Monday 3 July 2023

Going Out

 I am rapidly coming to the time when I no longer wish to 'go out' .   Going out is a major issue for me.   It entails putting on clothes other than my everyday wear ( I know, many of you will say it doesn't matter, but it does to me.   I have always loved clothes and if I am 'going out' I want to wear them).   It involves arranging transport (it is not until one gets 'past driving' and sells one's car that it bites).   Ordering a taxi is not as easy as it sounds.   Most of the taxi services here are involved in school runs so that starting and leaving times are out.   Friends are brilliant.   T and S  offer to take me out all the time but I don't like to put on them except in an emergency.

Today just such an emergency arose.   The Optician.  His surgery is only about a mile from my bungalow.   He is a pleasant man and I have put my eyes in his care ever since I came to live up here so he knows them well.   I have cataracts in both eyes but getting them 'seen to' is really a major operation involving a twenty-five mile drive, finding a place in the hospital car park, waiting - as I say a major operation with all the paraffinalia it entails - Priscilla, Zimmer,lots of planning.

Anyway we have decided to give them a miss this time and he is just going to change my reading glasses so that doing the Mind Games in The Times is sharpened up a bit.

As one ages eyes, ears, teeth, knees, all these usually tell you they are getting old and need constant care and attention.

All done and back home only just before my carer comes and then I settle down to watch Venus Williams (forty something) entering Wimbledon I believe on a wild card this year.   The crowd greeted her with a cheer.   She had one knee tightly strapped and before long she fell awkwardly on the grass which I guess could have been slippery as there had been rain.  When I switched off to get something to eat I thought she looked very tired - I wondered if she would hold out throughout the match - time will tell.    Every dog has his day as I said the other day.

This dog is off to eat a tea cake with some cheese and drink a cup of coffee and then take it easy.   Another bad night with leg trouble has prompted me to leave a message on my Physio's answer phone to ask if she has a vacancy to just see me.   Whether or not I can climb on to her couch/table I don't know but she is so good that even a chat will lead I am sure to her putting her thumb on exactly the spot that is giving me trouble.   She is so good -that is why finding a space is so difficult.   However, sufficient unto the day.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Things like eyes, teeth and ears, most people give them little thought when young, but they need more and more maintenance as we age. I wonder how today's young will fair with teeth now they get so much fluoride.

  2. I hope your physio will be able to make your leg more comfortable. I can sympathise with you with regard to going out. It is a bit of a palaver isn't it? I don't think I could cope with a day out now. I dare not sit for too long, and have never tested myself to know for how long I can walk or stand. Fortunately I live within 50 to 100 yards of everything I need apart from the dentist, and my children are very willing to offer lifts. My current motto is to do as much as I can for as long as I can, and hope for the best.

  3. As the saying goes, ' growing old isn't for sissys'. I was doing extremely well for my age (89) and got breast cancer. That was a bummer. I hope I can withstand the chemo alright. My best wishes to you being without a car. I still drive right around home but I know the day is coming when my car will be gone. I think I will cry!

  4. I am so glad that I have had my knees replaced [ruined them running] have had my cataracts removed, now no need for glasses and just recently forked out a fortune to get a bridge so that I can now eat meat! I know what you mean by the production it takes to go out, and I have a car. You do so well and are lucky to have such wonderful friends. Keep on trucking!

  5. the cataract surgery gives you a new life. The big problem is the drops. Altogether I had 476 drops. I'm lucky that I had the micro manager to look after the drops.

  6. Good luck with your legs. That's got to be an aggravation.

  7. As we say in this house 'Another day, another pain'. We never know which bit will be in pain day after day. Legs, feet, back, shoulder, knee. It's a toss-up!

  8. Going out and dressing for it should be fun, not a burden. But as it becomes increasingly difficult for you, I understand you are not keen on it any longer.
    Hopefully, your physio lady will get back to you and make things a little easier.

  9. I have - so far - been very lucky with my ageing. My eyes are good and my arthritis is mild compared to some. I know what you mean about dressing properly to go out and it is very sad that I can no longer wear proper shoes which I love. I always used to look at men's feet and usually it was their shoes which let them down. A good suit is ruined by the wrong shoes. Oh well...

  10. I don't think anybody would disagree about changing clothes to go out, at least to a certain degree. I hope you have many more outings to come.

  11. Thanks everyone. The Doctor has decided that it is probably restless legs - a neurological condition rather than seeing the physio, Time will tell. I had another virtusally sleepless night so today is not brilliant so farl

  12. I remember my father complaining about his "restless legs" - and my mother didn't speak favourably about him kicking her out of bed either! I hope the problem, whatever it is, is soon cleared up. I've read your blog for long enough to know that you'll soon be thinking about going out again - I hope so anyway.

  13. I would suggest asking T&S for help to get one of your cataracts done. My mother has had both done in the last few years.
