

  56. Thank you so much for all your inspiring posts over these past years. You will be missed.

  57. Thank you for making my morning routine so much nicer. As I've mentioned before, my mother put me on to your blog several years ago. She was a faithful reader for a long, long time. She passed away in 2019 and her loss was greatly felt by all her children. We often discussed something you had said in your blog when we were with my mother so my sister and I carried on the habit after she passed. It helped make her feel a little closer. Thank you, Pat.

  58. I shall miss you with all my heart. Thank you for the wise, fun and smart posts over the years.

    I care for you and wish you a safe journey.


  59. I also have never commented before but I have read your blog for years and feel that we are old friends. Thank you so much, Pat, for your thoughts on life and I wish you a peaceful passing.
    I feel sure that both your lovely husbands and beloved dog Tess are waiting to welcome you.
    Love and best wishes, Margaret x

  60. Bless you dear one- you will be missed and remembered for many a year. You have always been so interesting to read, so practical, so entertaining. Love to you, Lini from Petaluma,California.

  61. I am very sad to hear your news but thank you so very much for being part of my life for many years. I've never commented before but have enjoyed following your news and wise words very much. Wishing you a peaceful twilight. Frinnie xx

  62. Thank you for sharing your life with us and being an example of courage and dignity in the face of serious illness. Catriona

  63. I will miss your wisdom and positivity - but I won’t forget. X

  64. You are a wonderfully marvelous lady who has shared so many interesting stories and events from your life. I have enjoyed every one, and I will miss your posts so very much. I didn't always comment as many had said the same words I felt, so no need to repeat but you have had an impact on my life. I wish you well. Thank you so much. Ranee (MN) USA

  65. Dear Pat, You have given me much food for thought over the years. One of the best blogs ever. You will certainly be missed.

  66. Thank you for all the wonderful and thoughtful posts that you have written over the years, you will be missed so much. Wishing you a peaceful time going forward, I know your friends will take great care of you to the end. X

  67. A lady always knows when to leave. You are remarkable.

  68. Dear Weave
    I have enjoyed following you for some time now a you are simply an inspiration to us all. Thank you sharing with us. Sending much love - Lynne

  69. Thankyou so much for your lively and inspiring posts, a pleasure I looked forward to daily, so full of humour and good sense. I will miss you like countless others and I wish you well. Xx

  70. You will be missed but you and your words are a treasure we will all carry with us. You have taught me so much - about history, living and dying with never a false step. I am a floor loom weaver in New York and found your blog because of your name and what a lucky accident that was. Thank you and sweet dreams.

  71. I will miss you so much. I have enjoyed your writing and admire your spirit. I've especially liked reading about your life as a child, newlywed, etc. Blessings to you and yours. Lynn Ewing Pecos, NM USA

  72. I have read through to here and am touched deeply by your comments for which I thank you most sincerely.

  73. Good bye Pat. I will miss you . You had a down to earth look at things and in so doing explained many things to us. You have accepted your end and are very forthright in telling us and preparing for your loss. My favorite parts of your blog were about the "Farmer" and my first "Husband."

  74. Thank you for all your keen observations and thoughts. I've enjoyed reading your blog very much. Thank you and God speed.
    Jackie M

  75. I'm going to miss your blogs. You are an inspiration with regards to aging and end of life. i respect your decision and fare thee well.

  76. Goodbye Pat - I shall miss you too. Your blog has always been interesting and thought provoking. Congratulations on keeping it going for such a long time. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Thank you. Sending love and best wishes.

  77. Thank you and goodbye - it has been a delight to follow your blog. Rest easy. Maeve xx

  78. Goodbye Pat. I will miss your posts, very interesting and inspiration, all about your happy lived with both husbands, your dear Tess, enjoying your garden and much more. Sending best wishes, as they say in the Navy, rest easy x

  79. Oh, dear Pat, I'm so sorry to say good-bye but I thank you for this opportunity. I wish you joy in the mysterious journey ahead and thank you with my whole heart for the stories you've told and the life lessons you've taught us.

    Peace be with you now and always.


  80. Thank you, dear Weaver, for all your posts. Your intelligence, common sense and sense of humour have made my life better.
    I wish you all the very best.
    From Canberra, Australia.

  81. Farewell, and as you say, good cheer... your writing has certainly brought that to so many readers and to yourself too I hope. I remember when I first found your blog and how your generous comments on mine inspired me to reinvigorate it after one of my more fallow period. It is funny how blogging reaches so far beyond our personal worlds.
    But enough, for now I wish you every strength and thank you for your wisdom and your words. Weave on...
    Mark from the bikeshed.

  82. I have truly enjoyed your blog and lovely personality. I will miss your creative and beautiful writing. You will remain in my thoughts .
    Linda from Alabama

  83. You are a sensible, wise woman, and I appreciate you and your words. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse of your world.

  84. Godspeed, fair winds and following seas.

  85. Those that leave and those that stay. What beautiful friends have left these heartfelt comments. Without a doubt your prose and poetry, daily narrative and news has added an indelible richness. May your coming days continue to be filled with peace and contentment and the very good grace you have shared with us all. So long, Emma - Northamptonshire

  86. I’ve known this day would come—you’ve sort of prepared us for it
    As you must realize, for every one of your regular commenters, there
    are hundreds of equally devoted ‘lurker’ readers for whom a few minutes
    with Weave is part of our daily routine. (14 years, in my case).
    I’ve enjoyed these immensely. You’re a very special person

  87. What an amazing constituency you have here, Pat, all
    these congenial, thoughtful , articulate, kindhearted
    people in one place.

  88. Dear Weave thanks you so much for your wise words through the years on your blog. I can only echo what others have said much more eloquently man me. Safe journey Pat

  89. Thank you and prayers. Brenda

  90. First time commenting. You are a remarkable woman and I will miss reading your blog. You have shown great wisdom and grace while living your life. You will be missed. Monique from New Brunswick, Canada.

  91. A daily highlight of. my evening here in the US to enjoy your lovely, evocative, and practical blog posts. I will miss them. Best wishes

  92. I will truly miss my daily visit to your blog. Thank you for sharing your world and the wisdom of your words with us. I wish you much peace and love.

    "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." Helen Keller

  93. Farewell Weave. Read your blog faithfully but not a big commenter. Bless you for all the great reads. I feel like I am losing an old friend. Hope your remaining days are peaceful. Kathy near Chicago

  94. Dear Weaver, thank you for your infectious zest for the Good Life, Well Lived, and being an inspiration to us as we make our own ways through life's ups and downs. You've caused me to look with openness upon the world outside my window.

    I'm relieved John is going to be there for you. I hope you will give him permission to share your progress with us. Go in peace, may your passing be pain and anxiety-free.

    With profound gratitude and thanks, Virginia

  95. Dearest Weaver; I have tears in my eyes. I too am 'old and grey and full of sleep, nodding by the fire'. It's unfair how quickly our lives go by, all we can do now is to leave pleasant memories behind so that loved ones will think kindly of us when we're gone.

    I have really enjoyed your page, and always love your header photo. I do hope you will continue to leave the occasional comment in different places, even if you no longer post anything yourself. Adieu Cro xx

  96. Our love surrounds you, dear Pat.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  97. I sit beside the fire and think
    of all that I have seen
    of meadow-flowers and butterflies
    in summers that have been;

    Of yellow leaves and gossamer
    in autumns that there were,
    with morning mist and silver sun
    and wind upon my hair.

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of how the world will be
    when winter comes without a spring
    that I shall ever see.

    For still there are so many things
    that I have never seen:
    in every wood in every spring
    there is a different green.

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of people long ago
    and people who will see a world
    that I shall never know.

    But all the while I sit and think
    of times there were before,
    I listen for returning feet
    and voices at the door.

    Sweet dreams dear lady xx

  98. Weave, I've only posted once before a long time ago but I have read your blog for several years. I always enjoy your humor, your intelligence and the sharing of your life. I will miss you so much and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I turned 80 a couple of weeks ago and am so blessed to be healthy and independent still. I totally understand the blog getting too hard for you. You have touched all of our hearts and you can rest easy knowing you have touched ao many lives. Take care of you and enjoy each and every moment. May God bless and comfort you always.

    Myria (Oklahoma Girl)

  99. I have enjoyed your blog. God Bless You!

  100. First time poster here, but I have enjoyed your blog for many years. Thank you for sharing your many stories, your insights, opinions and views of life. I've often read your blog out loud to my husband who especially enjoys hearing about the English country side you live in, sounds like the perfect place to retire. Going to miss this read.

    Our thoughts and prayers be with you and God bless!
    Hugs from Vancouver, Canada

  101. Peace to you dear lady xxx

  102. Another happy - and now sad - lurker wishes you godspeed! Thank you for your inspiration!

  103. Good bye, dear Pat. I‘ve said it many times before and will say it again: You are an example to us all, how to age with grace, dignity and a good portion of humour.

    I can‘t help wondering about so many of your regular readers who have now commented for the first time. You‘d have appreciated their comments before, so why they never said anything until now…?

  104. I have enjoyed your thoughtful and interesting posts for a few years now, I shall miss you. Sending love.

  105. Thank you Pat for your interesting posts and kind comments, it’s been a pleasure. x

  106. Although we have never met I feel that I have spent many happy hours in your wise and good-humoured company over the years. I will miss you Pat and will be thinking of you. X

  107. I haven’t been reading your blog for long but, what I have read is very entertaining thank you for keeping me grounded, good night lovely lady (Sandy from Mid Wales)

  108. I didn't often comment but always read your posts and enjoyed them greatly. I am sad to see you go but think you are making the right decision as you need to concentrate on yourself. It is always good to see your comments elsewhere so that we know you are still there. You have been a wonderful inspiration and will be remembered with much love. X

  109. Thank you for your wonderful company for the past several years, you have brightened up many of my days, and caused me to rethink my ideas many times. I can only echo Carol Caldwell's final sentence 'you have been a wonderful inspiration and will be remembered with much love'

    Bless you xx

  110. God Bless you. You have been an inspiration to me in showing me how to live with bravery and a relish for life.

  111. Am sitting here reading your kind comments on a dull, rainy Summer morning. My garden is full of flowers (thanks mainly to Astrantia and Hardy Geraniums and not forgetting|Osteospermums and the well-in-bud Crocosmia).

    I will ask John(Going Gently) to post the odd update and I shall continue to read you all and comment now and then. I am still feeling OK although very old!!

    Best wishes and love

  112. I came to your blog late, maybe 18 months ago and have never commented, but, I so want to thank you for writing your blog, I shall miss your wisdom.

  113. Your posts were so interesting and varied. You are admirable and you and they will be missed.
    Frances SW

  114. I am little behind you on the same road, thank you for leading the way in such an elegant and profound manner. You are the first person I met every day and will for ever be grateful Thanks for everything.
    Terry in Virginia

  115. Pat, I have enjoyed your blog for so long, and looked forward to it as a part of how I started my day. What I admire most about you is that you've intentionally created a beautiful life, no matter what the circumstances are. You've had 2 wonderful husbands, traveled the world, and hold no bitterness about anything. May I age as gracefully as you, Pat. Much love to you from across the pond in Illinois.

  116. Thank you for showing me the joy in little things.

  117. Thank you for being a very bright light in an ever darkening world. You are the kind of person we all should strive to be, I take your lessons to heart. You will be so very missed. ❤️

  118. Dear Weaver (for that’s what I call you in my head although I know your name is Pat)
    I have followed your blog for some years, but very rarely posted. Your observations, even as your surroundings grew more limited, have always been of interest. Thank you. No tears, because that’s not what you want. I hope that when my time comes as it must, I can be as philosophical as you.

    I wish you a safe and easy journey. Fare thee well.


  119. Farewell Pat and thank you.

  120. Thank you for showing me such wisdom and graceful aging. I will miss you and wish you a beautiful and peaceful journey.

  121. Thank you for everything Pat, have a safe onward journey. All the best, Cathy 😘😘😘

  122. Thanks for sharing your world and heart. You will be missed. Xxx

  123. Graceful, as always.
    You have created a beautiful end to this blog-life—your weave of words—
    and that is a gift to me, and to us all.
    Thank you, and good-bye.

  124. Dear Weaver Pat, your life has mattered to so many people as you can see from all the comments. We thank you and bless you for it .
    Jean (downunder in Melbourne)

  125. I would be honoured to pass on your words

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your blog and all it's wisdom and whimsy. You are a beautiful lady, and I'm honored to have gotten to know you through your writing. Bless you.

  127. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us over the years, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to say goodbye.

  128. A beautiful post, as always, Pat. When the time comes, may you see your beloveds on the other side. ♥

  129. I am sad to read this, Pat. And I am really going to miss your wisdom, positivity, and good humour.
    Sending lots of love. Xxx

  130. Dear Weaver, As everyone else has said, you are a consistent bright spot in my morning, a cheerful outlook, some news, the recommendation of a good book, comments about the natural world, flowers to look-up to plant in my garden (inspiration to garden on some days!), the reminder of faithful friends and long term relationships, even ideas for gifts for young children! Reading your blog I often am reminded of my mom’s words, her “voice” and yours are much the same. You have given me perspective and comfort and pleasure. Thank you so much. And thank you too, to the faithful commenters from whom I have learned much, you have also become part of my circle of friends. I have found the “group conversations” a spirit lifting boon. Pat, I will think of you and your cleared eyes look at life for many years, and will think of you whenever I spot a Kit Kat. Blessings to you and your loved ones. With deep gratitude, from Northern California.

  131. Sending love and many thank you's from a yorkshire lass in Canada.You have touched us all deeply and truly..Your memory will be with us all till it's our turn to step into That Good Night .
    A life well lived ..go gently dear Pat. Xx

  132. I have never commented despite reading your blog for the last few years. I have found you to be an intelligent and fair observer of life, and will miss your articulate and balanced blog posts. God bless you, sweet, lovely courageous lady. Px

  133. Thank you and know that you are loved by many from afar.

  134. So sorry to see you are not going to posting any more, will miss them greatly.

  135. I rarely comment but have enjoyed your blog for years. Just wanted to say Thank you - I will miss your posts. Sue x

  136. With much love, wishing you a peaceful and safe journey. xoxo

  137. Shelly Williams14 July 2024 at 12:54

    Thank you for all of your wonderful words , I haven’t commented much before, but I have followed you for many years . You will be in my thoughts and I wish you peace and contentment xx

  138. Bless you all for your kind words.

  139. So so sad to read this . I have loved reading your blog for a long time and so admired you. I live far away in Pennsylvania and our lives very different but also many things similar . You seem at peace and I will be praying you have a safe peaceful journey .

    I will miss your posts , thank you for showing us a well lived life !!!

  140. Thank you Pat. I have so enjoyed reading your posts, many times being cheered and encouraged by your words. We will all miss you greatly.
    Love from Pam in Texas.xx

  141. I will miss reading your blog, and wish you well for your remaining life here.

  142. Thank you, Pat, for all you have shared over the years. I will miss your gentle wisdom.
    Love and prayers for peaceful days, Barbara x

  143. Happy trails dear Weaver, and thank you for all the peaceful times.


  144. Dear Weaver - I have read your posts for years but commented only rarely. It is hard to say good-bye, as I have learned so much from you. A previous comment cited your "gentle wisdom," which is so accurate. I hope there is fair sailing ahead for you, and may my good wishes travel with you. You, truly, are one of the good ones. With thanks and admiration. Mary

  145. I will miss you, Pat. I loved reading about your life. I wish you the very best.

  146. Thank you for the years of posts. You will be dearly missed.

  147. Thank you for your thoughtful, insightful blog posts, Weaver. I was glad to have found your blog a handful of years ago.

    With much fondness,

  148. Thank you so much for all the pleasure your blogs have given me over the years. Adieu dear Weaver. Jan Bx.

  149. Thank you Weaver of Grass. I am another of those “been reading for years but seldom commented” people. As the comments above testify you will be missed. I have enjoyed your take on things and your gentle wisdom. Also thank you for saying you will share the odd word through John to pass on - you couldn’t have chosen a better custodian of your words.

  150. Thank you Pat for all your wonderful blog posts over the years and for all your comments on mine. There is a lot to be said for 'going gently into that good night'. I wish you nothing but love and light for the rest of your time. Much love. Sue xx

  151. I was sorry to read this post but I'm sure you're making a wise decision.
    For years you've been my role model on how to grow old; how to remain enthralled by all the world has to offer; how to be disciplined about routine ( particularly fridge cleaning! ) and how to find joy and interest even when your mobility only allows you to watch the world - and your beloved rooks and the changing clouds - from your picture window.
    You'll have more time now to follow your blogging friends - with John as your helping hand. xxx

  152. Thank you, Weaver of Grass, for sharing your world with us, and for letting us know you are leaving. I will miss your perspective, your sense of humor, your thoughtful observations, and your tremendous courage towards everything whether large or small. What a wonderful example you’ve set. Wishing you light and peace. XX Georgia in Princeton, NJ USA

  153. Thankyou so much for your blog and for taking the time to say goodbye properly. I hardly ever comment (too shy!) but your writing and stories have cheered me up many a time. Isn't the big blog world a wonderful thing. When I am back in the UK this summer I will have a kitkat and look out at the countryside and think of you. Wishing you and all your family all the best. Cathy.

  154. Thank you so much, Weaver xx

    1. I’ve loved your blog and read it for years. Much love and thanks to you. Debbie in London xxx

  155. Thank you so much for the years of wonderful blogs you have shared, they have brought joy, laughter and thoughtfulness to my days over many years. With sincere thanks, Rachel

  156. I am another who has never commented. But I have read your delightful blog for a couple years now. I will miss it. I will miss you. Know that you made a difference in this world. And you will be missed sweet lady. I wish you peace.

  157. It was always so lovely to read you. Thank you. Wishing you peace, Olivia in the PNW (US)

  158. I came upon your blog just a short while ago and have so enjoyed your gentle wisdom and thoughtfulness. Wishing you comfort and peace. Your star will always shine. Thank you, lovely lady.

  159. I send a hug to you Weaver. And thanks for years of wisdom. I seldom commented but was here listening. Godspeed.

  160. I read of your end to blogging from John's (Going Gently) blog. I know there are many, like me who rarely comment, but often read your wise and gentle words. Take care,dear Pat and thank you for bowing out in your usual, graceful way. xx

  161. Thank you for everything. I rarely commented but I appreciated your wisdom and your way with words.

    Take care. You will be missed.

    Jan xx

  162. Thank you for the years of wonderful writing, we shall miss you. Take care and farewell.

  163. The affection So many people have for you Pat, shows what a special lady you are - Enjoy and bask in the love that surrounds you x

  164. Will miss your wonderful posts be they reminiscent, thought provoking or just your daily life. Thank you.

  165. Goodbye Weaver. I have enjoyed your blog very much over the years and will miss your wit and gentle words. May your final journey be easy and perhaps we will one day meet on the other side.

  166. Goodbye dear Weave. Yours is one of the handful of blogs I read.
    Leaving Blogging with your usual Grace.
    I shall always think of you sending some fabric to my "Young Quilters" many years ago. One of those girls is now 30 and expecting her second child..
    Take care

  167. Im very opinionated, probably've taught me grace...I think you're amazing...thank you for life lessons. Sort any pain out ( nurse for a long time ).

  168. Thank you weave. I have enjoyed your writing for many years. I send love and wish you and your family peace. Thanks for nominating someone to keep us informed.

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. So sad to say goodbye - I don't comment much on the blogs I read and follow but I have enjoyed reading yours and "sharing" your life with all your readers. I send a hug, prayers and wish you peace, till the end...

    Dawn P. Albany, Georgia USA

  171. Thank you for sharing your corner of the world and your always intelligent, thought-provoking thoughts and views. Peace to you.
    With appreciation,
    Joan from Chicago

  172. Good bye and thank you, dear Weaver. Thank you for your wise words and bright spirit. I’m past 50 now, started reading your blog age 40 or so, and I feel such affection for you from afar.

  173. I'm sure you were a wonderful teacher indeed you still are....your consistent good heart and kind wisdom, allied to a cheerful way of seeing the best in everything and everyone, has been inspiring and has probably helped more people than you will know. Now that you
    are preparing for the next adventure, you show us all how to move forward with grace and affection...see you at the big blog party that awaits x

  174. Thank you, and take care of yourself.

  175. I have enjoyed reading Weaver of Grass for years, thoughtful, interesting, and well -written. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish you ease.

  176. Goodbye Pat. You have been a constant for a very long time. X

  177. Dear Pat,
    May I wish you peace and tranquility for your road ahead. It has been an honour and a privilege to 'know' you X

  178. I am so sad not to have your posts to read each day. I am in my 80’s and will soon be on the path you are anticipating. I hope I am as gracious as you. Thank you for your thoughts and vision.

  179. Bowing out with dignity and on your own terms. That's the way to go gently into that good night. Your bravery should be an example to us all. Farewell Pat.

  180. Ah damn Pat, I'm so sorry to read this. I hope you have enjoyed seeing your old stamping grounds on my blog over the years, you have supported me so much.

  181. Thank you dear Weaver, for your years of grace and humour, wonder, wisdom and love, and for the kindness of this elegant farewell.
    Your memory will be a blessing.
    Peace on this last part of your journey.
    from a long time reader in Alberta

  182. Dear heart. I don't know how long ago I started reading your blog but it made me so happy to read about your life as I've often missed my 7 years up in Yorkshire. You have been an inspiration to me as I get closer and closer to my own passage. I have learned to love each part of the journey! I look forward to meeting you on the other side with your two lovely men. May your passage be gentle!

  183. Nazgul William18 July 2024 at 22:11

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  184. Thank you all so much. I have been quite overwhelmed by your good wishes.

  185. I have enjoyed reading about you and your will really be missed.
    God's Speed dear Lady!

  186. Farewell dear Weaver I've been quietly reading your blog for years. Much love to you ❤️ Sarah

  187. Nazgul William19 July 2024 at 10:56

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    I will recommend them as professional loan lenders.

  188. This son of a Missouri farmer sends gratitude and thanksgiving to you for sharing bits of your life and landscapes. May you find yourself surrounded by comfort and joy.

  189. I am very sorry to read this = you have been the blog I look for each day alongside John of Going Gently. You always amazed me with the range of topics that you wrote about. I have enjoyed learning of your life. With much admiration I will say simply thank you for being here in blog land. Jean in Winnipeg

  190. This comment has been removed by the author.

  191. 💐Going to miss you lots ! xxx
