Wednesday 1 November 2023

Not another....

 ....We're up to C already and it's  only November 1st.  I am speaking about Storms, of course, but I can't spell the C one (no rude jokes please) although I have always liked it as a name.   Whether or not I still like it after the next few days depends how furious it is when it finally arrives 'up North'.   I believe it is set to batter the poor old Channel Islands first.

I woke to rain - quite heavy.   'My' personal pot hole (in the road opposite my drive and an accurate indication of overnight rain.) was full so obviously it had been raining for most of the night. (I have just thought - perhaps I shouldn't write of potholes in this vein - it might give local councils a good excuse not to spend money on repairing them).

Soon after W, my relief Wednesday morning carer, left at 8am a rather reluctant sun came out - rather like a shy weather-warner: one minute casting weak pale light on an otherwise miserably grey sitting room wall, the next nipping behind the next black cloud it found : a 'teaser' sun I suppose you could call it.

The South coast is supposed to welcome it to our shores.   If I lived in one of those  pretty Cornish or Devon coastal towns where the place where the land meets the sea is filled with  cottages, then tonight would be one of those nights when the day after tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

The only thing all of us can do is to batten down the hatches and wait for it to pass.  Even at the height of the storm, without going into detail as I am sure the horrors in the world at present are on everyone's mind (I certainly hope they are), there are worse things happening than a passing storm, however scary its ferocity.

But stay safe.


  1. No sign of a storm in my part of the world. In fact, it has been sunny and warm - 16 C is warm for the 1st of November in these parts.
    Hopefully, the brunt of the storm will pass you by and not cause too much havoc anywhere.

  2. Think the storm is called Ciaran. The rain looks very patchy at the moment, they say more wind than rain. #some of the sea videos have shown very large waves in the last storm and idiotically enough people wandering around on quaysides.

  3. In Toronto this morning, we started at minus two and I had to scrape frost off my car windows for the first time since last winter. A shock as it was warm enough last week for tee shirts. Hope your birthday was a happy one.

  4. Glad you had a good birthday! This morning is what we Midwestern USA transplants call "Georgia cold" and our son and daughter-in-law in Michigan had snow for Halloween last night. Stay safe and cozy. It is warmer now (afternoon) so my husband and I are heading over to help our neighbor. She has two trees that have fallen and her landscape company seems to be on the verge of closing the business. Jackie

  5. I take some comfort that many of those coastal villages have been there for centuries, so Ciaran may not cause too much havoc. Hope not.

    Tonight our low is to be -2.5*C but later this week we'll warm up again.

    It will be good to be cozy indoors!


  6. Got out the winter hat and gloves and coat to go to exercise. The weather said first that it was 31 degrees F then 39. So I was over protected! So what! Due to continue with cold nights all week, but days getting warmer, here in western North Carolina. Happy belated birthday. You may stop counting, or indeed just choose the number of years you feel like by now!

  7. I've heard the storm is predicted to bring high winds and heavy rain. Hopefully it is fast moving and does not to much damage.

  8. We are chilly here - had snow on and off yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your birthday!
    Stay safe from the storm!

  9. Wet here, and more tomorrow..

  10. My sentiments exactly. We are usually fortunate in missing the most severe weather here, but I cant help thinking that after this next storm, many homes and businesses will be facing a very bleak Christmas and New Year. I just hope everyone stays safe.

  11. The forecast suggests the storm won't be too bad for us up north. I hope not.
    Will we get up to Storm Pat this year?

  12. It will be terrible if you get up to Storm Pat this year, but even worse if you get up to Storm Weave.
    I have a thing about potholes. My husband was thrown off his bike by hitting one, and luckily to the pavement on his left instead of the traffic on his right. I had a call from the police and a lovely policeman helped me put his bike in my car, as husband was being put in the ambulance. Still shudder when I think of that morning, and both the local council and the Highways Department denied responsibility.- Pam.

  13. We have our first dose of winter weather, but not like your storm.

  14. We've had strong winds all night, and this morning it's raining too. I hope the rain stops before I have to go out with Billy. Usually it stops with daylight.

  15. All is calm on this side of the country at the moment, but I need to travel south later today, so I'll be watching the forecast very carefully.
    Stay safe and warm, Pat. Xx

  16. It's certainly been a lively night and early morning here in North Kent. We've had rain almost non-stop and sometimes horizontal in gale force winds, thunder and lighting, trees down across roads and some flooding - but nowhere near as bad as the Channel Islands.

  17. 25f here, or -4 Celsius. This was our first killing frost, so I feel.lucky we got this far through the season and still picking peppers until the other day, when I cleaned out the garden. I do hope Cornwall will be safe. I left a big chunk of my heart there.

  18. Get back with Ex lover with the help of….(Dr.mac@ yahoo. com)..
