Thursday 26 October 2023

A Big Thank-you.

 Thank you to everyone who sent me their best wishes for yesterday.   It wasn't for my cataract surgery - I have had to pospone that for the time being.   A more pressing need arose and friends S and T took me to hospital for a biopsy.   All went well - I turned down sedation and I really didn't need it as the procedure was uncomfortable rather than painful and I arrived home at tea time, could eat the lovely salmon salad my carer had left for me (only a slice of toast and one cup of tea before I went).

My evening carer stayed all night but went before I awoke this morning.   I am having a quiet, restful day to day - I think the procedure took more out of me than I thought it would - today I feel washed out and pegged on the line.   But am here in spirit.   Hopefully I will be back in 'usual' form by tomorrow.  See you then.


  1. Great to hear from you and glad you are back home. Jackie

  2. Good to hear it went okay, and lovely that your evening carer was able to stay. Have a quiet restorative day, Jean in Winnipeg.

  3. Nice to see you back Pat, let's hope things turn out OK.

  4. Glad you are home and on the mend.

  5. Take things slowly.Thank goodness for lovely carers.Barbarax

  6. I hope you won't have to wait long for your results and that all turns out well

  7. Thank you for letting us know!
    I have had a biopsy taken years ago, when I was in my 40s. It was, as you say, more uncomfortable than painful, and I was not sedated either. But just like in your case, I felt rather washed out afterwards - it is, after all, an intrusive procedure, and our bodies don't like that at all.

  8. It's not easy getting older, is it? I hope the biopsy is negative.

  9. Ageing is not for sissies. So true and with every birthday it is confirmed. These day procedures can be stressful but you have done well and now being home makes everything better. Rest and relax...all will be better tomorrow.

  10. I'm glad to hear that it all went well and that you are safely back home and resting. Take care. xx

  11. It is good to see you are back home. What a nice carer you have! I hope the biopsy is negative.
    Hilde in Germany

  12. Thank you for letting all of us know that you are back home. Any medical procedure takes the ooph out of a person. You do amazingly well and I hope that you are back in form soon.

  13. That's great that you're home and recovering from the day. No matter our age, any kind of procedure can wipe us out a bit, if not the procedure itself, then the nervousness around it. At least for me that can happen. I still get anxious going to the dentist! Take good care!

  14. Be kind to yourself today. Hope all turns out well.

  15. You hadn't had much food for about 48 hours, so I imagine you'll feel much better after some good meals and after getting back to your routine.

    Nice to get that procedure over with before winter weather sets in, too.


  16. Good plan to rest. I think our bodies get a jolt of adrenaline when we go through these things and when it clears our system we feel wiped out.

  17. You certainly have been
    "put through the wringer'
    as they say.Hopefully now you can just stay home, rest and eat well for a while . I hope and pray that you will be truly well again soon -Mary

  18. I find that any hospital visit is quite draining, let alone one with some sort of procedure.

  19. Being home will be such a tonic, hope you bounce back soon. Pleased to hear you have been well looked after.

  20. A good day to relax, then. Our bodies know best.

  21. Sometimes with out sedation has less after effects. Rapid recovery for you.

  22. I hope all will be well and that you sleep well tonight. Take things gently until you feel stronger.

  23. So glad all went well and you are back home. Hope you get test results soon & they are good news. Pat in Pennsylvania

  24. Glad you're home, and glad you had someone there overnight AND didn't need them!! After a couple of days recuperation I'm hoping you'll be bouncing again. You came to mind often yesterday. XX

  25. Echoing sentiments expressed here. Glad you're home. - Pam.

  26. Good to hear that they let you home. Don't overdo anything. Very best wishes.

  27. How lovely to have someone with you all night when you're feeling less than 100%

  28. I have heard the expression “washed out” as it is quite common but “pegged on the line” is a new one for me, and I like it.

    To respond to your question, I don’t have a blog. I am afraid I am one of those people who comment on people’s blog but do not have one of my own.

    Hope you are feeling back to normal soon

  29. I have only been following you for a few weeks and absolutely love your daily chitter chatter and very intelligent observations. I have been waiting to hear you are ok and I am chuffed to bits. Much love from Suzie in Wirral xx

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