Thursday 5 October 2023


 Sorry - no post today!   I have been - courtesy of the kindness of friends S and T- to Woodlands at Darlington for the initial examination for removal of my cataracts.   Just back home but everything is very blurred so back tomorrow. xx all round.


  1. Sounds like a good time to put some lovely music on and take a nap! Hope the blurry vision doesn't last very long.


  2. Good luck with all the drops you have to use prior to the surgery and then ... for the weeks of drops post-surgery! The surgery is a walk in the park, the drops are a pain but absolutely necessary!!

  3. It will all be worth the bother. Sit back and listen to the radio.

  4. My mom had cataracts removed and was SO HAPPY with the result. I hope it's the same with you!

  5. I had cataract surgery and felt like it was a miracle to be able to see so clearly! I am sure you will feel the same and be glad you made the decision. Jackie.

  6. Pat, I so look forward to your posts. Sleep well

  7. For a moment I thought you were writing about a Boy Band.

  8. Had the second of my cateracts removed 3 weeks ago and oh the joy of being able to see without glasses at ITFC football last week iIwas able to read the numbers on the shorts which are smaller than on the shirts, My friend was sure I was looking at the lovely players legs as I kept saying outloud 7 4 11 etc. !! she knows my favourite players.

  9. I had cataract surgery on my left eye in 2021 and am so glad I did it. For other reasons, I have to apply drops every day anyway, and so it wasn't a big deal to have to use some additional ones for a while.
    On the day of my surgery, I don't think I was allowed to use the computer, though :-)

  10. Dear Weaver. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  11. Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

  12. H.I. has just had her last cataract operation (the 2nd!) It is a little miracle.
