Wednesday 26 July 2023

Done and dusted

Well the lamp is up and running; the electrician took me through all the special features and now all I want is a bit of darkness so that I can adjust the beam and its density to suit my needs.   I am sure I shall get used to it.   I chose an all black affair and it is neat and unobtrusive - and I am confident it will be an asset.

My son came round and helped me to sort out the books before they went back on the shelves.   There is a whole shelf of space after I have sent the Oxford Companions, a spare large dictionary and thesaurus both Collins to the Charity Shop.   I have used good old faithful Chambers for years and shall not change now. 

Everything had to be moved for the operation.   I have my drugs/water/hand cream/tissues/bits and bobs trolley to my right and then my other trolley, which I need to walk, holds my daily Times newspaper on the bottom shelf and my breakfast/lunch/tea on the top layer.

Then on my left is my side table where sit my specs, my pot of pens/pencils for mind games, my hearing aids case and my magnifying glass.

I am well-organised so that once my carer goes everything is to hand.   Once every hour I walk through the bungalow for exercise and a couple of times a day I walk outside - in one garden gate, round the garden and out along the front. If the sun is out I often sit under my sitting room window for a hour - lots of folk chat as they pass, lots of dogs have a cheery tail wag.   Today a lovely Border Terrier and his mistress stopped for a chat.   I have been watching out over the last couple of days for them because I have a lovely book  on Borders which I gave them.   I shall sadly never have another and it leaves a gap on my shelf (as Tess's passing did on my heart).

It was a lovely sunny morning but as the afternoon wore on the sky clouded over.   Soon after my son went friend E called -a nice chat.   They go to Ireland at the week end on holiday - we chatted about that as the farmer and I had a week there some years ago - self-drive hire car round the Ring of Kerry and the Dingle peninsula.

My evening carer was back last evening - she and her husband P have been on holiday for a fortnight - 4 days in Dubai (much too hot she said) and then ten days in Phuket in Thailand - she is as brown as a chestnut. 

Have a pleasant evening.  Does the last Test Match begin on Thursday (tomorrow)?   I rather think it does.


  1. My, that was quick! What an excellent worker your electrician must be. I like you organization of your space, very handy. I am very much the " put things back in the same place" kind of person, but my husband is not. We rub on well thankfully!

  2. How perfectly wonderful! Enjoy the improved lighting, the newly organized bookshelves, and your lovely surroundings.


  3. Test Match?..and when does the rain arrive?!
    Nice to have everything back where you want it..and well done on regular walking..a very good idea

  4. Yes Test match tomorrow in the south (London the Oval I think) this time so hopefully no rai. Jane

  5. You seem to be well organised and back to normal again. I like to have everything to hand and am forever tidying my corner of the living room! I inherited my mother's Chambers dictionary and it is to the right of my chair, ever in readiness.
    A lovely start to the day here but rain set in during the afternoon and the sky is grey all over. One advantage of our ever changing weather at present has been the amazing cloud formations. I have become a keen cloud watcher.

  6. You had that set up for you so quickly! Well done! Hope you enjoy your new lamp and that it helps greatly!

  7. I like the idea of you sitting in your garden and have people (and dogs) stop for a chat.

  8. I also like a well ordered home. Your organization is impressive. Walking daily and visiting with people and their dogs passing by adds nicely to each day. Your new lamp sounds very good.

  9. Glad the lamp is up and surely well adjusted now.

  10. It sounds like the perfect day to follow yesterday.

  11. I had a friend who had an aunt and uncle who lived on a tiny island in Kerry. He once stayed with them for a week and they kept apologising that it was Lobster and Crab again for supper! He was in heaven.

  12. I think sitting in your garden and having such nice visits with gud dugs and friends sound wonderful.
    woof the square ones.

  13. I think Dubai was/is around 50 degrees C. That is a bit too warm for me too!

  14. You sounds very organised and have everything neatly to hand.
    I wish my Mum would sort out all her 'piles' that she says she needs to keep around her chair. Some things are useful, such as that days letters or her pencil pots and her glasses, but the junk mail and magazine inserts that she insists on stacking up again her storage heater are driving me insane and when the excess falls and knocks over the pots of tablets that she should have taken already, we have to be quick to retrieve them from the floor before the dogs snaffle them.

  15. I am organized in a similar way. On the right side of my chair I have a little table on which I have my home phone, cell phone, remotes for tv and a fan, water bottle, kleenex and a pen. In front of that but in reach I have a little trolly where I have a photo of my late husband, my ipad, a magnifying glass, a pad of paper some body lotion, some mint humbugs and a bib. I am a messy eater. My step grandson, who was a pilot on the big Boeing aircrafts calls it the cockpit. It really is, I can reach everything from my chair. I get up every once in awhile to do little jobs or to let the dog in or out or to play chase her around, something she likes me to do. I like the sound of your new light and hope it will make reading easier for you.

  16. Cro - I would happily live on Lobster and Crab with the odd prawn or brown shrimp salad thrown in.

    Thanks everyone.

  17. You would win the prize for organization I'm sure Pat - your space sounds really neat.
    Lovely that passersby stop with doggies and cheery greetings. We sit on our porch on cooler days - right now none of those with the heat index this week around 100F daily! Seem to have several new, young neighborhood people with dogs who turn in the cul-de-sac. Some wave, others just pass by not interested in conversing with two old people sitting on the front porch, haha! Enjoy today.
    Mary x

  18. Mary - I love to chat for a couple of minutes to passers-by. Often after a few chats the acquaintance develops and the exchanges get longer. A good starting point I find is to speak to the dog - or enquire what breed he/she is - most folk with dogs love to talk about them.

  19. Your comment "most folk with dogs love to talk about them".

    A few years ago I noticed a woman with a dog. We usually walked on opposite sides of the road so never got to talk. Just a friendly nod of the head across the divide, a nod that we "knew" each other. There was something about her I liked.

    Then, one day, not that long ago, we met on the SAME side of the road, spoke for the first time. "Where is your dog?" I asked. Her tears rolled.

    Strange thing being that I haven't seen the lady since. Maybe now she doesn't have her dog to walk anymore she ... I don't know. I miss her.

