Thursday 20 April 2023

Thoughts from a dedicated 'follower of fashion' - I don't think!

Lovely day looking out of the window but sharp chilly wind blowing.   Clear(ish) blue sky and puffy white clouds.   According to Carol Kirkwood on Breakfast (the middle-aged thinking man's - aka the men amongst my followers! --pin up) - always smiling, cheerful, well dressed and lovely with it, today is the last totally sunny day as  our contrary Spring weather blows clouds and chilly temperatures in.   So keep your top coats handy - you may need them again before pushing them to the back of the wardrobe 'til next winter 'ne'er cast a clout' remember.

And so to today's topic:   Fashion.  Here is advice for both men and women amongst you.

About maybe twenty or more years ago I bought - at quite great expense - a coatigan.   For those of you who don't know what the garment is - it is a very long cardigan - mine comes to about shin length.   I wore it a few times but after marrying my farmer I soon found that farming and coatigans don't marry well, so it was consigned to a shelf high in the wardrobe.   But guess what???   They are back as the height of fashion (I moved mine back into a prominent place on the rail yesterday; all I need now is somewhere fashionable to go - but remember I made it to the post box yesterday). 

So there you are girls - something to bear in mind. But for the men amongst you - here is a hot fashion tip!   According to today's Times PJ's; for wearing around in the daytime as a real fashion garment, are IN!  Erling Haaland (who he?) is shown wearing a classy set (only £2410 (Dolce and Gabbana).  And do bear in mind it makes going for a wee much quicker and easier.  You can wear them just as they are or you can mix and match - they come in such a variety of colours and patterns.   I amused myself over my breakfast coffee imagining how the men amongst my followers would make a choice.   Here is my list:

John (Going Gently) well - anything goes really.  Apparently 'feather trimmed co-ords' are available - now that sounds very John to me.

Tom (Stephenson) always comes across as rather 'risque' so I chose red white and blue striped ones with darker red 'cuffs' on bottoms of arms and legs - (can be worn with 'heels'!)

Cro - I see him as wearing classy ones - 'a silky navy oversized' top and perhaps cargo pants and white trainers.

Si - now Spring is almost here and he will be off photographing bumble bees, butterflies and wild flowers for our delight, then I wouldn't like to think of him getting saddle sore in PJ's so I'll excuse him.

John (by Stargoose) - thinking of his brilliant photography and his interesting tours of beautiful villages and the like, I think it has to be something green to fit in with nature - could have some wildlife patterned on the 'jacket' - but going through remote villages means he has to bear in mind not scaring the villagers and in any case the trousers would have to be tucked in his wellies most of the time so perhaps it's a no here too.

Red - as he has told me he lives close to the Athabasca glacier then obviously pyjama fashion will not reach there - so you are safe from my imagining Red.

Tasker - not sure I know him well enough but reading his posts leads me to imagine him as a man of  learning so it would perhaps have to be something along the lines of what I suggesr for Cro.

As Hannah Rogers suggests in today's Times 'these co-ords' are really only like the latest designer track suit.  

So there - I have for you all how to update your spring into summer wardrobe.   Good luck with it is all I can say.  When I see the first co-ordinates pass my window I will let you know (if I manage to pick myself up off the floor).



  1. You have now planted some indelible images in my brain!

  2. I can't think of anything worse than a man (or woman for that matter) slopping around the house in the daytime in a pair of pyjamas. My house temperature would not allow for it anyway with many laters of clothes still needed to keep warm. Whose kind of lifestyle is suited to this type of attire? It doesn't fit with the working man, survival in current Britain, British weather or appearances with the neighbours. What mad things get printed in your newspaper or was it your breakfast news, whatever. Get back to bookclub and pick up a book.

  3. The type of pyjamas worn by men of my real or bloggy acquaintance is not something I've ever thought about. If they don't wear them, I certainly don't want to think about it!

  4. I'm always up for a fashion post and this one made me slurp my coffee early this morning! Your coatigan will come in handy on what sounds like still chilly days up your way Pat - whereas here we're now in the 80's and garden chores must be done before noon.
    Your creativity comes through as you dress 'your men' in outrageous PJ's/leisure wear or whatever these new co-ords are! Bob wears M&S classic PJ's and dressing gowns (called robes here) - we always stock up when home for a visit as they are so well made (still) and never wear out - which is why when we come home this year he will not need anymore! This will leave more space in his suitcase for my things, haha!!!!
    Well another shorts (the longer version these days - think veins, sigh!) and wide-brimmed straw hat day as I plant Morning Glory seeds. They will hopefully climb the front porch by the time Summer arrives and give a feeling of cool even though it will be stifling with our humidity.
    Have a good day dear friend - please keep these great posts coming.
    Hugs - Mary in North Carolina

  5. I've not heard of the high end PJ daily wear for men. I do not expect to see this fashion trend living in the rural countryside (bedroom community to Boston, MA, USA). That said, I've seen women wear silk slacks with a matching top and carefully chosen jewelry at a wedding reception. Could this have been PJ's?

  6. Unfortunately Rachel, with her alleged non-reading of newspapers, is behind the times in more ways than one. Pat's newspaper is reporting on actual fact, people from both sexes do slop around the house in PJ's, some even go to the local supermarket wearing them.

  7. I am sure they do Derek, I have no doubt at all but in farming communities I don't see it.

  8. You are in a humorous mood today, Pat! How fun to imagine your fellow bloggers in fancy PJs!

  9. My late hubby never went out in pj’s as he never wore them!

  10. I do wonder myself whether men do really go about in them but there are photographs but why anyonewould pay such a large amount of money I can't imagine. But it passed a nice coffee half hour thinking of what they would choose. In my youth my father would have visibly blanched at the thought of a bikini - but times do change - and at least I can wear my coatigan again.

  11. Times do and have indeed changed Pat. Enjoy your newspaper and the inspirations that it gives you for daily blogging.

  12. My Mother loved fashion and, since we had little money, she often "remodeled clothes" and was very talented at doing so. I am sure that she was a little disappointed when none of her girls followed her lead. I think she resorted to magazines and television to find like minds. However, I never heard her mention men's fashion. This was a fun post Pat! I enjoy your blog so much. Jackie in Georgia USA

  13. You had fun with this post.

  14. I's have never imagine this PJs in public "trend" would take off, but perhaps it's an off-shoot of Covid's casual and comfortable clothes. Where are the photos so we can see each type outfit you recommend?

    When our sons were small, we'd have "jammie days" ever so often, just for the fun and novelty of it.

    Your posts are always varied and interesting.


  15. Love, love, love it! Quite a fashion show! Now I’m off to plant some more pansies. Yesterday I potted up four new lavender plants for a spot in the garden where they’ll get full sun and can stay on the dry side. Three are Winter Bee Spanish lavender and already blooming. The bees are already quite happy. Me, too.

  16. I can't remember the last time I bought clothes because they were fashionable. Maybe if you added up everything I've spent on clothes in my lifetime it might add up to what Mr Haaland spends on his jammies. He's a professional footballer by the way and a very good one which is why his budget is rather more than mine.

  17. That gave me such a giggle and many images flashed across my mind. I doubt that any of the men in my life (son, sons-in-law & grandsons) actually wear PJs. It is more likely to be a Tshirt plus shorts of some kind.
    We have a lovely day here too, but still a chilly wind. So good to feel the sun and hear the birds singing. There is a blackbird who serenades us all from the top of a tree at the end of the High Street.
    I am still keeping all my cosy woollens near at hand, but have had the windows open for a time in the morning lately and not needed the fire on till mid afternoon.

  18. Imagining me dressed like Noel Coward (or Cro) is way out. Try a only T-shirt and shorts bought 25 years ago. It has been known for me to do down the garden in them to get the SD card out of the IR night camera eager to see whether hedgehogs of foxes are still visiting.

  19. Loved this post! I live in Austin Texas and when I go to the grocery I see it all! Many folks, both men and women, wear what I consider to be pajama pants all the time. I think comfort sometimes just wins out! Thanks for the interesting post! Made me smile.

  20. I live near one of the original 24hour opening Tesco stores, and a perennial complaint about customers shopping in the small hours was the number wearing pyjamas! Obviously these customers were ahead of their time, the fashion world is now catching up with them.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Reading you always make my day.
    Carolina from Portugal

  23. Good post Pat!
    Pyjamas, for me always meant bedtime or sick days, however an aquaintance, when
    I told her of all the demand placed on me at the moment, -( grandma duties, elderly parents,sick husband) said "'You need a jammies day, I have one regularly - the whole day, and its wonderful ".
    She's right, and it is. - Pam.

  24. It goes without saying that at our age, shopping in the jammies is out of the question. Should be at any age really. -Pam.

  25. Jammies are for bedtime. I hold those truths to be self evident.

  26. I would not go out in my nightgown, but many do.

  27. Correct about me, apart from the 'trainers'. I always go barefoot indoors (and often outdoors), and have never owned 'trainers'.

  28. Today's post made me chuckle into my muesli, Pat!
    When I walked across town center yesterday, in one of our biggest and classiest fashion stores I spotted men's fashion consisting of something like track suit bottoms combined with business-type blazers/jackets. Young men - or those who wish to appear young - might wear them, but that's in a town or city, certainly nothing I'll be spotting while hiking in the Black Forest.

  29. Mine sounds patriotic. I will reluctantly accept your choice. What do you think the shoes should look like?

  30. Stilettos would be good - your outfit would be considerably enhanced by your teetering along. x
    Barefoor would be good Cro,
    Pam - I never wear PJ's - never have - nighties for me. There was a day when they had to be 'sexy' but now I tend towards warm and comfortable.
    Tasker your reply has told me quite a lot about you so thank you.
    John - thanks for the information about Mr Haaland - tooright about his spending habits although I rather think he would be paid for wearing the outfit in a fashion page in The Times. Sorry you won't be wearing the new fashion - deep green looks so good when out on the nature trail. But I hazard a guess that if you wore 'glamorous' PJ's on your wonderful walks your brother might choose to stay home.
    Thanks for commenting everyone.

  31. Thinkinng about it Tom I don't want any indignity to befall you - there are a lot of cobbles in Bath and if you intend to strut your stuff then a pair of classy leather casuals.
