Saturday 18 March 2023

Thoughtful mode.

 I am in 'thoughtful mode' today and really find it  difficult to put into words what I have been thinking  about; and reading all your replies to yesterday's post about farming octopus - all so interesting - have not made it any easier to write today;s entry.   So I am leaving it here for now and off to eat my lovely salad lunch left by my dear carer.   It is mid day and hopefully my mind will be a bit more in order when I return to Blogger.   See you soon.

Back after lunch bloggers and I have to say my son called in and we had one of our 'deep' conversations (well 'deep' for me at any rate, )and when he went, having talked about the subject matter for my today's post, I am deeper in the mire than I was before.   He brought with him Michael Rosen's book  'Getting Better' in which he details his recovery from Covid.   I intend to read that before embarking on my topic for today as he assured me that it might clear the air of my thinking.

So, what to say today on the spur of the moment?  It is a 'warmish' day of spells of warm sunshine and then heavy cloud which cools the air a bit.   But there is no doubt we are on the cusp of Spring - the  spring flowers are all telling us we are almost there and there is no doubt many of the garden birds are well on the way with nesting.   In fact Mr Blackbird is spending most of the day poking about in my front lawn which leads me to wonder whether or not there might be nestlings (or is he just taking tasty morsels for Mrs B?).   Many more purple crocus have appeared and they are now much easier to spot than lone ones.   And dwarf daffodils (tete a tete) have appeared so we are looking quite festive.   Once I have written this I intend to go out and look at them and especially see what is happening in the side garden which I can't see from my window

So -return my reference books to my reading trolley and sit and read 'Getting Better' seems to be the order of the day.   Until tomorrow...


  1. Yellow Shoes ( Anne Brew )18 March 2023 at 08:36

    Micheal Rosen comes across as a wise man who has faced some very difficult times. I’d like to read that book.
    ( on the advice of a techy friend I’m changing my blogger name to something less traceable. I’ve been having a persistent scam lately )

  2. We may be on the cusp of Spring but some warm and dry days would be welcome here, it rains almost every day at the moment and the garden is waterlogged.
    It was an enjoyable start to the new series of Gardeners World last night, I really enjoyed it.

  3. I have a lot of respect for Michael Rosen. He is a good egg.

  4. The mind boggles about your topic but rest assured there are over 600,000 of you 90s and over in the UK and Penelope Lively is 90 today and takes a pragmatic view of age. Coincidentally I had a "deep" conversation with my 80 year old brother just an hour ago in a similarly pragmatic vein.

  5. Don't think too deeply Pat just find a decent poem to put the world straight and your worries.

  6. Hi Weave - good to know what's happening seasonally in your part of the world.
    Yesterday Husband and I saw a theatre company from Belgium perform 'The Sheep" as part of the South Australian Festival of Arts. It was bizarre, poignant, crashingly loud and chaotic in parts - but no dialogue. Interesting to hear snippets of deep and meaningful conversations afterwards by audience members as to interpreted meaning! We just accepted it as 'interesting,
    and were too visually and aurally smacked around by it to go into it any further. Way too complex to analyse I thought. - Pam.

  7. p.s. it can be summed up by saying from a live, real group of sheep on stage, one transitions into being human, with all that entails.- P.

  8. There are times I just listen to pretty music and look at pretty pictures.

    London Symphony Orchestra, Debussy: Clair de Lune, conducted by Stanley Black

  9. i also like Michael Rossen (MR). His book addresses the fact, we all try to find meaning. He also extends a lifeline that assures us we are not alone in seeking meaning. MR is someone I would like to personally know. He seems a gem of a person. Nothing says Spring better than blooming crocus and daffodils. Your garden sounds quite beautiful.

  10. Enjoy your reading and pondering, and watching spring unfold outside your window. I know the feeling you describe.

  11. We have a beautiful sunny morning here which makes us all think that Spring has arrived. I hope we are right. Your garden must be looking so beautiful. See you tomorrow.

  12. I don't know Michael Rose, but one of my acquaintances has been suffering from Long Covid. He talks about it openly and I believe he is slowly getting better, but it has certainly changed his and his wife's lives.
    Spring can be such an uplifting season! I hope you found everything to your satisfaction when you went out to look at the part of your garden that you can not see from your window.

  13. Michael Rosen is a children's author and was our Children's Laureate a few years ago Meike. He has written books on suffering in his life and his latest book is a collection of essays on the subject, autobiographical.

  14. Well...I've always said, it's not about the destination...It's about the journey...and there's SO many more miles to go. Whether you're 40 or 100, life never ends so...enjoy the flowers, your friends, the sheer joy of being alive. It was a good day for me...I got to wake up this

  15. The Rosen book is a thoughtful and moving read

  16. Thanks to you who read a bit of a downbeat post and commented on it. Thelma - you hit the nail on the head - I have got my mind in such a twisted mess thinking about the topic I intended to write about so I have abandoned the idea for now. Reading the Michael Rosen book - very interesting just made my topic of thought more and more complicated until I just can't put it into words. So sorry - forget it - the start of Spring tomorrow so a new topic should emerge!!

  17. We may be on the cusp of spring, too, with forsythia and daffs in glorious bloom, but tonight's low is to be about -5*C, so what is up with that??


  18. Thank you, Rachel, for explaining about Michael Rosen.

  19. Pat,
    Your email has been hacked
    I’ve received an email from “ you” asking for money this morning.
    You may like to change your email security
    I’m sure you can get it sorted

  20. To those receiving the spoof email purportedly from Pat, do not open it, headed Catch Up and do not, whatever you do, reply to it. It is a complete Spoof to get you to send money. Pat is OK.

  21. Gosh i did get the email too! And i replied but they have not come back yet and asked for money just asked for a favor... So glad i came and read this here.. ! Hugs! debs
