Thursday 10 August 2023


 It is still early in the day and I have no idea what to write about yet.   But I am expecting a friend for coffee and flapjack and decided to get over to the postbox  before she came.   It is the most beautiful day.   We have had such strong winds and so much rain - and both are forecast for the weekend but once I stepped out of the garage with Priscilla the warm air enveloped me.   The sun is shining, there is only the lightest breeze and the warmth just hit me. Perfect English Summer Day. Bliss.   Hopefully see you later:-


  1. Have a lovely day Weave. Blue sky here and getting hot. X

  2. Same weather here on Sheppey Pat, hot and sunny for the second day running. A couple of weeks of this and I'd feel quite well.
    Just off on my bike now for an hour's cycling along the nearby sea front.

  3. It's beautiful here in sunny Lancashire today. The washing I hung out only a couple of hours ago is completely dry and asking to be brought in, but first a coffee and a trip around blogland I think.

  4. A lovely day here too. This is what summer should be like all the time.

  5. Beautifully warm on the East coast too.
    Washing drying almost as soon as it’s put out.

  6. Rainy and cool here in the West Virginia hills, after a night of heavy showers. A good day for inside work, reading, and tea. I hope the rest of your day is lovely, Weaver.

  7. Granny Sue's rain and storms are headed our way in a little while. It's a good day to read and sew.

    It's wonderful that you take notice to appreciate a sunny day and a gentle breeze! Hope you and your friend had a lovely visit together.


  8. Thanks everyne - no more to say today - friend is coming shortly.
    Yellow shoes - please tell me where you live on the East Coast!

  9. I keep meaning to make one of the flapjacks recipes I see on line - here on the east coast of the US flapjacks are pancakes (like thick bready crepes) so your version sounds better!

    Also the weather sounds better, we are in full August sauna mode here, hot and steamy!


  10. August here in South Australia has been quite grey and overcast, with a chilly wind in the morning. Weather forecast last night said we were in for showers every day... this coming weekend right up to next Friday. There is hope for some sun on Tuesday which would be lovely. -Pam.

  11. Priscilla is spoilt. Her own garage!

  12. It sounds as if you are due a perfect day. Your weather has been as strange as ours.

  13. We had a beautiful warm, sunny day too. It wa so nice after three weeks of rain and temperatures around 15° C. But I was thankful for the rain because now everything is lush and green.

  14. I'm with Hilde there - we really needed that rain, didn't we, and are all the happier for a few sunny and warmer days now. Beautiful yesterday; around 24C which is warm but far from hot. Today, up to 30C is forecast - that is hot, and supposed to go on until tomorrow when possibly a thunderstorm will mean a drop in temperature again.

  15. Sunny days are like rare jewels, I'm sure as a child it was sunny every day.

  16. It was nicely warm yesterday...back to wet and windy with dashes of sun and blue skies today

  17. Tasker - she shares it with a freezer and a tumble drier - they seem to get on well together. This week my window cleaner went in and cleaned the inside of the garage window - they can see one another now as all the cobwebs have gone!

    Thanks everyone - sorry I didn't get back to write more.
