Thursday 13 June 2024


 Just a quickie to let you know I have a nasty bout of COVID!!!   Started on Sunday - have had a couple of days showered and dressed then laying on my bed under a blanket all day.

I am beginning to feel better today.  But couldn't help thinking how I said in my last post to always look for the good things.   Well I wasn't tired, just weak and unable to even read the Times.   But my garden is fully visible from my bed if I pile up the pillows and what joy it has given me this week.  It is ablaze with colour:

Pink Valerian all along under the hedge,    then pink Osteospermum, purple and yellow iris, foxgloves - both pink and white, two huge clumps of bright pink rock roses separated by a Heuchera with dark  purple/brown leaves, deep purple campanula, the last of the aquelegia, a big patch of tall purple thistles well within chatting distance of a dozen or so tall pink foxgloves, vying to see who can grow tallest, my rose Gloire de Vivre - pale apricot/pink- 7 blooms out and another seven buds and a lovely patch of summer bedding pansies - so far apricot, purple, white and yellow out.   There are a lot of herbaceous hardy geraniums to come shortly - white one and pale pink (very invasive) one are out - waiting for the others.  Anyone who says it is boring just laying on the bed all day needs a garden to look at!

And that is without the tiny wren in the garden all day flitting from pillar to post - so tiny that if it stands still  it is easy to miss, Mr and Mrs Blackbird searching for food for their nestlings and visits from various other feathered friends.

The sun has just broken through and is making everything look brighter.   I am trying to stay upright today and also trying to eat after two days of almost fasting.   I am off to make myself a hot choc and with it a couple of chocolate digestives.  Life is returning to normal .


  1. Just not what you needed Weave..steady recovery please!

    Having such a view from your bed... wonderful.
    The local wren here is still around here thankfully.. lovely busy wee bird..but very shouty at 3.30 am as he leads the dawn chorus!!

  2. I hope you're soon feeling better. Just minutes ago my brother phoned to say that he is now clear of Covid having had it for about 10 days.

  3. I am sorry to hear that you have been unwell but you seem to be perkier now. Hope you are soon back to normal x

  4. I am glad you are feeling better. It is nice that you had a pretty view from the window to look out on to.

  5. You are an inspiration, you always find the joy in each and every moment and thing. I'm glad the view from your 'sick bed' was one of such heart lifting loveliness. It's beautiful to watch the birds and little creatures going about their days isn't it. I hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate and biscuits and are soon feeling much better. xx

  6. Sorry you've been poorly on top of being poorly, but glad you're feeling perkier! Lots of colour here in West Wales too. The winter's rain seems to be mega-sizing everything, shrubs and ferns particularly, and the weeds, unfortunately. Take care.

  7. Sorry to read about Covid but glad you are feeling better. Your view sounds beautiful - Jackie

  8. So glad you're better. You are an inspiration, Pat, for finding the good in tough situations. There you are with Covid and able to enjoy your garden! The song of a wren is one of the most uplifting, isn't it? So tiny and fierce they are. There are a pair here with a nest, and when the odd house sparrow comes nearby, the 2 of them are giving it a furious tongue lashing! Hope you're on your feet again soon!

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this, Pat. Please take good care of yourself and know we're all thinking of you and hoping you feel better very soon!

  10. I do hope you are feeling better soon! I envy your foxgloves. Your whole garden sounds wonderful! -Jenn

  11. That's bad luck Pat, if it can be called luck at all. I had a nasty bout of Covid four weeks ago, that took me 14 days to shrug off and test negative. I was then left with a cough and repetitive catahh.
    Garden wise and indeed countryside wise, everything is growing profusely this year due to the regular rain and warm days. So many plants in my garden are twice the size they would normally be and it's going to be a very good year for silage and hay on the farms.

  12. Aren't you in tune with the times!! So many people I hear from are having covid just now - good thing you have a garden to keep you company, especially a wren, and your usual positive attitude.


  13. Feel better soon - we're all wishing you well

  14. It's so like you to focus on lovely things despite having Covid.I hope and pray that you keep feeling a bit better every day, Mary

  15. Covid, oh no! I am hearing Covid is rearing its ugly head again. One exposure can do it and I'm thinking someone unknowingly exposed you in your own home. It sounds like your are slowly recovering and up and about a bit more. Your garden views are fantastic. Everything is thriving and putting on a special display just for you. I'm thinking of you, get well soon.

  16. Same here! To begin with, I thought it was hay-fever. I hope you'll be feeling much better soon. Xx

  17. Sorry to hear you have COVID, Pat, but glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Your lovely garden certainly has helped by boosting your spirits.

  18. Just popped over from John's (Going Gently) blog. Glad you're on the mend, but take it slowly. xx

  19. Wonderful flowers and birds to get your spirits up. Keep taking little steps till you feel yourself again!

  20. Good to hear you might be “turning the corner”with Covid. How lovely too that you can see your garden. At this time of the year it is a joy to me also, and I do enjoy the birds and the bird song. Hope you feel totally back to yourself soon. Jean in Winnipeg

  21. Oh dear! Do you know where/who you got it from? My friend, whose lovely cat I was caring for over the weekend, has come back from her weekend away with COVID, too. Strangely enough, her husband and the two kids are fine. Luckily, her symptoms aren't too bad, but she's housebound until she tests positive. Self-isolation is not mandatory anymore, but it still a wise decision to stay home when you know you could infect others.
    Your garden sounds so beautiful, and I am glad your bed is positioned so that you can see it from there. Hopefully, the hot choc (and kitkat?) helped, and you are feeling better by the hour.

  22. Sorry, that should have been "...she's housebound until she tests NEGATIVE", of course.

  23. Good gravy, lady!!!! And in the midst of all that, you still manage to find reasons for joy. You are an inspiration.

  24. PS I Hear chocolate is the best thing during one's recuperation from covid.


  25. How in the world did you get Covid when you don't go anywhere??? Oh my goodness... feel better Pat! Hugs! debs from TX

  26. Your garden view sounds absolutely lovely and I'm glad it's done it's part to keep your spirits up. Good to hear you're feeling better today.

  27. I am so sorry you had Covid. Glad you had a bit of cheer, though, while you were sick.
    Get well soon.

  28. Hope you are soon on the mend. Sending best wishes lovely lady. Kath

  29. Oh, No! So sorry to hear that covid has laid you low but, as always, you manage to make the best of it with your lovely garden and it's avian visitors to keep you entertained as long as the pillow stack is high enough!

    Hope your carers can bring in food to sustain you (plus Kit-Kats, of course).

    Germ-free and healing hugs from afar, my friend!

  30. Country cottage13 June 2024 at 10:54

    Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Enjoy your garden and finger crossed you'll be back to full energy soonest.

  31. So pleased you are able to see your colourful garden and are like Pollyanna see a positive.

  32. The garden does sound beautiful. So sorry you are down with covid, I hope it goes quickly.

  33. I'm glad better days are ahead! Cocoa and digestives sound like a particularly nice treat.

  34. So sorry you caught the dreaded virus but glad you are on the mend. I miss you when you don't post. I've learned so much from you about the farming life. Also your positive spirit is a very encouraging thing in these days of negativity. Glad you have such a wonderful garden to look at. Take care.

  35. Oh no! You certainly didn't bargain for that. How nice that you can see your garden and watch the birds while sitting up in bed, and so good to know that you are beginning to feel better. The phrase that comes to mind is: "You can't keep a good woman down". XX

  36. Welcome back! Sorry you felt so sick for several days but happy that you had time to enjoy viewing your garden will resting up your body.You have made me a better observer of my own garden which is certainly not as full as yours sounds but never the less very pretty.

    Enjoy your hot drink and cookie.

  37. You're a very tough lady to take on covid. I wish you much success with covid and that you defeat it.

  38. Glad to hear you are encouraged to bounce back after COVID. That's terrific news, sorry you've been so ill. And thanks once again, for sharing a tour of your gardens. I imagine sitting with you as you describe each color and bloom. I'd promise not to snitch your KitKats!
    Cheers to you,
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  39. Oh No!! The dastardly Covid strikes again! I'm glad you're starting to feel better - chocolate is "just what the doctor ordered" isn't it! Having a beautiful view from your bedroom window must have been such a lift to your spirits. I thought that we didn't have larks over here, but I looked up the NZ bird site and we do. They're more common in the country than in cities, so probably that's why I haven't been aware of them. I hope they don't start singing too early in the morning! You need your sleep as you recover.

  40. Gosh, I'd almost forgotten about Covid! Are your digestives milk or dark chocolate? Mine HAVE to be dark!

  41. Cro Agree

    Everyone Writing this at 3am can't sleep. Heavy rain falling but my pansies needded it so I should be grateful. Thank you for your good wishes

  42. Gee if only there was a vaccine

  43. Somehow I think we all thought Covid was at the back of us, but not so. I am very happy that you are recovering from it and loved the description of the flowers in your garden. Chocolate always makes people happy, we go for dark chocolate covered digestives.

  44. Covid?! Poor you. First time? When you mentioned it on your latest post I thought you were talking about your area in general.

  45. Anon - there is vaccine and I have it every Spring and Autumn - obviously not foolproof,.

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