Sunday 18 June 2023

Let it rain...

 To mis-quote - 'Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain'.  I am sure all gardeners among my readers will agree - a quick, sharp shower does more good in the garden than all the hose-pipe (pre ban) waterings.   I think it is something to do with the humidity in the atmosphere - the leaves stand ready with their mouths open at the first sign of humidity in the air don't they?   To pull up the blind early this morning (4am before going to make a cuppa - couldn't sleep- post shingles and humidity don't mix well) and see a very unfamiliar line of drops on the washing line was a joyful surprise.   A hazy sun is out now and my carer tells me her phone shows a 90% chance of heavy, thundery showers by tea time.   (the wonders of modern living - all I have is an old-fashioned push button affair that tells me nothing - or if it does I have no idea how to find it.)   But my barometer is on the wall by the front door and each evening I twiddle the silver 'wand' to match its counterpart and rely on what they  tell me.  All of you in the 'Eastern Counties' will hopefully be jumping for joy in the next few days.

It is now 4.30pm and the sky is clouding over and a slight breeze has erupted out of nowhere.   Friends T and S have been and have sorted my central heating out between them and all radiators are now cold.   (a sure sign that this is the end of the heat wave and I shall need the heating again.

I have been utterly useless when a problem like my heating this week occurs.   Between them they had it all sorted and reset within half an hour then off they went 'a-beeing'.   I sorted out my drugs order, made up my next week's daily dosage and tidied all away.  I have been considering buying myself a wire sculpture of a curlew - a bird I love and a poignant reminder of my life on the farm with my dear farmer.   On one side of my hearth I have a bronze of a hare (my favourite animal) and I thought what a nice 'partner' a wire curlew would be on the other side.   Then earlier today I caught sight of my wooden Oyster Catcher, so I have lifted him from the top of the book shelves and put him on the hearth and I must say he makes a perfect partner for my hare.

I shall now go and put my feet up and have a cup of tea and see how the cricket has fared.   See you all tomorrow and try hard to have something a bit more 'meaty' to say.


  1. Somewhat overcast here today, but at 30 Celsius with very little wind, it is too warm for a nice long walk even for me. I shall venture out later, maybe an hour before sunset or so.
    The curlew is iconic to Yorkshire, isn't it, especially on the moors.

  2. The cricket's been frustrating today with regular rain breaks. I enjoyed watching it all day yesterday.

    Two storms overnight saw a load of rain dropped on us at the same time. Today has been overcast and very humid but now it is pouring hard again and set to last for a few hours yet, so we have a brief end to our drought.

  3. We could definitely use some rain here but I don't think any is coming this week. My brother-in-law has shingles and is having a rough time recovering. It can take quite a few weeks he thinks! Hope you sleep better tonight.

  4. A Curlew is a lovely idea; you will get endless pleasure from your Hare and Curlew keeping you company.
    Here on the coast in the East Riding it is still stubbornly dry.

  5. You always seem to have problems one way or another. Life is a challenge everyday.

  6. Am glad you have friends and family who can sort out all sorts of malfunction bothers for you!

    Your hare and oyster catcher must look lovely adjacent to one another but you might just need a curlew anyway because it's a favorite bird of yours.

    We have a significant chance of rain forecast for 9 of the next 10 days but time will tell.


  7. It's wonderful to awaken and find it's rained overnight, especially when the garden has been gasping for rain. The accompanying humidity? Not so much. Hope you receive rain this evening, and the high temperatures and humidity dissipate.
    I think a wire sculptured curlew sounds wonderful.
    Hope the leg is doing well, and you have a lovely week.

  8. It has been raining heavily on and off all evening here, and I can almost hear the garden breathing a sigh of relief. I'm just not used to it being so dark. Xx

  9. It has been overcast but cooler today, thank goodness, but no rain. Two or three times I thought it was going to rain but nothing. Who knows what will go on during the night! I am just grateful for slightly cooler temperatures.

  10. I hope your rain was quit satisfactory.

  11. It's been warming here. Today was a comfortable 75 degrees. It's supposed to be dry, but then we have a stretch of thunderstorms beginning on the 23rd. I love thunderstorms, and am looking forward to that.

    I love how you look around your little home, finding small changes to make you happy. Is your fireplace woodburning or gas?

  12. We were supposed to have violent storms yesterday, but nothing happened. I even managed a nice swim, it was 28 C. My very favourite bird is the Hoopoe, I heard one yesterday.

  13. It was with some excitement and relief that I saw a huge red splodge heading our way on the weather radar. I could hear the distant thunder and soon I could smell the approaching rain. A few heavy spots splattered on the paving. Then, nothing. Looking at the radar again I saw that the storm had neatly divided in half and passed either side. There's been a bit of drizzle overnight, but nothing like the deluge that was threatened/promised.

  14. I hope I haven't caused seasonal tunes to go through your head with my mentioning Christmas, Weave.

  15. Tom - not a lot is going through my head as I sit here in the sunshine.
    Debby - I have gas cetral heating and an electric wall fire in the sitting room.
    Jules - same here - but you are always lucky with the rain in the Lakes. My friends in Grange are just designing and planting a new garden there - I am very envious.
    Rachel - I am ashamed to admit it but having (except for two years of widowhood between husbands) always had a man around'small' problems become mountaineous ones for me because I am useless.
    Yellow Shoes. Where in the East Rising?
    Derek - cricket finely balanced - I intend to watch it.

    Thank you every one for your comments

  16. GG from toronto19 June 2023 at 03:43

    I have become very self reliant since becoming a widow but some things like changing a light bulb on a ceiling fixture I will not do. I don’t do ladders anymore! I think you would do really well with an I phone especially since you are good with a computer. I never learned computer and only had a ten minute lesson on my phone to get me going. The weather is the first thing I look at before reading blogs, yours and Johns first of course. I also have an Ipad, almost the same as the phone, but no computer. I am only 82 but you are more educated so get yourself an iPhone and have fun with it. My grandsons text me a lot as thats what boys do, too busy working to call but they can squeeze in a text message! You need to buy that wire bird, whatever gives you pleasure favourite bird is the male cardinal, probably because so many come to my feeder. I even got a cardinal tattoo.. I know, you don’t like tattoos but I do and don’t care what other people think. I get positive remarks about them. I guess other people think “ crazy old lady” but I am old enough to do as I please, lol Hope you get that promised rain to keep your garden looking its best..GG

  17. I do check the weather pretty often especially in the summer when rain is scarce and really hot weather is likely. I do all the yard work here myself and so planning for the next days work involves the weather to a great degree. It has been very dry here but we did get a good rain last weekend but not enough to take us out of the drought range. A little sprinkle of rain last night but not enough to really show in the rain gauge. The weather app says 68% precipitation around 3 PM. I'm waiting! My husband and I use different weather apps and the difference in the forecasts on them can make for a real range of possibilities. Throw in a third one and it becomes more useless to ferret out what is really likely to show up. Possibily time will tell.

  18. Thank you everyone/ I always read your comments first thing in the morning when I switch on. I muat say they are almost all much more interesting than my daily paper.

  19. It's 09.30 here now Pat and we've just had a long storm with torrential rain that has left the roads awash and my garden thoroughly soaked. The down side of that is that my wild flower meadow has been part flattened and even more rose flowers have succumbed to the weight of water.
