Thursday 3 August 2023

No exercises no gain!

 As I expected and reported here yesterday my aches and pains are so much better today and after a  week or two, when I have not dared to walk to the Post Box, I ventured across the road to post my monthly cheque to the milkman who silently pops a plastic carton of milk on my doorstep twice a week (I don't take milk in either tea or coffee but do need it for my morning cereals and for any visitors.)  Although he only lives a short distance away (I can see his house from my window) his front door is hard to get to (he needs to severely prune several evergreen shrubs by his front door).  I am always super-conscious of the possibility of going full-length on his doorstep!

I decided to come back home up M's drive (my neighbour) and she has a friend staying who called out to her that there was a 'woman with a funny walking thing' coming up her drive.  (I don't think Priscilla heard what she was being called).   M's drive is far less steep than mine.   We chatted for a while - me in several layers of clothing (definitely not August weather this morning) and M in pyjams and a cardigan.   As we chatted she picked me a nice bunch of lavender from a pot by her garage door.

The lavender now sits by the side of my favourite photograph of the farmer and the whole sitting room smells lovely.

Yes, doing the prescribed exercises my Physio set for me yesterday is so far doing the trick and I am feeling much more agile - only relative you understand not 'leaping about' agile.

I intended to walk slowly round the block this afternoon but then saw that what had been a lovely blue sky was a dark grey matt finish all over and, sure enough, as I am typing this rain is falling heavily.

My carer has just come to help me so I'll sign off until tomorrow.   See you then.

My lawn with its white clover and its birds foot trefoil is growing apace - two weeks since there has been a dry enough gap for the gardener to mow.   I  did say to him how frustrating it must be not to be able to keep up with his work but - like C, the window cleaner, he said 'swings and roundabouts'.


  1. We have just had a short walk in the sunshine..what a difference it makes!

  2. Good to hear you are getting out and about. We are expecting rain tomorrow night... just for a change .

  3. Well done for doing your exercises. I seize up if I don’t do mine.

  4. It's good to hear you're moving better and how wise to use M's less steep driveway for your return trip from the mail box. Bonus lavender to bring home with you, too!!

    Rain is playing with us today, sprinkles, steady rain, more sprinkles, and so on. All is appreciated.


  5. You are doing so well with walking and exercises and I like how your friend gave you lavender to take home, a kind gesture.

  6. So good to hear the exercises are going well and you're able to be out & about a bit. Stay safe & well.

  7. Good for you getting out and about a bit and keeping up with your exercises. I took a walk inside at the fitness center today as it is too warm and sunny out. We sure could use some of your rain!

  8. We have enjoyed another sunny day in Ripon - and as soon as we came back from visiting friends, it started to rain.
    It is good to read that your physio exercises are really helpful.
    Strange though that your neighbour‘s visitor called Priscilla a funny walking thing. Surely everybody has seen rollators and other helpful walking devices?

  9. It is good to hear your exercises are working well for you. Your bouquet of lavender sounds really lovely.

  10. I am so glad to hear that your exercises are helping! Good news!

  11. Your head is definitely in the game when it comes to what's going on. You are able to do the stretches required to keep away some pain and prevent some of the stiffness.

  12. A friend of ours broke her foot recently, and has been coming to swim every day for the past two months. I think the exercise has made a huge difference to the healing process, as well as getting her away from home. I have just hung a large bunch of Lavender by my bed; the perfume is suppose to induce relaxed sleep. I live in hope!

  13. Thanks everyone. Another wet day here - washing line, visible from where I am sitting, hangs with rainy beads.

  14. 'Woman with a funny walking thing' reminded me of a story told to my husband . This person overheard girl working in the jewellery shop. When someone asked to see the gold crosses, she said "Would you like one with or without the little man on it?" - Pam
